The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 652 Werewolves and Blood Clans Are Not in Harmony

Chapter 652 Werewolves and Blood Clans Are Not in Harmony ([-]rd)

Thousands of years of hatred have been put aside because of survival, and because interests are united, but these are inseparable from one thing, that is strength.

There is also a hierarchy among werewolves. The highest ruler of the werewolves is the wolf king, and the status of the wolf king among the werewolves is second only to the wolf king.

This is the same as the duke second only to the prince among the vampires.

From this point of view, the status of the Duke and the Wolf King should be the same.

But whether it is the wolf king or the vampire duke, there are also strong and weak points, and Paul, the wolf king, is the weaker one among the wolf kings.

As for Ryan, although he is not the strongest among the vampire dukes, he is still very high.

So even if Paul is not convinced, he can only endure now and listen to Ryan for the time being.

Only those who have strength have the right to speak, especially among them.

"Paul, it's a full moon tonight, and you're still injured, the wolf king of the werewolf really can't do it!"

Reese, who had turned into a vampire, had pale skin, lips as red as blood, two teeth protruding from her lips, and red eyes looking at Paul with a little disdain.

"Race, don't mess with me, don't forget your own identity, just a little earl!"

Paul is afraid of Ryan, but it does not mean that he is afraid of Reese. After all, he is the wolf king of the werewolf, and the majesty of the wolf king does not allow others to insult and trample at will.

What's more, Reese's words were not only insulting Paul, the wolf king, but all werewolves she insulted.

When Reese heard Paul's words, her eyes glared, she looked at Paul angrily, and let out a sharp roar, and with a wave of her arm, several bats flew towards Paul.


Paul's wolf eyes widened, and he yelled at the flying bat.

When Paul roared, an air ball flew out of his mouth, and the air ball scattered the flying bats and flew towards Ruisi.

The enemies of Paul and Reese should be Ji Yang and others, but now they are coaxing, and the scene in front of them makes Ji Yang smile.

"This is what you said, like dogs of a feather. Is this a joint venture? The centuries-old enmity between vampires and werewolves is not so easy to resolve."

"If there is a chance, I believe that whether it is a vampire or a werewolf, they will wipe out the other party."

Ji Yang's voice was very soft, Peng Caixuan blushed and nodded.

Peng Caixuan can't be blamed for what he said just now, what he said was all read from the Xuanzu database, and any problems should be blamed on the person who collected the information.

"Ma Dan, let me know who collected the data on vampires and werewolves, and I'll let him look at it. The data collection is incomplete and too general!"

While Peng Caixuan was muttering in his heart, a member of the Xuan Group who was far away in a large desert abroad sneezed.

"I'll go, who is missing me, could it be the girl from last night?"

"I didn't expect the mummy and the snake girl to do such a thing. The snake girl's taste is good enough, and the dead body has such a feeling. I'm so angry.'"

"Hurry up and record it, so I can find my sister to have sex."

This person laughed lewdly, and quickly recorded what he saw tonight. The title was "What the Mummy and the Snake Have to Say"...

The air ball spit out of Paul's mouth flew towards Ruisi, and a powerful coercion also rushed towards Ruisi.

Even though Reese is the most powerful of the vampire counts, she is the count after all, and she can't resist Paul's wolf king's coercion.

But as a vampire count, she is proud, and she must not quit!

Just as a circle of red mist rose from Reese's body, preparing to meet Paul's air mass and coercion, a red bat hit Paul's air mass.

The air mass burst, the red bats exploded, and a thick layer of red mist blocked Paul's coercion.

Some cold voices sounded.

"Race, our vampires and wolves are allies, how can you talk to Paul, who is the wolf king, like that."

"Paul, I apologize to you on behalf of my sister. Your enemy is not Reese who is an ally, but them."

"If your impulsiveness ruins the mission issued by the higher authorities, the Wolf Emperor will not spare you after you go back later."

Ryan apologized, but no matter how he looked at it, he was not sincere. He didn't look at Paul, but at Reese.

Ryan was warning Ruisi with his eyes, and Ruisi snorted dissatisfiedly.

As for Paul, he's not brainless either.

Ryan's words are indeed true. If something happened to him, he would die a miserable death.

"Ryan, don't be complacent, I will step on you one day."

"Reiss, you dare to underestimate our wolf clan. As long as the wolf king's plan succeeds, your blood clan will be wiped out by our wolf clan. At that time, I will definitely ride you under me and let you taste the power of my wolf king Paul." !"

Paul secretly thought, looking at Peng Caixuan with bloodthirsty eyes, grinning at the corner of his mouth, his body rushed out instantly.

"The good show has officially begun, tear them up for me, and pay homage to Lord Wolf God!"

As Paul rushed out, other werewolves also rushed out, and their aura was much stronger than before.

Ryan also rushed towards Ji Yang and the others with the vampire.

Haiya waved the wooden stick in her hand, and circles of black air exuding evil aura appeared on the werewolves and vampires.

With the appearance of these black gas, whether it is a wolf or a vampire, the momentum has obviously increased.

"Hmph, little dragon girl, go help Zhu Jiumei!"

Looking at the situation of both sides, Ji Yang's side appears to be weaker, because the vampires are all flying over from the sky.

On the other hand, on Ji Yang's side, there are very few people who can fly, and even Zhu Tong hasn't learned how to fly.

However, the advantage in quantity can also be defeated by quality.

Zhu Jiumei had already soared into the sky, she didn't take these vampires seriously, and Yanjiao also joined her to deal with the vampires in front of her.

Ji Yang asked Xiaolongnu to help, also to save time.

When the little dragon girl flew into the air, Ji Yang had already rushed towards Rui En who swooped down from the air.

Peng Caixuan also brought Zhu Tong, Lan Fei and other young people in the village, and rushed towards the werewolf.


Paul's eyes were always locked on Peng Caixuan, his aura was stronger than before, he opened his mouth, and a ball of air flew towards Peng Caixuan.

"go with!"

Facing Paul's air mass, Peng Caixuan fanned the Five Elements one by one, and a fireball flew out.

The fireball collided with the air mass, an explosion sounded, and the air mass and fireball disappeared at the same time.

Now Paul has shown his true abilities, and today he and Peng Caixuan are destined to end their fight with the death of one of them.

The wolf king has a strength equivalent to that of an ancient warrior, that is to say, Paul's strength is equal to that of Peng Caixuan.

It's really hard to say who wins and loses in the end.

Anyway, none of them will be soft-hearted, they will only attack each other to death.

As for Haiya, in one-on-one situations, her black witchcraft is indeed stronger than Lan Xueyao's Gu technique.

But when Lan Xueyao and Grandma Lan attacked at the same time, and other Gu masters cooperated, Haiya's situation was not good.

 Third update, the update ends today and will continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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