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Chapter 581 The request was proposed by Yanjiao

Chapter 581 The Request Was Made by Yanjiao (Third Watch)

Although Yanjiao said a lot to Yanlie, she also told her reasons.

But seeing Yan Lie's attitude, he didn't agree directly.

The request he is making now is certainly not simple.

Yanjiao looked at Peng Caixuan helplessly, Peng Caixuan frowned, gritted his teeth for the last time, and nodded.

"Okay, I'm willing to do it."

This time Peng Caixuan showed his manly side again.

"Hmph, don't agree too early, it won't be too late for you to answer after hearing my request."

"Old man Peng, do you still remember the forbidden area of ​​Fenghuo Valley?"

Yan Lie didn't directly state his request, but looked at Peng Tianlong, and said with a little playfulness on his face.

When Peng Tianlong heard the word "Forbidden Land", a trace of panic appeared on his face.

"Of course, of course I remember."

"The Forbidden Land of Fenghuo Valley has been strictly forbidden to step into it since the establishment of Fenghuo Valley, because any creature that steps into it, whether it is a human, a monster, or others, will never return."

"When I was an elder in the Valley of Wind and Fire back then, you and I also tried to enter, but we were stopped by a strange and terrifying aura as soon as we entered the forbidden area."

Thinking of the impulsiveness of himself and Yan Lie back then, Peng Tianlong still has lingering fears.

But at this moment, why did Yan Lie mention the forbidden area?
Could it be that Yan Lie wanted Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao to enter the forbidden area?
Thinking of this, Peng Tianlong's face changed drastically, and he shouted loudly.

"Yan Lie, you don't want Caixuan and Jiao'er to break into the forbidden area, then you must be crazy."

"Back then, you and I had already reached the middle stage of the heaven rank, and you and I retreated out of the forbidden area in fright. If you let them go to the forbidden area, wouldn't you let them go to die?"

Even in the middle stage of the Heaven Rank, they dare not enter it. Even at the current late stage of the Heaven Rank, Peng Tianlong is not willing to let Peng Tianlong go to the forbidden area.

If Yan Lie really intends to do this, this idea is too crazy.

This request was really too difficult, it was simply the rhythm for Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao to die.

"Yes, I just let them go to the forbidden area."

"You can get married or not. This is my only request. If you are willing to go, I agree. If you don't want to go, the wedding will be held in two days."

Although Yan Lie has a good relationship with Peng Tianlong, even Peng Tianlong can't control the decision he made.

When Yan Lie told Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao to go to the forbidden area, his expression was very serious, it seemed that he was not joking.

It's just a marriage, at least there is life, and Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao seem to be a good match.

But if you go to the forbidden area, you will lose your life.

Peng Caixuan did not expect that Yan Lie would pose such a difficult problem to himself, this is the rhythm of playing himself to death.

Could it be that Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao's refusal to get married today made Yan Lie too angry, and that's why they made such a crazy decision?
"I won't make it difficult for you, three days, as long as you can stay in the forbidden area for three days and come out alive, you don't have to get married temporarily."

"This is your only option."

After Yan Lie said this, the entire Fenghuo Temple fell silent.

Peng Tianlong, Ji Yang and others are waiting for Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao's decision.

"I am willing to go to the forbidden area, Caixuan, do you dare?"

It was Yanjiao who spoke first, not Peng Caixuan.


Even Yanjiao dared to do it, she was afraid of it.

Even if it wasn't for not getting married, Peng Caixuan couldn't be looked down upon.

"Caixuan, Jiaoer, don't be impulsive."

"You two are very suitable. It is not a painful thing to get married together. Why risk your life?"

Peng Tianlong has really been to the forbidden area, and he has tried the horror of the forbidden area.

Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao agreed to go to the forbidden area at this time, he still hopes that the two can choose carefully.

"Grandpa Peng, although the forbidden area is terrifying, it's not that no one has been there."

"When I was practicing the Fire Phoenix Jue, there was a record on it about the first generation of Fenghuo Valley Master. He had been to the forbidden area."

"In the forbidden area, the old valley owner encountered many strange things, but he still came out alive."

"Since the old valley owner can come back alive, why can't we? Even if it wasn't because of the marriage, I decided to break into the forbidden area!"

When Yanjiao opened her mouth, Peng Tianlong was left speechless instead.

Peng Tianlong didn't speak, Yanjiao looked at Peng Caixuan with a faint smile, she was waiting for Peng Caixuan to speak, she was waiting for Peng Caixuan to continue to go to the forbidden area with her.

"What I, Peng Caixuan, has said, must be done."

"You don't have to look at me like that. I promised to go to the forbidden area, so I will definitely go!"

Peng Caixuan smiled confidently and said seriously.

Hearing Peng Caixuan's affirmative answer, the smile on Yanjiao's face widened, and she said softly.

"As expected, I, Yanjiao, saw the right person, so let's go to the forbidden area together."

Did you read the wrong person?This meant that Peng Caixuan was very satisfied with her.

But you are satisfied, but you still don't want to agree to marry Peng Caixuan, isn't that a trick in your head.

"Okay, since you have agreed, I will take you to the forbidden area tomorrow morning."

"Now everyone go to rest, old man Peng, you come with me, I'm really unhappy with the wine today, let's go to my room and continue drinking."

After Yan Lie finished speaking, he dragged Peng Tianlong away without waiting for Peng Tianlong to express his opinion.

Yan Lie said that he was looking for Peng Tianlong to drink, but it is not that simple.

Peng Tianlong pointed to Peng Caixuan, moved his mouth, but didn't say anything, finally sighed, and could only follow Yan Lie away.

"Go and rest, there will be disciples who will take you to your residence, and I will also go to rest, see you tomorrow."

When Yanjiao left, she gave Peng Caixuan a strange look, and left with a smile.

Peng Caixuan watched Yanjiao leave with unnatural eyes.

Zhu Jiumei couldn't understand such a look, but Ji Yang could.

This simply means nostalgia, it seems that Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao have feelings for each other.

"Old man Yan, are you crazy? Why did you let them go to the forbidden area? Don't you know how dangerous it is?"

Back in Yanlie's room, Peng Tianlong pointed at Yanlie and shouted loudly.

"What are you calling me? You are worried about your grandson. Am I worried about my granddaughter?"

"This request was actually not made by me, but by Yanjiao."

"The reason why Yanjiao does not agree to get married is because she and Caixuan don't have enough emotional foundation. The two haven't seen each other for ten years, so they are simply strangers."

"She wants to use this opportunity to establish a real emotional foundation with Caixuan."

Peng Tianlong yelled at Yan Lie, who also yelled loudly.

"Emotional foundation, emotional foundation is risking your life, no, absolutely not, you can't let them go tomorrow."

Yanjiao is crazy, there are many ways to cultivate the foundation of feelings, why go to the forbidden area.

"This trip to the forbidden area, whether Caixuan will go or not, Yanjiao will go, because it is related to the Fire Phoenix Art!"

Yan Lie looked at the angry Peng Tianlong, and spoke helplessly.

 The third update is sent, the update is over today, thank you for your support, continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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