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Chapter 659 Turns out to be the Shennong Cauldron

Chapter 659 It Turned Out to be the Shennong Cauldron (Part [-])
Not Nuwa Stone?
Ji Yang thought about the special abilities of the top ten ancient artifacts again.

"The Eastern Emperor Bell is known as the Gate of Heaven, and it has the terrifying power to destroy the world."

"Xuanyuan Sword is known as the strongest power (Eastern Emperor Bell has the title of the head of power, Xuanyuan Sword is also known as the strongest power, Xieben is also a little confused, but I searched a lot of information, it is said, I I am also speechless), and there is infinite power in it, it is a magic sword for slaying demons and demons."

"The Pangu Ax can travel through the void, open up the world, and its power is not weaker than the Xuanyuan Sword..."

He muttered about the purpose of the top ten artifacts in ancient times, but it turned out that only the Nuwa stone could be resurrected and regenerated, other artifacts did not have this ability.

Ji Yang looked at Granny Lan in a daze, his eyes full of doubts.

"Grandma Lan, as far as I know, the only one of the top ten artifacts that can revive people in ancient times is the Nuwa stone. Are there any other artifacts that can bring people back to life?"

Ji Yang's understanding of the top ten artifacts came from the records of the Heavenly Court. He felt that his understanding of the top ten ancient artifacts should be unparalleled in the world.

But this time I guessed wrong, if Grandma Lan really said that another artifact has the same power as the Nuwa stone.

This is not only slapping himself in the face, but also slapping the face of heaven and hell.

Who made the data collected by the Heavenly Court and the Underworld not comprehensive?

"One of the top ten artifacts in ancient times is an artifact. Although it cannot directly bring the dead back to life, as long as you gather the right things, you can use it to bring the dead back to life.

Granny Lan became more and more mysterious, and Ji Yang became more and more interested in this artifact.

Although the top ten artifacts in ancient times were all amazing, but they were so amazing, he wanted to know which one.

"It's so powerful, what is it?"

"Shen Nong Ding!"

As soon as Granny Lan said the words, Ji Yang was shocked, it turned out to be the Shennong Cauldron.

Shennong Ding was originally called Zaoshi Ding. In ancient times, Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs for Cangshan. This Shennong Ding is the ancient tripod he used to refine all kinds of herbs.

Because it has accumulated the energy of countless elixirs for thousands of years, it is said that it can refine the unparalleled magic medicine that even the gods of the heavens cannot easily obtain, and it hides mysterious power.

If it was Shennong Ding, Granny Lan did not exaggerate what she said just now.

The Dark Night Alliance won the Shennong Cauldron, and it is entirely possible to refine the elixir that can revive Cain and Mutu by borrowing the energy of the elixir in the Shennong Cauldron and pairing it with a suitable prescription.

"I didn't expect that the one you guarded was the Shennong Cauldron."

"Grandma Lan, can you take me to see the Shennong Cauldron?"

Ji Yang's request sounds a little rash, but the Shennong Ding is the guardian object of Grandma Lan and the villagers.

Ji Yang opened his mouth and wanted to see it, it seemed that something was wrong.

But Ji Yang couldn't help being excited when he thought that it was one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times.

He wanted to see if the Shennong Cauldron was as magical as the Demon Refining Pot.

Just hearing Ji Yang's words, Grandma Lan shook her head directly.

Seeing Granny Lan shaking her head, Ji Yang smiled faintly and said softly.

"I was reckless. The Shennong Ding is so precious to you, so I can see it if I want."

"No, it's not your recklessness, but we don't know where the Shennong Ding is. Even I have never seen the Shennong Ding."

Granny Lan's voice was a bit bitter, but she didn't seem to be joking.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Granny Lan and the villagers were born to protect the Shennong Ding, but although they stick to their beliefs and responsibilities, they have never seen the Shennong Ding, which is ridiculous.

"Really, what Granny Lan said is true, we have never seen the Shennong Ding before."

Lan Xueyao saw obvious doubts in Ji Yang's eyes, she hurriedly opened her mouth and continued.

According to her, the fact that her village exists to protect Shennong Ding is an ancestral precept passed down from generation to generation.

It was recorded in the ancestral training that the Shennong Ding Ding existed in this mountain, but the specific location was not recorded.

"You have never seen the Shennong Ding, aren't you afraid that the ancestral teachings are false?"

Even if it is an ancestor's instruction, but no one has ever seen the Shennong Ding, it is easy to make people question it?
Ji Yang didn't believe that for thousands of years, no one from Lan Xueyao's ancestors had questioned this.

"will not."

Grandma Lan and Lan Xueyao spoke at the same time.

Won't?Could it be that the ancestors of Granny Lan and Lan Xueyao are very simple and simple, so they firmly believe in the ancestral precepts.

"Come with us, we will take you to a place, and you will believe it when you get there."

Now that I have told Ji Yang about this today, Granny Lan will tell Ji Yang everything frankly.

To convince Ji Yang that what he and Lan Xueyao said is true, it is impossible not to produce practical evidence.

Grandma Lan and Lan Xueyao took Ji Yang out of the wooden building and walked out of the village. Walking on the road in the village, when the villagers saw Ji Yang, they all greeted him warmly.

In their eyes, the current Ji Yang is a hero.

Without Ji Yang, they would have been killed by the enemies from the west yesterday, and the village would have been destroyed.

Leaving the village, the three of them walked all the way to the center of the mountain.

The more he walked towards the center of the mountain, the more exciting the expression on Ji Yang's face became. He found that the surroundings were full of aura, and he saw many flowers, plants and trees that he had never seen before.

The birds and beasts encountered on the road are also very spiritual. They are not afraid of people, but instead fly, jump and run beside the three of them.

"Grandma, sister Xueyao, brother Ji, why are you here?"

When Ji Yang was taken to a cave, several figures suddenly appeared. These people were all villagers in the village, and the leader was Lan Fei.

"We are going to enter Shennong Cave (a fictional location, which has nothing to do with reality), you just need to guard it outside."

Grandma Lan said to Lan Fei and the others. Lan Fei and the others were slightly hesitant, but they still nodded and stood aside.

Even ordinary villagers can't enter Shennong Cave casually. They can only enter under the leadership of Grandma Lan on certain days, and no outsiders have ever entered.

Granny Lan actually wanted to bring Ji Yang in today.

But thinking about what happened before, and thinking about the fact that this mountain is still handled by Ji Yang, they will understand.

"It's so full of aura."

Entering the cave, there are various murals painted in the cave.

These murals seem to be scenes of human life in ancient times, and there are various similar characters and lumps engraved on them, which seem to be oracle bone inscriptions.

These are not the most important, the important thing is that after Ji Yang came to the cave, he felt that the aura of heaven and earth here is very full.

In today's situation where the earth's ecology is so severely damaged, there are almost no places that can be filled with the aura of heaven and earth.

"It smells so familiar, I smell the smell of an old friend."

After entering the cave, the fairy in the pot actually spoke.

Ever since zombies and country R shikigami entered the pot world, this guy hasn't erupted for a long time.

What he said now is telling Ji Yang that there is indeed the aura of the top ten ancient artifacts here.

(End of this chapter)

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