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Chapter 588 If you want to get out, get out now

Chapter 588 If you want to get out, get out now (one more)
Water and fire are ruthless, and fire doesn't know how much disaster it will cause when it burns, and how much trouble it will make Ji Yang and others.

The fire in front of them was getting bigger and bigger, and the faces of Ji Yang and others became more and more ugly.

"It's over, it's over, it's over!"

"Destroy, destroy, destroy..."

"Little Dragon Girl, help me!"

Ji Yang waved his hands frantically, trying to extinguish the flames.

Ji Yang's voice calling for Xiaolongnu fell, a silver light flashed from Ji Yang's arms, and Xiaolongnu appeared.

The shrunken body instantly became larger, and the mouth opened, and the water rushed out of its mouth, and the water rushed towards the flame.


Peng Caixuan can't be idle either, although he can't fly and the Five Elements Fan is not particularly smooth, but he can still use it.

While Peng Caixuan was using the wave, his eyes were on Zhu Jiumei who was holding him, and Yanjiao who looked helpless beside him.

Yanjiao practiced the Fire Phoenix Jue, if she tried it, not only would it not be helpful, it would only get worse.

"Zhu Jiumei, what's wrong with you, are you scared to death? Your cultivation base is so high, please help!"

Zhu Jiumei's expression was not right, and her body kept shaking.

Her appearance fell into Peng Caixuan's eyes, and Peng Caixuan only thought that she was frightened by the fire in front of her.

But I'm scared, don't just stand there, it's more important to help.

When Zhu Jiumei heard Peng Caixuan's words, her expression became even uglier, she stretched out her hand to hold Peng Caixuan, and flew towards a higher position.

"Damn it, Zhu Jiumei, what are you doing? It's fine if you don't help, why don't you let me help!"

Peng Caixuan relies on Zhu Jiumei to stay in the air, his body cannot be completely controlled by himself, and it is not easy to perform exercises.

Now that Zhu Jiumei is pulling him to fly high, he will not be able to use the Five Elements Fan to perform exercises at all.

It's just that Zhu Jiumei didn't pay attention to him at all, and still pulled him up.

"What's wrong with Zhu Jiumei, she seems to be wrong!"

Zhu Jiumei was obviously abnormal, Xiao Longnv asked Ji Yang curiously while assisting Ji Yang in Mie.

Ji Yang also felt that something was wrong with Zhu Jiumei, but he didn't have time to take care of Zhu Jiumei now, the most important thing was to put out the flames in front of him.

Ji Yang and Xiao Longnu had already used [-]% of their strength, but instead of being able to control the fire, it became more and more intense.

The flames were completely out of control.

"How good is this!"

The flames on the ground had spread to hundreds of meters away, and the ground was truly a sea of ​​flames, and the scope of the sea of ​​flames was still expanding.

Ji Yang was stunned, and looked at Xiao Longnu helplessly, the water in Xiao Longnu's mouth never stopped, Ji Yang looked at her, and she could only shake her head.

Ji Yang and himself have tried their best, but they can't control the flame at all. What can we do?

Just when Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv were at a loss, there was a roar in the sky, and the sky became gloomy.

Such a change caused Ji Yang and the others to change their expressions.

Is it going to thunder again?

The flames on the ground have already put everyone in a very dangerous and dire state.

If thunder and lightning are added, it will make things worse. You have to play their rhythm to death.

"Everyone be careful, there is thunder, don't be struck by lightning."

Ji Yang shouted loudly.

When his voice fell, the roar in the sky stopped unexpectedly, and the pouring rain started.

The rain fell from the sky, and Ji Yang and the others became drowned, but they didn't feel displeased in the slightest. Instead, their faces were filled with joy.

Because of the rain, the flames in the forest no longer expanded, but became smaller and smaller, and the flames were extinguished.

Just now I thought it was just adding insult to injury, but now it has become a timely aid. The gap between the front and the back is a bit big, but it makes people excited because the fire has finally been brought under control.

"It's really timely rain, Xiao Longnu, let's take this opportunity to completely extinguish the flame."

The rain came suddenly, and it might stop at some point. It is best to put out the fire now.

Xiao Longnv and Ji Yang got busy again, with the help of rainwater and their hard work, the fire in the forest was completely extinguished.

The flames were completely extinguished, and the rain in the sky also stopped.

The rain came suddenly and went away strangely, as if it appeared just to put out the fire.

The rain stopped, the dark clouds cleared, the sun shone into the forest, and a brilliant rainbow appeared in the sky.

Although the rainbow is beautiful, when it shines into the charred and blackened forest that looks like ruins, it makes Ji Yang feel even more uncomfortable.

"It's a coincidence that the rain came and disappeared, and when did my purple flame become so easy to extinguish?"

Previously, he only focused on putting out the fire, but Ji Yang hadn't thought of this.

When things calmed down, he felt that something was wrong.

Ji Yang's purple flame was formed after absorbing the flame of Phoenix Fire, and this purple flame can even absorb ordinary flame.

Ordinary rain has very little effect on the purple flame, and it is impossible to control or extinguish it.

"The forbidden area of ​​Fenghuo Valley is indeed a place full of dangers and weirdness!"

Ji Yang can only feel the problem, but he can't think of the answer. The only reasonable explanation is that all this happened in the forbidden area of ​​Fenghuogu!

With the disappearance of the flames, the disappearance of the earthquake and the attack of the vines, the surroundings temporarily calmed down, and Ji Yang and others returned to the ground from the air.

"Are you OK?"

Zhu Jiumei brought Peng Caixuan to Ji Yang's side. Ji Yang didn't blame Zhu Jiumei who hadn't helped before, but asked with concern.

Ji Yang still knew Zhu Jiumei's character very well. There must be some reason for the other party, otherwise she would definitely not stand idly by.

"I'm sorry, it's not that I don't want to help, but I'm afraid in my heart, so I can't help at all..."

Zhu Jiumei looked at Ji Yang and the others apologetically, and told her about the fire in the forest and about her relatives and friends because of the fire.

Hearing what she said, Ji Yang and others expressed their understanding. This is a psychological shadow, and Zhu Jiumei cannot be blamed.

Instead, everyone sympathized with Zhu Jiumei because she was once a victim of the forest fire.

"Okay, the matter is over, let's not mention it anymore, what are you going to do next, do you want to move on?"

How long has it been since we arrived in the forbidden area, there are thunder and lightning, earthquakes, getting lost and vine attacks, all of which prove one thing, that is, there are dangers everywhere.

If you continue to move forward, you don't know what you will encounter.

Ji Yang asked the crowd, but none of them opened their mouths. Even Yan Jiao, who was determined to rely on the forbidden area to improve her Fire Phoenix Art, became entangled.

Seeing everyone like this, Ji Yang smiled wryly in his heart, it seemed that they were all starting to retreat.

"It's another group of cowardly guys, if you want to get out, get out now!"

Just when everyone was struggling, a voice suddenly came from the void...

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(End of this chapter)

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