The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 656 Blood Duke VS Wolf King

Chapter 656 Blood Duke VS Wolf King (Part [-])

The remaining vampires don't even have the strength of the earl, let alone they were injured before.

In front of Ryan, who is a duke, they only have the fate of being slaughtered.

Ryan's hand was inserted into the body of a baron vampire. The baron vampire screamed, with remorse and fear in his eyes.

"Duke Ryan let me go, I am willing to follow you."

The regret of the baron vampire is very similar to that of Ryan and Ruisi before. At this moment, the baron vampire also understands why Ryan and Ruisi are willing to recognize Ji Yang as their master.

His life is gone, and the honor of the blood clan is a fart.

"Uh...why, I have promised to follow?"

The baron looked at Ryan who pulled his hand out of his body in astonishment. Ryan was holding a beating heart in his hand.

"Because you have missed the opportunity, I don't think the master wants me to accept you. There is a price to pay for the wrong choice."


The heart in his hand exploded, and the baron vampire was completely dead.

Ryan and Ruisi can live because Ji Yang made the right choice when he gave them the final choice.

After Ryan killed a baron vampire, he rushed towards the other vampires besieging Robert and Theo.

In the battle between the air vampires, blood fell from the air, and some of them dripped directly on the werewolves.

Paul licked the blood that dripped on his body into his mouth, and his eyes immediately became excited.

"That's the taste. I haven't tasted the taste of vampire's blood for many years."

"Bloods who can kill each other, hahaha, interesting, interesting."

"If blood races all over the world are killing each other, we werewolves will dominate the West and even the whole world, hahaha..."

Paul spoke frantically, and the more he talked, the more excited he became. Paul's body began to tremble, as if he saw that werewolves had dominated the world.

"Master Wolf King, do we really want to continue fighting? The opponent is really too strong."

When Paul was lusting (obscenity), the werewolf beside him poured cold water on him.

Paul's complexion changed and his eyes glared. Damn it, just when he was so intent (kinky) that he caught two female vampires and was about to raise his gun and mount his horse, this werewolf woke him up from his dream.

If there were not too many werewolves who died just now, Paul really wanted to kill the werewolves who disturbed his lust (obscenity).

Although angry in his heart, Paul also knew that they could not defeat Ji Yang and others today.

But he was really unwilling to let him leave like this. Seeing blood clans killing each other was really enjoyable for werewolves.

"Ma Dan, there will still be more opportunities to watch the theater in the future, you can't lose your life here, get out!"

Paul decisively ordered to retreat, this guy with well-developed limbs, his mind is not empty.

Satisfied with life, he still chose life.

It's just that he wants to withdraw at this time, it seems a bit late.

Just as he gave the order to retreat, the battle in the sky was over.

Robert and Theo suffered injuries of varying degrees, but were not life-threatening, and Ryan was covered in blood from his vampire.

"Where are you going? I think you really hope to fight the vampire."

Peng Caixuan took Zhu Tong and two other pig demons to stop Paul and other werewolves who wanted to escape, and looked at Paul with a smirk.

Peng Caixuan fought with Paul before, and the fight was quite enjoyable, but he felt that watching vampires and werewolves fight should be more exciting.

"Roar! Roar!"

Seeing that they were blocked from retreating, the two werewolves beside Paul roared and rushed towards Peng Caixuan.

"I will do it myself!"

Two werewolves rushed forward, and Zhu Dian who was on the side wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Peng Caixuan.

I saw Peng Caixuan swung the Five Elements Fan in his hand, and flames rose from the Five Elements Fan.

The Five Elements Fan hit the werewolves. These two werewolves were also comparable in strength to those of the late stage of the Xuan class. Their sternums were broken, and flames burned on them immediately.

"Damn it, kill them!"

Seeing that his two subordinates were finished like this again, Paul yelled angrily, and rushed towards Peng Caixuan, Zhu Tong and others with the remaining werewolves.

Seeing Paul rushing, Peng Caixuan smiled, and instead of attacking, he chose to retreat.

"Your opponent is no longer me, but him."

Peng Caixuan retreated and pointed to the sky, only to see Ryan flying from the sky with Robert and Teo.

"Ah ah ah..."

The three vampires Ryan were very fast, and the werewolf focused all his attention on Peng Caixuan, causing them to forget the three vampires Ryan.

As soon as Ryan rushed over, he stabbed a werewolf with his arm like a knife. The werewolf's skin as hard as steel had no effect at all, and was directly pierced.

Ryan was not merciless towards his former vampire subordinates, and he couldn't be more polite when facing werewolves.

The arm pierced into the werewolf's body, directly crushing the opponent's heart, no matter how strong the werewolf was, no matter how hard the body was, and how good the recovery ability was.

Their hearts were crushed, and they couldn't survive either.

Robert and Teo also crushed the hearts of the two werewolves, and the three werewolves died unjustly like this.

"Ryan, bloody blood, I have tolerated you for a long time, roar!"

Paul watched the werewolf die at the hands of the vampire, but he was more angry than seeing the werewolf killed by Peng Caixuan and others.

Paul's muscles tensed up, his veins bulged, and his sharp claws grabbed Ryan.

The battle between the wolf king and the vampire duke has begun.

"I've had enough of the smell of werewolves. If it wasn't for Dracula's order, I wouldn't bring you disgusting things here."

Ryan easily dodged Paul's punch, and at the same time with a wave of his arm, two bloody bats flew towards Paul.

Facing the two bats, Paul waved his wolf claws and scattered the two butterflies.

Opening his mouth, a ball of air spit out.

Flapping the wings on his back, Ryan soared into the air, hiding from the air mass.

"Paul, you are no match for me."

Ryan looked at Paul with disdain.

Paul grinned at the corner of his mouth, showing a weird smile, then opened his mouth, and several air balls flew towards Ryan in a row.

Ryan waved his arm, and bats flew out one after another. The bats collided with the air mass, and there was a dense explosion in the air, and the bats and the air mass disappeared one after another.


Ryan blocked Paul's air mass, let out a loud cry, and then saw a red bat bigger than an adult appearing in front of Ryan.

When the bat appeared, Paul's face changed, and he turned and fled, looking very afraid of the big bat.

Every step Paul takes has a distance of four or five meters, and if he jumps, he has a distance of two or three meters.

As soon as he ran, he rushed out dozens of meters in the blink of an eye.

But even so, he still couldn't get rid of the attack of the big bat.

The big bat rushed down from the air and was behind Paul in an instant.



Paul's terrified cry sounded simultaneously with the explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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