The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 595: Immortal in the Pot

Chapter 595 Immortal in the Pot (Part [-])


Under the oppressive momentum, Ji Yang's party still walked towards the tower, because if they wanted to leave, they had to enter the tower.

They simply have no option to back off.

When you come to the bottom of the tower, the tower door opens automatically.

The tower door opened, and Ji Yang looked into the tower through the tower door. He saw that the tower was empty and there was nothing.

"Empty tower? What's going on?"

"Where did the agreed exit go?"

Ji Yang frowned and walked into the tower, Zhu Jiumei and others followed closely behind, the colorful tiger demon and the anaconda demon walked last, looking around vigilantly.

When everyone entered the tower, they found that the tower was really empty, the tower was very dark, and the light was very weak.

Xiao Longnv looked around strangely, she was looking for the location, but there was nothing at all.

"It's not real, it's not real, it's not real, the exit is right in front of you, but you can't see it!"

Xiao Longnu's question came out, and the voice of answer came from the empty tower.

Isn't this voice the voice of the person who made them go through mountains of swords and seas of fire and change the appearance of the forbidden land?

Hearing this sound, Ji Yang and everyone immediately became vigilant and looked towards the top of the tower. The sound sounded like it was coming from the top of the tower.

"You guys amaze me, I didn't expect you guys to be here so soon."

When Ji Yang and others looked at the top of the tower, the dark inside of the tower suddenly lit up, and everything inside the tower could be seen clearly.

In fact, there is no difference between looking at it or not, because the tower is really hollow.

Inside the empty tower, there are no beams, no pillars, and the entire tower has nothing but the walls on the surface.

In the void above the tower, there is a person floating there right now.

This is a young man in a dark blue robe, with long black hair hanging behind him, and a playful look in his narrow eyes.

The young man is unrestrained and unrestrained, and his aura is very strong.

The powerful aura was the source of the oppression that made Ji Yang and the others feel oppressed.

"Sisi Si..."

Seeing the young man clearly, the anaconda demon narrowed its eyes, swallowed a snake letter in its mouth, its thick body jumped up from the ground, the snake opened its mouth, and rushed towards the young man.

The anaconda demon summoned by the demon spirit talisman is like a long-standing technique. Although it exists for a long time, it has a time limit after all.

Twelve hours, 24 hours.

So when he saw the anaconda demon rushing towards the young man, Ji Yang didn't stop him.

How strong is the person in front of him? After all, he has to try it. If he or Peng Caixuan and others try it, it will be dangerous.

The anaconda demon took the initiative to attack, but solved Ji Yang's trouble.

When the young man saw the anaconda demon rushing towards him, his eyes showed a bit of disdain.

The young man didn't even move his hands, nor did his body move. He just stared, and an invisible coercion spread towards the anaconda monster.

Feeling the coercion of the young man, the anaconda demon shot a water arrow from its opened mouth.

As soon as the water arrow appeared, it shattered before hitting the young man.

This invisible coercion actually has the effect of attacking, which means that it can kill people with eyes.

The water arrow shattered, and the body of the young man that the anaconda was charging towards was frozen in the air. The body of the frozen anaconda appeared to be in pain, as if something was holding it, and it was very difficult to even struggle.

"Such a weak elf dares to attack me, Immortal in the Pot, and she doesn't know how to live or die."

The anaconda demon will be frozen in the air, which is naturally done by this young man who claims to be the Immortal of the Pot.

Hu Zhongxian spoke in a cold voice, watching the anaconda demon's eyes flicker with murderous intent, his eyes glared, and the body of the anaconda demon exploded with an explosion sound.

Blood and water mixed with minced meat fell from the air, and when they were about to fall on Ji Yang and the others, some flames suddenly appeared and completely burned these things.

After the blood and flesh were burned, the flames disappeared immediately, and everything just now seemed to have never happened before.

If the anaconda monster beside him hadn't really disappeared, Ji Yang felt that the scene just now was just a dream.

"So strong."

Zhu Jiumei whispered next to Ji Yang.

The 300-year-old anaconda monster didn't even move, and was killed entirely with its eyes. With such terrifying strength, Zhu Jiumei, who has lived for more than 600 years, has never been seen before.

Never even heard of it.

"It's really strong."

Ji Yang nodded, agreeing to Zhu Jiumei's words.

The strength of Immortal in the Pot has surpassed Ji Yang's cognition. This kind of formidable strength is probably only able to compete with the great gods in the Heavenly Court and the Underworld.

"The Three Realms cannot communicate with each other. How can there be such a powerful person in the mortal world, and he even claims to be a fairy?"

"Could it be that he is an ancient warrior who practiced in the mortal world? Ancient warriors can really cultivate to this level, so what kind of cultivation is he?"

Seeing the cultivation of Immortal in the Pot, Ji Yang couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart.

It's just that thinking about getting answers to these questions is obviously not enough.

Ji Yang's eyes were fixed on the Immortal Pot in the air. Apart from killing the anaconda monster that actively attacked him, this Immortal Pot did not directly attack Ji Yang and the others.

I don't know what the other party wants to do.

"Great Immortal, you said before that if we want to leave the forbidden area, we need to come to the tower."

"Now that we have arrived in the tower, we don't know where the exit is and how we can leave. I would like to ask Daxian for guidance."

A head-to-head encounter with the Immortal in the Pot was not enough for Ji Yang and others.

Now Ji Yang can only try to lower his posture and communicate with the other party, hoping that the other party can let them leave the forbidden area.

"It's actually very simple to leave here, as long as I want, you can leave now."

Ji Yang's words were very polite, Hu Zhongxian nodded and said in an indifferent voice.

Hu Zhongxian answered, and Ji Yang smiled inwardly. Judging by the other party's attitude, he felt that there was still something to be said for it.

"Then there will be Lao Daxian, please let us get out of here."

"Leave? Why?"

"I've been here alone for a long, long time. Do you know how lonely and boring the world is?"

"During the time I was here, people came to my world more than once, but those people couldn't interest me. I am very interested in you now, so I decided to keep you here forever."

To stay here forever, doesn't that mean that you don't want Ji Yang and others to leave?

When Hu Zhongxian said this, the expressions of Ji Yang and the others changed.

Outside the forbidden area is the world where Ji Yang and others live. In the outside world, there are still many people waiting for them. How could they stay here.

"Daxian, there are still friends and family members waiting for us outside the forbidden area, so please forgive us for not being able to stay."

"Also ask Daxian to send us away."

Ji Yang gritted his teeth, looked at Hu Zhongxian with firm eyes and said loudly.

"Hmph, what I say here has the final say. If you come here, you can't help yourself. If you don't want to stay, you will have to die!"

Ji Yang's words seemed to have enraged Immortal Hu Zhong, Immortal Hu Zhong's eyes turned cold, and she rushed towards Ji Yang and the others with a sense of coercion.

(End of this chapter)

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