The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 591 After the sea of ​​fire is the mountain of knives

Chapter 591
"Is my old lady Zhu Jiumei a vegetarian? The truth!"

When the remaining flames burned, Zhu Jiumei stared and shouted loudly.

Pink demonic energy gushed out from Zhu Jiumei's body, and Zhu Jiumei's body was wrapped in pink demonic energy. When the pink demonic energy dispersed, a pink wild boar five to six meters long and two meters high appeared in the air.

Zhu Jiumei seemed to be really angry, and she directly showed the truth.

Although Zhu Jiumei's real body looked like a small mountain, it was still a little smaller in front of the huge Firebird.

However, although her body is small, it does not mean that her combat power is weaker than the opponent.

Zhu Jiumei snorted twice, her whole body trembling with demonic aura, she rushed towards the remaining flames.

Zhu Jiumei galloped on all fours, extinguishing the remaining flames in a daze.

After extinguishing the flames, she rushed directly to the huge firebird in the air.

When Huo Niao saw Zhu Jiumei rushing towards her, she wondered if it was due to her big body. Seeing Zhu Jiumei who was several times smaller than her, Huo Niao seemed a little disdainful.

With a flap of wings, she rushed towards Zhu Jiumei.

The firebird had one mouth, and the mouth was wide open, as if it wanted to eat Zhu Jiumei directly.

After Zhu Jiumei revealed her true form, she looked much more vigorous. Seeing Huo Niao's big mouth opened, her forward momentum didn't stop at all, and she just rushed forward.

The fangs protruding from Zhu Jiumei's mouth were very sharp, and they poked directly at the fire bird.

The sharp beak collided with the sharp fangs, flames flew in the air, and the demonic aura shook.


The fire bird's cry sounded a bit miserable. Seeing that Jiumei Zhu hit it hard, a hole appeared on her face.

Firebird is not feeling well, and Zhu Jiumei doesn't look too good either. Firebird's sharp beak left a long scar on Zhu Jiumei's face.

The scar was turned upside down, dripping with blood, and looked very hideous.

The blood flowed down Zhu Jiumei's face to her chin, and the blood dripped, before it dripped into the sea of ​​fire, it was already evaporated by the surrounding high temperature.

"Horse egg, it hurts so much."

Zhu Jiumei murmured softly, the pink demonic aura on her body became more intense, her hind hooves kicked hard in the air, her body rushed towards the fire bird again, and the evil spirit on her body also rushed towards the fire bird.

With the collision just now, Zhu Jiumei also knew that the Firebird in front of her was not easy to deal with.

So this time when rushing towards the fire bird, Zhu Jiumei shouted at Ji Yang.

"Ji Yang, this guy is hard to deal with, let's deal with it together, Xiaolongnu, protect Peng Caixuan and Yanjiao, don't let them get hurt."

Zhu Jiumei is not someone who cares about her. She has lived for hundreds of years, and she has never encountered anything. She will not foolishly put herself in danger for the sake of face.

Ji Yang didn't talk nonsense, his body flew towards the huge firebird like the wind, and the silver light on the black sword in his hand was shining.

When Ji Yang rushed over, Zhu Jiumei and Huo Niao had collided again.

The pink demonic energy and the flame collided one after another in the air, and Zhu Jiumei's body and the fire bird's body also collided again and again.

"The Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Technique!"

The body rushed forward, and with a wave of the black awn sword, the sky gathered dark clouds, and thunder and lightning fell from the sky, hitting Firebird's body heavily.

Huo Niao is fighting with Zhu Jiumei, Zhu Jiumei is not so easy to deal with, Huo Niao relies on her huge body and the surrounding environment is favorable to her, so she is evenly matched with Zhu Jiumei.

Once Ji Yang intervenes, it will be bad for it.

The lightning struck Firebird's body, the flames on Firebird's body drifted away, and a cry of pain came out of its mouth.

The fire bird turned to look at Ji Yang angrily, flapped its wings, and several flames attacked Zhu Jiumei.

Seeing the flames of the fire bird, Zhu Jiumei hurriedly dodged, and while Zhu Jiumei was dodging, the fire bird rushed towards Ji Yang.

Two flame-condensed claws grabbed towards Ji Yang, as if they wanted to tear Ji Yang to pieces.


The momentum of the fire bird's catch was very strong, Ji Yang's eyes were fixed, his nose let out a cold snort, the true energy in his body circulated, and purple flames burned on the sword.


A sword slashed at the claws caught by the fire bird, the sword was powerful and fast.

Ji Yang had already used his great strength, and the power of the black sword he swung with great strength was naturally very terrifying.

When the sword went down, the fire bird's bird's claw was cut off by Ji Yang's sword.


The claws were cut off, and the fire bird screamed in pain, and with a spread of its wings, it flew high into the sky.

Look at Ji Yang's sword, not only cut off its claws, but also frightened it.

"Zhu Jiumei, stop it!"

The fire bird flew high, Ji Yang shouted at Zhu Jiumei.

At this time, Firebird was a little timid, and it was the best time to deal with it, and he couldn't miss the opportunity.

If Firebird is given a chance to slow down God, it will only be more troublesome in the future.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Zhu Jiumei, who had just avoided the flame attack, rushed towards the fire bird.


Zhu Jiumei's thrust was fast and powerful, Firebird's body was full of loopholes, this impact almost caused Firebird to fall from the air.

The moment the fire bird was hit by Zhu Jiumei, Ji Yang's body had disappeared, he was invisible.

The stupefied Firebird hit by Zhu Jiumei was even more frightened. With a turn of his body, he turned in a direction in the air. There was nothing in this direction, and he was going to escape from this position.

It's just that the fire bird just flapped its wings, but suddenly its body froze, and the body began to quickly fall into the sea of ​​fire.

At some point, a figure appeared behind it, putting his hand on the back of the fire bird, and chanting something.

After fighting in person, Ji Yang found that the fire bird's strength was about the same as that of Zhu Jiumei, that is to say, about the same as the current Ji Yang.

With such strength, although Ji Yang's body-fixing technique can hold it, it won't last long.

"Zhu Jiumei, it's locked by me, kill it quickly."

Sweat appeared on Ji Yang's forehead. The flames on the Firebird's body were very hot. If Ji Yang hadn't protected his body with purple flames, he wouldn't have dared to stand on Firebird like this.

"Savage Clash!"

Zhu Jiumei let out a loud cry, her body seemed to have grown a bit bigger, like a pink cannonball, she rushed towards the fire bird.


Ji Yang let out a muffled hum, and the hand on Huo Niao's back trembled, Huo Niao had already broken free from Ji Yang's hold.

Breaking free from the control of the body, Huo Niao's body, which was about to fall into the sea of ​​flames, fell even faster.

Firebird is really cunning, it didn't want to fly high just now, its real purpose was to escape into the flames.

It's just that when the fire bird was about to fall into the sea of ​​flames, a pink light penetrated its body, and this pink light was exactly Zhu Jiumei's body.

The body was pierced, and the Firebird screamed in pain. When it screamed in pain, a long sword glowing with silver light was directly inserted into its head from the top of its head.


The moment Firebird's head was pierced by the sword, it exploded directly, and the huge Firebird completely lost any vitality.

The firebird being killed means that the sea of ​​fire has passed, and the next step is the mountain of knives!

 One update will be sent, thank you for your support and encouragement

(End of this chapter)

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