The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 677 Where is Houyi's Reincarnation

Chapter 677 Where is Hou Yi's reincarnation ([-] more)
There are yin and yang mistakes in the world, there are yin and yang in the world, and there are days and nights in the sky.

The same is true among ancient warriors, there are good and bad, there are good people and there are scum.

And people like Li Chun are the scum among ancient warriors.

Unfortunately, they, the scum of ancient warriors, met Ji Yang, and the result of meeting Ji Yang was death.

Li Chun and his juniors all died, in his own company.

"You go back to Linhai Hospital with a smile, don't try to run away halfway, because there are two eyes staring at you all the time."

"You don't need to touch the money in your card for the time being. I will handle the money."

The money was donated by many well-meaning people.

Ji Yang would not want the money, but it is impossible to give the money to Liu Shun, the money should be used where it should be used.

"Yes, yes, I won't run, so I'll go back to Linhai Hospital with a smile on my face."

Seeing Ji Yang's ruthless attack just now, Liu Shun was frightened silly.

The current him, even if he was given ten guts, he wouldn't dare to run away.

When Liu Shun left, Ji Yang picked up the phone and called Peng Caixuan.

"Caixuan, arrange people from the Xuan Group to clean up the garbage. I met a few scumbags of ancient warriors, and I killed them."

"Damn, Boss, next time there is such a thing as killing people if you don't agree with each other, can you call me?"

"It's so boring to always ask me to wipe your ass."

"Stop talking nonsense, find someone to deal with it quickly, I just encountered it temporarily."

"Yes, you are the boss, you have the final say, tell me the address, and I will arrange for someone to go there immediately."

After Ji Yang told Peng Caixuan the address, some people rushed over, and these people turned out to be the police.

"Hello Ji Shao, Master Peng asked me to come."

The leading policeman came to Ji Yang's side and said respectfully to Ji Yang that Ji Yang could feel the breath of an ancient warrior on this policeman.

It seems that the people in the Xuan group are well-known and dark, and this should be the person arranged by the Xuan group on the bright side.

"Let's deal with them, and I'll leave the rest of the trouble to you."

"Don't worry Ji Shao, I know how to deal with this matter."

"By the way, see if you can find anything from them. There should be big fish behind them. If you find them, tell Caixuan."

"Okay, I will definitely find out."

After making arrangements for the aftermath, Ji Yang drove away.

After leaving here, Ji Yang returned to Linhai Hospital, where there are still people waiting for his treatment.

Ji Deming expected that Ji Yang would return to Linhai Hospital, because Liu Shun and Xiaoxiao really came back as Ji Yang said.

They had only been out of the hospital for a few hours before returning.

Obviously Liu Shun was so determined at the time, but now he came back, Ji Deming felt that Ji Yang was also a god.

Is this a prophet?
"You're fine, boy, Liu Shun really came back with a smile."

"I know, arrange an operating room, and I will treat Xiaoxiao immediately."

"Okay, I've already made arrangements, I know your kid will come back, treat him right away."

The next treatment, Ji Yang went very smoothly, this time he didn't even use the silver needles, he directly used celestial techniques to heal Xiaoxiao's problematic heart and get rid of Xiaoxiao's brain tumor.

Xiaoxiao is still a child, he doesn't want to leave scars or any marks on Xiaoxiao's body.

After successful treatment, Ji Yang found Liu Shun.

"Doctor Ji, thank you for treating Xiaoxiao, I kneel down for you."

A man has gold under his knees, so he would not kneel easily, but facing Ji Yang, Liu Shun really didn't know what to say, he could only thank Ji Yang by kneeling and thanking him.

Ji Yang didn't stop Liu Shun, and let Liu Shun kneel on the ground.

This is what Liu Shun should do. He knelt down not only because of his gratitude to Ji Yang, but also because of his repentance for his previous mistakes.

Ji Yang is not a soft-hearted person, and he will never be kind to some people.

"Liu Shun, if I didn't see that you still have a father's heart, I would definitely kill you."

Ji Yang looked at Liu Shun and said in an indifferent voice.

Regarding Ji Yang's words, Liu Shun didn't have the slightest doubt. He believed that if Ji Yang wanted to kill him, he would definitely do it.

Because he had already seen Ji Yang's method, the method of killing people, and his calm demeanor when killing people, even Liu Shun, an ordinary person, could feel that Ji Yang was definitely not as simple as killing a few people.

"Liu Shun, you donated the money in the card to a safe charity organization, and the money will be used for those who really need it."

"I've already asked someone to investigate. You have indeed spent all your family's money on Xiaoxiao's treatment. Are you living a hard life now?"

"You can leave 10 yuan. This money is not for you, but for Xiaoxiao."

Liu Shun originally wanted to take out all the money in the card, but he didn't expect Ji Yang to leave [-] for himself, no, it was for Xiaoxiao.

"thanks, thanks."

Because of physical problems, Xiaoxiao never went to school. Now that Xiaoxiao has recovered from her illness, and with this 10 yuan, Xiaoxiao can already go to school.

"Also, I'll introduce you to a job."

"You can work with peace of mind, don't use any more brains, if you do stupid things again, I will definitely not let you go."

Ji Yang has given the greatest kindness, Liu Shun's mood is very complicated at this time, he no longer knows how to thank Ji Yang.

After handing over the phone number of the personnel department of Xinyang Trading Company to Liu Shun, Ji Yang instructed the other party a few more times before leaving the hospital.

"Ji Yang, why don't you give him more money?"

"Sit and eat, even 1000 million yuan will be spent. 10 yuan is enough to solve their family's current predicament. Giving him a job is more useful than giving him money."

"I understand. This time we rewarded 50 merits, and now we have 860 million merits."

Speaking of merit, Xiao Longnu was very happy.

Now Ji Yang is already a sixth-rank immortal, and if he is promoted to a fifth-rank immortal, Xiao Longnu will be able to lift the restriction.

Xiao Longnu has had enough of this body now, she misses her dragon body too much.

After Ji Yang took Xiaolongnv back to the villa, he saw that the room where Li Zixuan and the three girls practiced was still closed.

Through his perception, Ji Yang knew that the three girls were still practicing, so he didn't bother, but took out his mobile phone.

He first took a look at his own merit, and it was indeed 860 million.

I didn't expect that when I went back to Linhai Hospital, there was an unexpected surprise, and I got 50 merits all at once, which made me one step closer to being promoted to the rank of immortal.

After reading the merits, Ji Yang searched his WeChat address book, and when he saw the King of Wheels, he smiled.

He wanted to ask the King of the Wheel for help, and this job was related to Chang'e.

"Turning Wheel King, are you busy?"

"Xiaobai, tell me something, I know you won't come looking for me for no reason."

"Hey, you saw through it, I want to ask you, where is Houyi's reincarnation now?"

When Ji Yang went to the King of the Wheel, he wanted to use him to find the reincarnated Hou Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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