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Chapter 654 Willing To Be A Servant

Chapter 654 Willing To Be A Servant (Part Two)
The wings of a vampire are a symbol of a purebred blood race, and it is also a kind of glory.

Although damaged wings can be regenerated, the pain cannot be expressed in words.

A pair of wings were completely removed by Zhu Jiumei, and Ruisi's breath became weak. She looked at Zhu Jiumei resentfully, but she didn't have the courage to fight back.

The Zhu Jiumei in front of her was too scary. It was definitely the first time Ruisi had seen such a scary woman.

Although she didn't want to admit it, Ruisi felt that even the vampire prince in the family was not as scary as Zhu Jiumei.

During the battle just now, Reese watched the vampires beside her die one by one by Zhu Jiumei's hands. The pink mist on Zhu Jiumei's body was like a death scythe from hell.

As long as it is touched by the pink mist, a vampire will die.

The weird white snake next to Zhu Jiumei is also very powerful, the cold air from her mouth can actually freeze a vampire.

When in the west, Reese had never encountered such a powerful enemy.

Even for the so-called demon hunters in the West, the Holy See is a threat to vampires. For some reason, vampires have alliances with werewolves and black witches.

But in Ruisi's heart, vampires are still the most powerful race and existence in the world.

But after arriving in Huaxia, she found that her cognition had been subverted.

Vampires suddenly become so powerless, so vulnerable, be they ordinary viscounts or baronial vampires and vampire servants.

Both myself as the earl and the duke Ryan were repeatedly suppressed.

The strength of the werewolves on the full moon night is terrifying. They are physically strong, but Paul, who is the wolf king, did not get any benefits in the power contest.

All of this shocked Reese and scared her.

It turned out that my previous seriousness was so narrow, and there were many terrifying existences in the mysterious East.

It's just that although she now recognizes this clearly, it may be too late.

His own pair of wings were destroyed, and his body was weak, but Zhu Jiumei in front of him had ridicule and killing intent in her eyes.

She knew that she might not escape death today.

"Brother, Ryan..."

Reese, who was strangled and struggling to breathe, looked at Ryan.

That's right, she is a brother-controller. Although this kind of behavior is not allowed among vampires, she still has feelings for her brother.

And in the same way, Ryan, the younger sister, also has a different feeling for his younger sister.

Looking miserable, listening to Ruisi's weak voice, Ryan's eyes turned red, and his momentum continued to grow.

"Let her go!"

Ryan yelled, flapping the wings on his back, and was about to rush towards Zhu Jiumei.

It's just that he forgot one thing, that is, in front of him, there is a formidable opponent Ji Yang.

As soon as Ji Yang saw Ryan move, his body disappeared in place, and he was in front of Ryan in an instant, and he swung the black sword in his hand.



Ryan only wanted to save Ruisi now, he didn't stop Ji Yang at all, Ji Yang's sword directly slashed at his body.

Rui En was slashed by Ji Yang's sword, and a hideous sword wound appeared on his chest, and his body fell to the ground.

The body fell to the ground, half of Ryan's body was embedded in the ground, and a mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth.

"Ah... get lost..."

Although his body was injured, Ryan still stood up quickly from the ground, flapping his wings behind his back, and rushed towards Ji Yang.

A pair of hands with sharp nails grabbed towards Ji Yang.

"Ha, Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Art!"


With a wave of the Heimong sword, several bolts of lightning shot towards Ryan.

Seeing these thunderbolts, Ryan's expression changed, and he turned his body to the side, barely avoiding it.

But he was able to dodge this time, but not the next time, Ji Yang's sword had already been thrust out, piercing Ryan's shoulder, and the power of lightning spread to his body in an instant.


The thunder and lightning hit him, Ryan screamed in pain, but he still struggled hard, trying to get rid of Ji Yang.

No matter what the reason is, for his own sister, as a brother, Ryan made such a move before him, which is moving.

But Ji Yang can't be soft, because Ryan in front of him is an enemy, and kindness to the enemy is cruelty to himself.

"It's weird, you shouldn't be here."

"Stay obediently in the west, you will not meet us, and you and her will not be in danger."

Ji Yang drew back his black sword, and punched Ryan on the body. Ryan spat out another mouthful of blood, and his body fell to the ground.


Seeing Ryan being beaten so miserably for her own sake, Ruisi cried out with tears in her eyes.

Ruisi wanted to struggle, but it was useless. In front of Zhu Jiumei, she was so weak that she couldn't even resist.


"Let Reese go, let her go!"

Blood is such a precious thing for vampires, but Ryan vomited blood, but he still stood up firmly, wanting Zhu Jiumei to let Ruisi go.

"Brother, hurry up and leave me alone."

Ruisi couldn't bear to see Ryan continue to get hurt, Ji Yang and others were too strong.

Whether it was Ruisi and Ryan, or Paul and Haiya, they were all at a clear disadvantage at this time.

Peng Caixuan, who got serious, beat Paul back again and again, with wounds all over his body.

If it weren't for the werewolf's strong body, he would have died countless times.

Haiya in front of Yanjiao was also beaten badly by Yanjiao's flames, the robes on her body were burned to tatters, her black cat was also beaten by Lan Xueyao and Lan Fei at this time Lying on the ground dying.

"No, I can't abandon you."

Ryan wanted to fly again, but he was hit hard by Ji Yang continuously, and his body wobbled after flying up.

"I'm very touched by you, but you can't save her if you want to."

"It's just that you shouldn't have come to Huaxia. If you come here, you should be prepared to die."


Ji Yang's body stood in front of Rui En again, piercing the opponent's body with a sword, and Rui En let out a scream of unwillingness, and the power of thunder and lightning made his whole body blush and tremble violently.

"Ryan, you let him go, I am willing to be your servant, please let him go."

For a pure-blooded vampire, being someone else's servant is more difficult than letting them die.

Hearing Ruisi's words, Ji Yang's heart trembled, and he even hesitated.

"Let Reese go, I will be your servant."

Ryan gritted his teeth, braced his body and said.

Both of them wanted to be Ji Yang's servants, but Ji Yang let the other one go.

The corner of Ji Yang's mouth curled up, and he said softly: "I want you all to be my servants, so that you can live, otherwise you will all die!"

Ji Yang thought for a while, and he felt that keeping the two of them was more valuable than killing them.

With more and more things happening around him, Ji Yang really needs a group of subordinates.

The strength of Ryan and Ruisi in front of them is still good, but it is a pity that they met the stronger Ji Yang and others.

And there is one more thing that can be known from their mouths, that is why they rented this mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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