The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 665 The Pantao Club Begins

Chapter 665 The Peach Club Begins (Fourth Update)

I don't know if it's a habit, or nostalgia, or pretending (forced).

After leaving Dracula's Castle, what Omaden took was not a modern car, but a carriage.

Sitting on the carriage, Omaden closed his eyes tightly.

"My lord, what happened to your neck, did Dracula do it?"

Omaden's bodyguard chief, and black knight captain Latu among the heretics, asked with cold eyes.

As Omaden's personal bodyguard, if he didn't even have this vision, he would have been laid off a long time ago.

"It's okay, it's just anger, the blood prince, the smartest person in the night alliance, it's all a joke."

"This Dracula has lived for thousands of years, but his eyesight has become more and more short-sighted, and his mind has become more and more stupid."

"One day I will tell them with facts that the strength of the Night Alliance depends on us. The vampires, werewolves, and witches must all submit to us and to the Lord."

Omaden touched his neck, where there were two bloodstains, which were caught by Dracula.

Although the bloodstains were painful, they made Omaden more sober. The injuries he suffered today would be doubled to Dracula in the future.

"My lord, the deacon cardinal died. This is a great loss for us. Is it worth it?"

"His sacrifice was not for us, but for the Lord."

"As long as he can get Huaxia's artifact, his sacrifice is worth it."

It turned out that Omaden's previous speculations were all deceiving Dracula.

The deacon cardinal in the Holy See is a heretic. His information did come from within the Holy See, but it was Omaden who arranged for him to reveal the news to Dracula.

It's just that Omaden underestimated Dracula's ferocity, which led to the death of the deacon cardinal.

It was not easy for a heretic to hide in the Holy See, and it was even more difficult to climb to the position of cardinal. It is impossible for Omaden not to feel sad about his death.

But when he thought of Huaxia's artifact, Omaden felt that it was all worth it.

"Cain? Mutu? Blood clans and werewolves only think that they have powerful ancestors who want to be resurrected, but they don't know that there are people in our hands waiting to be resurrected."

"As long as he is resurrected, the end of the Holy See will come."

"We will usher in a new era, the future belongs to us, my Almighty Lord, please bless me so that my plan can go smoothly."

Omaden looked out the window at the dark night and began to pray.

Latu also prayed. In Latu's heart, in the entire Dark Night Alliance, the smartest person is not Dracula, let alone Wolf King Bailuo and Nuya.

It was Omaden, the pagan leader in front of him, and the others were on the chessboard he had arranged, and those people were all Omaden's pawns.

Latu felt that they, who were called heretics by the Holy See, were about to turn around. At that time, they would no longer be heretics, and the heretics would become members of the current Holy See...

"Prince Dracula, you are looking for me."

At this time in Dracula's castle, Dracula called his most trusted subordinates.

This is the orthodox vampire of the Dracula blood family, the person who is really reused by Dracula, another Duke Dejisa of the Dracula family.

"Dejisa, you are my most trusted subordinate. I have something to ask you to investigate. Don't tell anyone about this, or I will kill you myself."

"Prince Dracula, Dejisa is your loyal follower forever, and I will never betray you."

"Your words are higher than my life, and I will not tell anyone about your mission."

Carrots and sticks, global skills.

Part of Dracula's words are admiration and part intimidation.

Facing Dracula's intimidation simply, Dejisa did not have the slightest fear. As he said, Dracula's order is higher than his life.

"Very good. After this matter is clarified, I will raise your duke level and reward you with my blood."

"Thank you Prince Dracula."

Dracula's blood, this is the prince's blood.

Vampires drink the blood of higher-level vampires, which greatly increases their combat effectiveness.

If he can drink Dracula's blood, then Dejisa is likely to become the existence of the entire Dracula blood family, second only to Dracula in strength.

As for the title, because each blood family has only one prince, the highest other vampires can only be dukes.

However, dukes are also divided into ranks. Ryan is a third-class duke, and Dejisa is a second-class duke, which is higher than Ryan's duke.

If the title is promoted again, it will be a first-class duke.

The benefits that a first-class duke can gain are many times greater than those of a second-class duke.

"Don't thank me first, everything will be discussed after the matter is settled."

"Follow Prince Dracula, what is the task you entrusted to me?"

"I want you to go to the Holy See to investigate something..."

What Dracula asked Dejisa to investigate was naturally the truth of what Omaden said before.

When Dejisa left, Dracula stood in his castle, watching bats flying outside the castle through the window.

"Omaden, China is indeed a very magical country. There is an old saying in China, I don't know if you know it."

"There is an old saying that cleverness is mistaken by cleverness!"

While speaking, a book appeared in Dracula's hand. This book turned out to be a Chinese book called "5000 Years of China".

Intrigue, infighting, this kind of thing is ubiquitous everywhere.

The Dark Night Alliance, an alliance composed of enemies, is not monolithic, and everyone in it has their own ulterior motives.

Can such an alliance really dominate the West and the world? Let's wait and see...

While others were fighting each other openly and secretly, Ji Yang and others had already returned to Linhai on the plane from Miaojiang to Linhai.

In the next few days, Ji Yang helped Zhu Jiumei deal with the migration of the pig demon.

The number of pig demons is only a few hundred, but it is not easy to migrate.

The cultivation levels of these pig demons are different, some have turned into human form, some are still half human, and some are just like wild boars.

For such a complicated pig demon, Ji Yang also spent a lot of energy, and let Peng Caixuan use the privilege of Xuanzu to move all these pig demons to Miaojiang.

"I've been tired for the past few days. It's really not easy to move hundreds of pig demons."

The pig demons have all migrated, and even Zhu Jiumei has followed, and there is not even a trace of a pig demon in Linhai now.

Ji Yang can finally relax. He hasn't checked his WeChat for a long time. I don't know if there is anything new in Heaven and Earth.

Turn on the phone, click on the WeChat circle of friends, Ji Yang saw the dynamics in the circle of friends.

"Peach Fair has started, I don't know if the taste of durian can be accepted by people in Heaven and Earth."

Ji Yang saw that the dynamics of the entire circle of friends revolved around the Queen Mother's Peach Blossom Club.

Thinking of Sun Wukong taking the durian to the Peach Fair, he couldn't help but wonder how the immortals would react when they saw the durian.

(End of this chapter)

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