The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 661 Country R is waiting

Chapter 661 Country R is waiting (three more)

After proving that Granny Lan's words were true, Granny Lan didn't stay here with Ji Yang for too long, and left Shennong Cave.

"Fuck me, what are you doing, kid, you stole Shennong Baicaoye, which has not been touched for thousands of years."

When he was leaving, Hu Zhongxian quietly filled a small bottle of Agriculture-related Baicao Liquid from the stone cauldron, which contained nearly a hundred drops.

Ji Yang shouted in his mind with some contempt.

"There are so many, I pretend to be afraid."

"These Shennong Baicao liquid can heal serious injuries, and they will definitely be used in the future."

"Besides, this thing is the lowest level of medicine for Shennongding. Don't tell me that you have no idea about Shennongding."

"As long as you get the Shennong Ding, you can have as much Shennong Baicaoye as you want, and you can just return it to the villagers a hundred times and a thousand times."

Hu Zhongxian had a thick skin, and he didn't take Ji Yang's disdain seriously.

But his words also revealed Ji Yang's thoughts, he definitely wanted to get the Shennong Ding.

Although the mountain is huge, as long as the Shennong Ding is in this mountain, with the familiarity of Hu Zhongxian's breath with the Shennong Ding, and the arrival of the pig demons in the later period.

To find the Shennong Ding, Ji Yang felt that it was only a matter of time and not difficult.

Hu Zhongxian showed a shameless side, what else could Ji Yang say, he could only hope that Hu Zhongxian took a small part of Shennong Baicao Liquid and Granny Lan and the others would not find out.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to explain myself.

Back in the village again, Ji Yang was also about to leave. Before leaving, Ji Yang asked Zhu Tong and others to stay here.

Anyway, Zhu Jiumei is very satisfied with this place. After returning to Linhai, after a simple arrangement, all the pig demons will come here.

Moreover, keeping the pig and the three pig demons behind is also to prevent enemies from coming.

"I have arranged for one billion to be handed over to the Land Bureau. You can live here with peace of mind."

"In a few days, some of my friends will come here, Zhutong and they will build some simple houses in these few days, and you can help too."

Before Ji Yang left, he said to Granny Lan and Lan Xueyao.

This mountain belongs to Ji Yang now, whoever Ji Yang wants to live in can live there, Granny Lan and Lan Xueyao have no right to control it.

Speaking of which, Ji Yang agreed that they could continue to live here.

If Ji Yang didn't want them to continue living, they wouldn't be able to if they wanted to. Ji Yang was much more terrifying than the vampires and werewolves in the West.

"What about that black witch? Do you want to take it away?"

The black witch Haiya has already been controlled by Lan Xueyao's Gu, if Ji Yang wants to bring her back, Lan Xueyao will not have any objections.

"Why should I take her away? Anyway, you have a way to control her now. It is also a good choice to keep a black witch as a bodyguard."

Ji Yang smiled lightly, and Lan Xueyao also felt that what Ji Yang said was reasonable.

Haiya's strength is still very strong, if it weren't for the control of Gu insects, neither Lan Xueyao nor the Gu masters in the village could beat her.

This trip to Miaojiang was even more rewarding than Ji Yang expected.

Not only did he find a suitable residence for the pig demons, he also took in a few vampire servants, and more importantly, he got news about the Shennong Ding.

"The harvest this time is really refreshing."

Sitting on the plane back to Linhai, he couldn't help saying loudly when he thought of the harvest of Miao Jiang's sexuality this time.

When Ji Yang shouted, the passengers on the plane couldn't help looking at him.

Feeling that everyone was looking at him, Ji Yang shrugged his shoulders indifferently, he has a thick skin, and the eyes of the people, he only thought that these people were jealous of him.

Ji Yang is happy, but some people are destined to be depressed and angry.

And it's not one group of people who are depressed, but two groups of people.

Inside the Yin Yang Shrine in Country R, ​​Toyotomi Seimei frowned and looked at the information report in his hand.

Before Susanoo was ordered to return to Takamahara, Toyotomi Seimei was given three days to investigate why the onmyoji and shikigami lost last time, especially the two-faced Buddha, why they disappeared.

Toyotomi Seimei fulfilled his mission. In three days, he did receive a message from Huaxia.

Just seeing this information, Seimei Toyotomi felt very depressed.

"Qingming, three days have passed, is there any news?"

Shuten-douji came at the right time. Toyotomi Seimei had just finished reading the information report in his hand, and he came to the Onmyoji Shrine to look for him.

"See for yourself."

All the information is in the information report, Toyotomi Seimei directly threw the information report to Shuten-douji.

After receiving the information report, Shuten-douji read it carefully.

There wasn't much content, but the explanation was fairly detailed, and Shuten-douji's expression became even uglier.


Shuten-douji was furious after seeing the information, and in a fit of anger, he threw the information report to the ground.

"Damn it, it was discovered by the Huaxia Xuan Group and destroyed."

"Didn't you say that the plan is foolproof, and come back after catching that man named Ji Yang? How could he still be discovered? You Onmyojis are too useless!"

Shuten-douji, who was so angry, spoke without restraint.

His words didn't care about the feelings of Toyotomi Seimei, who is the leader of the Onmyoji Alliance, so he scolded Onmyoji.

No matter how much Toyotomi Seimei paid attention to self-cultivation and how he could bear it, he couldn't keep calm when Shuten-douji insulted the Onmyoji in front of him.

A chill emerged from Toyotomi Seimei's body, his eyes narrowed, and there were already a few more talisman papers in his hand.

"Jiuten-douji, I let you in on weekdays, but it's not that I'm afraid of you, so please be more polite."

"Remember, this is the Onmyoji Alliance, not your leader's mansion."

When Toyotomi Seimei got angry, Shuten-douji realized that what he said just now was inappropriate.

But even if Toyotomi Seimei is angry, it doesn't mean that Shuten-douji will be afraid of him, let alone admit his mistake to him.

Don't look at the relationship between the ghosts of R country and Onmyoji because of Susanoo's life, the relationship between the ghosts of R country and Onmyoji is very harmonious, but the two sides actually don't like to see each other.

As one of the leaders of the ghosts, Shuten-douji would not mind hurting each other with Toyotomi Seimei if possible.

"Hmph, am I wrong? If the Onmyoji is stronger, he won't be wiped out by the group."

"That's right, if the ghosts are stronger for the onmyoji as shikigami, they won't be wiped out by the group."

Toyotomi Seimei sneered and retorted.

This matter is not a problem between Onmyoji and ghosts, but a problem of the strength of both parties.

"Baga, this time I will go to Huaxia personally, and I will definitely destroy that Huaxia Xuan Group."

"You don't need to go to Huaxia, they will come by themselves."

"This time the Onmyoji Alliance has made such a big noise, based on my understanding of the Huaxia Xuan Group, they must come to country R to trouble us."

"At that time, if you are the one who will be destroyed, we just need to wait in Country R."

Hearing what Toyotomi Seimei said, Shutendouji showed a cruel smile on his face.

"Then I will wait for them. If they dare to come, I will let them come and go."

 Third update, the update ends today and will continue tomorrow, thank you for your support and encouragement
(End of this chapter)

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