The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 643 It Doesn't Matter Whether You Have A Contract

Chapter 643 Doesn't matter if you have a contract or not (Part [-])


What does it mean to speak non-surprisingly and endlessly, Zhu Jiumei is just that.

Just now she has been enduring, the anger in her heart has not been aroused for the time being, how can she endure Ji Yang's stimulation.

Huang Xiaoxin and the others couldn't help laughing when they heard the word miscellaneous hair.

When Robert heard Zhu Jiumei's words, he looked at Zhu Dong who was walking towards him and the laughing people around him, his face became very ugly.

Even if this guy pays attention to gentleman etiquette in everything on weekdays, he can't hold on to this meeting.

What's more, this so-called gentleman's etiquette is only superficial, and he is not that gentleman in his heart.

"Barbarian, I don't like you very much, I warn you not to come near me, or I promise you will regret it!"

Robert looked at Zhu Dian coldly, his voice sounded a little warning.

Just hearing his words, Zhu Tong showed a sneer on his face, and said loudly.

"I hate you too. You have already made my lady angry. You should be the one who regrets it."

This is not the hometown of the pig demon. You can't call Zhu Jiumei the leader here, so the address for Zhu Jiumei is Miss.

As for the identities of Zhu Ting and the other two pig demons, they were bodyguards.

While Zhu Tong was speaking, he stepped forward and grabbed Robert with his hand.

Zhu Tong's big hand opened, and it felt bigger than Robert's face.


Just when Zhu Ting's hand was about to catch Robert, there was a sudden shout of anger, and then a black ghost rushed out suddenly.

The nigger looks quite strong, about the same size as Zhu Tong, and his speed is not slow.

The body rushed out, directly protecting Robert behind his back, and punched Zhu Tong with a punch.

Zhu Tong didn't take Robert too seriously at first. In his opinion, throwing him out was as simple as throwing a piece of garbage.

So he shot very slowly, otherwise the nigger wouldn't have a chance to get in.

The nigger punched him, Zhu Tong's eyes turned cold, and he grabbed the nigger's fist with his palm.

"Well, the strength is not small."

The nigger's fist was grabbed, and Zhu Dian's palm felt a little numb, which was caused by the strength of the opponent's fist.

Zhu Ting is a 500-year-old pig demon, who can already transform into a human form. With his cultivation base, he will feel numbness. This black ghost is not easy.


Zhu Jiumei had already spoken, asking Zhu Dian to throw Robert out, and the black ghost in front of him came out to make trouble, Zhu Dian would not be polite.

No matter how simple you are, Zhu Dian will get rid of him.

Zhu Tong's palm tightened, and a huge force came, directly crushing the nigger's hand bones.

The bone in his hand was broken, and the nigga stared at him, but he didn't even groan, and kicked at Zhu Tong.

"You're asking for trouble!"

With a pinch of Zhu Tong's arm, the nigger's leg was clamped, and with a twist of his waist, the nigger was thrown out directly.

The nigger looked tall and strong, at least weighing more than 200 kilograms, but Zhu Ting threw him a distance of more than ten meters.

The black ghost slammed into a tree heavily, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and he fell to the ground and stopped moving.

Looking at the black ghost lying on the ground, who didn't know whether he was dead or alive, Ji Yang was a little surprised that the villagers in Lan Xueyao's village were very calm, without the slightest fear.

As for the three daughters of Li Zixuan, they may have been used to encountering similar things with Ji Yang, and these people in front of them didn't seem to like them, and they didn't care about the life and death of the black ghosts on the ground, but felt a little relieved.

"Xiaoxin, you eat a piece of duck meat, it is very delicious."

Ji Yang ate heartlessly, and at this moment he was still eating, and even picked up a piece of duck meat for Huang Xiaoxin.

He is so indifferent because he believes in Zhu Dian.

If a 500-year-old pig demon can't even deal with these people in front of him, then he has spent more than 500 years in vain.

"Who are you? You are not from the village, right?"

"I advise you not to meddle in your own business, and don't make trouble for yourself."

At the same time that the nigger was thrown away by Zhu Dian, the remaining foreigners and niggers protected Robert behind him, and other Chinese people also surrounded Zhu Dian and the eating crowd.

Robert shouted loudly with cold eyes across the person in front of him.

The people I bring with me are not ordinary people, they are all well-trained, one against ten.

But being handled so easily by the other party made Robert feel vaguely bad.

Judging by the posture of Robert and others, this is clearly going to be tough.

Ji Yang frowned, he no longer has the will to continue eating, a bunch of flies are buzzing around your ears, is there any more food for you?
"What do you want to do? The village belongs to us. The government has already said that as long as we collect one billion within a week, the mountain will be rented to us."

As the most senior person in the village, Granny Lan stood up immediately, looked at the people around her with slightly narrowed eyes and said in a cold voice.

Facing these people, Grandma Lan didn't have the slightest fear on her face, only indifference.

"Old man, let me tell you, this mountain has been leased to us by the Land Bureau of Miaojiang."

"Don't talk about one billion, even if you take out ten billion now, it's useless. I'm here today to inform you to get out immediately."

"If you don't leave, hehehe..."

Robert said with a proud face, and at the same time took out a lease contract from his hand. With Ji Yang's eyesight, he also saw the red badge of the Miaojiang Land Bureau.

It was originally agreed to give it a week, but now the mountain has been rented out. After seeing the contract in Robert's hand, Granny Lan and the villagers all seemed very angry.


Then just as Robert was holding the contract in his hand, the contract suddenly ignited.

Robert was startled, and instinctively threw the burning contract on the ground. He tried to stamp out the flames with his feet, but it was useless.

In the blink of an eye, the contract has been reduced to ashes on the ground.

The appearance of the flame was too weird. Looking at the ashes on the ground, Robert gritted his teeth tightly.

"Is it your fault? Even if you ruin this contract, it's useless. You must leave here today."

"Ken, give them half a day. For those who don't leave within half a day, you know what to do."

Robert gritted his teeth and looked at a white man beside him, and said harshly.

It seemed that Robert was really angry this time.

The white man beside him nodded, and looked at Ji Yang and the others with cold eyes. When he saw Huang Xiaoxin and other women in his eyes, there was a hint of lewdness in his eyes.

Ken's eyes fell on Ji Yang's eyes, Ji Yang's eyes turned cold, and he stood up.

Ji Yang walked towards Ken's position and spoke at the same time.

"It's really useless to ruin the contract, because with me, it's the same whether you have a contract or not."

"Half a day is too much. In 10 minutes, I will tell you all to get out of here."

The words were addressed to Robert, but Ji Yang swayed his body, but he was in front of Ken whose eyes were shining lewdly, grabbed the opponent's collar, and fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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