The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 615 Disgusting Devour

Chapter 615 Disgusting Devour (Part [-])


Chi You punched Xin's chest straight, raised Xin's eyes, spit out a mouthful of green liquid, and fell heavily on the ground, directly embedded in the ground.

Although Jiang Xin's strength has been improved, compared with Chi You, it still seems to be inferior.

This time against General Xin, he wasted a lot more energy than before, and Chi You was also panting heavily at this time.

A remnant soul is a remnant soul, and it's okay to be unconvinced. Now he is not the Chi You of that year after all.

"After all, it won't work, it's too bad without a physical body."

Chi You was also very dissatisfied with his own performance. Although Xin was knocked to the ground by him, and he couldn't stand up there at this time, compared with him before, it was still too bad.

If he knew what Chi You was thinking, Ji Yang would probably have the idea of ​​finding a piece of tofu to crash him to death.

Without a physical body, the soul is still incomplete, so just relying on the remnant soul to overthrow Xin, isn't that enough?
After absorbing the three zombies just now, Xin was stronger than ordinary green-eyed zombies.


If the strength is not enough, it is to improve the strength.

Green-eyed zombies can improve their cultivation by devouring other zombies, and Chi You can also devour green-eyed zombies to improve themselves.

Go to the side of the green-eyed zombie, reach out and grab the green-eyed zombie's neck, and lift the green-eyed zombie from the ground.

The green-eyed zombie wanted to struggle, but Chi You's punch just now broke his whole body to pieces, even if the speed of the green-eyed zombie's self-healing can be described as metamorphosis.

But self-healing also takes time. Now he hasn't recovered yet, and he can't help but struggle.

"who are you?"

Jiang Xin faced Chi You, feeling a deep sense of frustration in his heart.

Ever since he became a green-eyed zombie, he hasn't been beaten so badly. Not only is he miserable today, he may even die at any time.

This shocked the green-eyed zombie, and made him curious about Chi You.

In the fight with Chi You, he felt a very ancient aura from the opponent, this aura was like a zombie king general.

Such an ancient aura only existed in the ancient times. Did the man with the head of a bull in front of you also come from the ancient times?

"I am Chi You!"

Chi You opened his mouth, let out a loud shout, and at the same time he announced his name, his body instantly swelled up, and in the blink of an eye, Chi You, who was originally about two meters high, had become four or five meters tall.

The huge body stood up and pinched Xin in his hands, like carrying a bigger doll.

Chi You, this name brought infinite shock to Jiang Xin.

"You, you, you are the ancient demon god Chi You, how is it possible, how is this possible!"

Jiang Xin said in a trembling voice, Chi You's name, no matter it is to people, ghosts and gods, it is a famous name.

Recalling what Chi You said earlier, he said that even the generals could only run away when they saw him, if the opponent was really Chi You, the generals would indeed run away when they saw him.

"Hmph, what might be impossible, you'd better be my tonic obediently."

Chi You opened his mouth and bit Jiang Xin's shoulder. With a click, Chi You actually bit Jiang Xin's arm off, and then began to chew heavily.

Just now, Jiang Xin was still devouring other zombies, but now he has become Chi You's food.

This is really a feng shui turn, I don't know who to visit today.

An arm was bitten off, and Xin let out a creepy scream, and a pair of green eyes shone with splendor.

One arm didn't even need to spit out the bones, and with a few crackling sounds, this arm was swallowed into the belly by Chi You.

Even if Chi You heard Jiang Xin's cry, he would not pity him, he would just continue to devour Jiang Xin.

"Chi You, can you eat quickly, I feel sick seeing you like this."

Ji Yang really couldn't stand it anymore, he thought that Chi You devoured Jiang Xin, just like Jiang Xin devoured other zombies, sucking blood, at most, he ate the whole thing in his stomach.

But Chi You ate it bite by mouthful, and the green liquid flowed all over the floor, sticking to Chi You's mouth.

Accompanied by the sound of cracking bones, Ji Yang stood upright with goosebumps all over his body, and he really couldn't stand it anymore.

Xiao Longnv had already hid in Ji Yang's clothes, so she couldn't watch this scene.

As for Qi Wei, she was already pale from being frightened, and she found a tree root to vomit.

"Hey, I'll eat it for you, this zombie meat is the worst!"

Most of Jiang Xin's body has entered Chi You's stomach. He is already dead and cannot die anymore. No matter how strong his recovery ability is, he will not be able to grow his head and heart.

Hearing Ji Yang's urging, Chi You turned to look at Ji Yang, handed the rest of Xin's body to Ji Yang, and said with some disgust.

"Chi You, let me wipe, wow..."

When Chi You handed Jiang Xin's body to Ji Yang, a stench wafted from his eyes, causing Ji Yang's stomach to churn, and he immediately vomited.

He also scolded Chi You a thousand times, ten thousand times in his heart.

It doesn't taste good, and you still eat it in big mouthfuls. It's fine if you eat it yourself, so how can you feed it back to yourself.

Looking at the vomiting Ji Yang, Chi You looked at Jiang Xin's corpse in his hand, and frowned.

"Who loves to eat this thing, I wouldn't be bothered to eat it if it wasn't for restoring my strength."

"Besides, do you think my form can be preserved forever? If I don't have enough energy to maintain it, I will also disperse."

After Chi You finished speaking, he sighed helplessly and continued to eat.

After Chi You ate the whole of Xin into his belly, Chi You's aura really became much stronger, and he didn't talk nonsense, and went straight back to the demon refining pot.

"Don't disturb me for seven days. If you need anything, go to the Immortal Pot. I'm going to refine the energy of the green-eyed zombie."

Eating Jiang Xin does not mean directly absorbing the opponent's energy.

To fully absorb it, Chi You still needs a period of refining time.

When Chi You returned to the demon refining pot, there was no more sound. The fairy in the pot was playing with two white-eyed zombies at this time, so he didn't have time to talk to Ji Yang.

This situation is quite clean, Ji Yang came to Qi Wei's side, Qi Wei's expression was not very good at this time, but he calmed down.

"I'm not a hypocritical woman. I'm fine. I won't ask about today's affairs, and you don't need to explain. Everyone has their own secrets, and I understand."

When Qi Wei said this, Ji Yang felt embarrassed, but that's fine.

Although Qi Wei has seen some unbelievable existences with her, there are some things that Ji Yang still won't tell her.

After all, the relationship between the two is not so close that they can talk about everything, otherwise it is impossible for the other party to not know that the qi he sent to her is immortal qi.

The hotel where Ji Yang lives is still some distance away, but it's not far away. Ji Yang didn't want Qi Wei to send him off anymore, but Qi Wei insisted on sending him off, so he couldn't talk about it.

Sitting in the car, Ji Yang closed his eyes and was about to go over what happened tonight, but Xiaolongnv told him that it was Taibai Jinxing who sent him a WeChat message.

 First update, thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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