The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 620 The most difficult battle so far

Chapter 620 The most difficult battle so far (three more)

"Hey hey, are you afraid, do you want to run away, but unfortunately you don't have a chance."

Ji Yang's complexion changed a little, Katoying saw it all.

He was angry just now, there will be an opportunity, he will not miss it, while talking, his body has already fallen to the ground.

A shikigami with thick body hair like an ape and only one eye on top of his head stood in front of him, holding a large stone hammer in the hand of this shikigami.

The stone hammer looks very heavy, but when held by Shikigami, it seems to be weightless.

It seems that the power of this shikigami is not small.

"I'm afraid of your sister, I really don't pay attention to these little fellows."

Ji Yang's immortal energy circulated all over his body, and he looked at Kato Hideo with a proud face and said in a cold voice.

At this time, Ji Yang would never admit that he was cowardly, especially when he was fighting against the Onmyoji of Country R, ​​even if Ji Yang died, he would not admit that he was cowardly.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Kato Hideo frowned and smiled coldly.

"I'll see how long you can keep your mouth shut, Shantong. Use your stone hammer today to break his two legs."

"Two legs were broken. I saw how he ran. Yes, his hands were also smashed. If you can't make seals, you can't perform some exercises."

It turns out that this shikigami is called Shando. From what Hideo Kato said, it seems that he also knows the skills of ancient warriors very well.

Unfortunately, Ji Yang is no ordinary ancient warrior.

As for the seal, I really need the weaker attack method in my hand, but I can't use the stronger one.

"Little Dragon Girl, wait carefully, there are a lot of shikigami, this may be the most difficult battle we have encountered so far."

"Well, it's just that you've said some little things. Am I still afraid?"

Xiao Longnv said with a snake in her mouth, her eyes were crescent-shaped, and she said with a smile.

Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv didn't look nervous at this time, but felt a little relaxed, which made the Onmyoji Alliance's Onmyoji Alliance unhappy.

"Deputy Leader Kato, time is limited, let's do it quickly."

"The people in the Huaxia Xuan Group must be able to sense such a big movement. Once they arrive, we will be in trouble."

When the onmyoji beside him reminded him, Kato Hideo's expression changed.

So many onmyojis came to Huaxia, and they spent a lot of effort to hide their aura.

Kyoto is the base camp of the Xuanzu, and now they are making such a big commotion, the Xuanzu must have felt it, if the other party comes, these Onmyojis will have to finish.


Katoying no longer hesitated, and gave the order decisively.

As Kato Ying's voice fell, all the onmyoji gave orders to their shikigami, and the shikigami received the order and attacked Ji Yang frantically.

Ji Yang and Xiaolongnu are in the air, so they don't have to be afraid of the shikigami on the ground for the time being.

But some flying shikigami are different, and there are quite a few of these shikigami, and they immediately surrounded Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv.

A huge bat-shikigami with blood-red eyes rushed towards Ji Yang first, the bat opened its mouth, and a strange sound sounded, causing a buzzing in Ji Yang's head.

"What is this? Ultrasonic attack, rub!"

With a shake of his head, shaking off the discomfort, Ji Yang stabbed out with a sword without hesitation.

The sword stabbed out, directly into the mouth of the huge bat, and with a turn of the arm, the black sword stirred a few times in the bat's mouth, directly smashing the bat's mouth to pieces.

Bats can no longer make weird noises.


With a leap, he stepped heavily on the bat's spine, and with the sound of cracking the bone, the big bat fell from the sky to the ground.

The body fell to the ground, and the shikigami on the ground quickly dodged, and the big bat was already bloody and motionless.

When the big bat fell to the ground, there was a painful bird cry in the air, and the whole body of a firebird was wrapped in ice.

With the sound of screams, the ice on the firebird's body instantly cracked, and the firebird turned into bits of ice and fell to the ground.

But as soon as they came into contact, the two shikigami were killed.

And the death of these two shikigami is just the beginning of the battle. Although Ji Yang and Xiaolongnu are only two, the number of shikigami flying around them is ten times, twenty times, or even thirty times.

But when Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv charged into the shikigami, it was like wolves into a herd of sheep. These flying shikigami were killed one by one.

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, although this sentence is not accurate, because sometimes, what the eyes see may not be true.

But once I heard how fierce Ji Yang was, I heard it after all.

What I saw with my own eyes today, Hideka Kato and the onmyoji he brought, were very shocked in their hearts.

Especially Hideo Kato, as the deputy leader of the Onmyoji Alliance, he himself doesn't know how many times he has fought against the ancient warriors of the Xuanzu.

I don't know how many ancient warriors' blood was stained on his hands, but it was the first time he saw Ji Yang face shikigami so easily.

"Baga, why is this guy so strong? Even Peng Tianlong shouldn't be so relaxed in the face of so many shikigami."

"What are you still doing standing there stupidly? Quickly bless the Shikigami with Yin Yang."

"What are you looking at, let your shikigami shoot arrows, shoot arrows!"

Kato Hideo was shocked by Ji Yang's strength, he panicked and shouted loudly to the surrounding Onmyoji.

The dazed onmyojis around heard Kato Hideo's words, and they reacted stupidly one by one, and golden, green and red lights lit up one after another on the flying shikigami.

Onmyoji's Onmyoji is blessed.


"Damn it, these shikigami are even harder to deal with."

Onmyoji can have its own place by virtue of onmyoji, and onmyoji naturally has its unique features.

With the blessing of Yin Yang, the strength of the surrounding shikigami has been significantly enhanced.

Ji Yang just smashed the head of a bird shikigami before, this time the shikigami is the same as the previous one, but Ji Yang only hurt it, this is all the effect of the blessing of Yin Yang.


Ji Yang swung the black sword in one hand, and the demon refining pot in the other, and sucked the injured Shikigami into the demon refining pot.

Originally, Ji Yang wanted to absorb shikigami directly, but he found that for some unknown reason, the effect of these shikigami from country R had weakened.

It doesn't feel very useful to absorb these shikigami in the demon refining pot, unless it hurts the shikigami and weakens the shikigami's strength.

"The aura of these shikigami is a bit wrong, and the effect of the demon refining pot has been weakened, so you can deal with it."

When the Hu Zhongxian said this, Ji Yang really wanted to chop the Hu Zhongxian with his sword.

Damn, this is the time to risk your life, not a game.

Could it be that he just dealt with it, but fortunately, the Demon Refining Pot was not completely ineffective, and it helped Ji Yang a lot.

Otherwise, it would be even more difficult to deal with such a shikigami just relying on Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv.

 Third update, the update ends today and will continue tomorrow, thank you for your support and encouragement
(End of this chapter)

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