The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 685 Shennong Cauldron Barrier

Chapter 685

The 600-year-old golden mouse demon is still very hard.

But under Ji Yang's 72-change punch, it was not enough. Although Ji Yang's punch didn't kill the golden mouse monster, it was certain that a few bones would be broken.

Not to mention a few broken bones, the golden-haired rat monster also injured its internal organs by Ji Yang's punch.

The body fell from the air, and a big hole was smashed out by it on the ground, and most of the body was embedded in the soil.

With this fall, the Golden Mouse Demon felt his eyes were full of stars and his head was dizzy.

Ji Yang fell from the air and rode on the golden-haired rat demon, raising his fist, as if to smash it on the head.

"Boss, don't, don't, don't hit me, it won't work if I'm convinced."

"I said I'll give you the clue of Shennong Ding, and I'll tell you the location, so don't fight."

Ji Yang's strength surpassed the imagination of the golden-haired mouse monster, and he showed his true self, and was beaten so badly by Ji Yang's punch.

If he hit his head with a punch, his head would not be smashed.

Even if he doesn't die, his own life is hard to save.

Ji Yang originally wanted to know about Shennong Ding through Wei Suo's mouth, so naturally he wouldn't really want the other party's life, this punch was more threatening.

Hearing Wei Suo begging for mercy, Ji Yang snorted coldly.

"Say it quickly, or I will cut you off."

"I said, I said."

The Golden Rat Demon's body trembled slightly, its huge body began to shrink, and it changed into a human form in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Wei Suo's face was a little pale, with a little blood on the corner of his mouth, and when he looked at Ji Yang, he was a little scared.

His body was comparable to fine steel, but he was defeated by the opponent's punch, which made Wei Suo very depressed and scared.

Under Ji Yang's menacing gaze, the golden-haired mouse monster told all the clues about Shennong Ding.

In this mountain, in terms of race, the Rat Race is definitely the most numerous (not counting the ants).

Rats are good at digging holes. Even Wei Suo doesn't know how many rats and rat holes there are in the whole mountain.

It can be said that the entire mountain has traces of the rat tribe digging holes.

But there is one place that the Rat Clan has never been able to get through, and this location is under the Shennong Cave.

Although the Shennong Cave itself was very deep, the Rat Clan's ability to dig holes would naturally make it deeper, but they couldn't dig under it.

It is obviously a soil layer, but it cannot be excavated at all.

Wei Suo didn't believe in evil, he himself came here to try, but with his ability, he couldn't even dig it.

After many attempts, Wei Suo discovered one thing, that is, there is an enchantment under Shennong Cave.

It is precisely because of this enchantment that the Rat Race cannot make holes.

"This enchantment is very strong, and I can't break it with my ability."

"I heard before that the people in the village are guarding the Shennong Cauldron, which is also the Shennong Cave. Later, when Zhu Jiumei came here, she asked around where there was something unusual in the mountain, so I told her."

"There are my tribe's caves everywhere in this mountain. If there is a Shennong Ding, my tribe will definitely find it."

"The only place that hasn't been opened is the lower part of the Shennong Cave. If the Shennong Cauldron is really in the mountain, I think it must be in the enchantment."

The Shennong Ding is one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times. No matter what race they are in, they all hope to get it.

As the leader of the Rat Clan in this mountain, Wei Suo, the golden-haired rat demon, also wanted to get the Shennong Cauldron, which was one of the reasons why the Rat Clan would dig holes everywhere in the mountain.

On the surface, it is to dig a hole to survive, but in fact it is to find the Shennong Ding.

Now there is only one barrier that can't be broken through, Wei Suo has doubts for a long time, but he is not capable enough, so he can't break through the barrier at all.

Later, Zhu Jiumei appeared, and after coercing and luring her, this guy slipped her mouth.

Wei Suo is very cunning, so when he was talking, Ji Yang kept staring at him.

The immortal energy on Ji Yang's body was locked on Wei Suo's body at all times, feeling the changes in the other party's aura. Under his observation, Ji Yang felt that Wei Suo was not lying.

Under Shennong Cave?Enchantment?
These two pieces of information are also very possible. If Shennong Ding didn't take some self-protection measures, he might have been discovered long ago.

The Shennong Baicaoye from Shennong Ding will not appear out of thin air, and the location where Shennong Baicaoye appears will definitely not be too far from Shennong Ding.

"Mistake, I should have thought of this before."

If he had thought of these earlier, perhaps Ji Yang should have discovered something last time.

But it's not too late now, and the Golden Mouse Demon Wei Suo simply doesn't have the ability to break the barrier.

Now that he knew that the Shennong Ding Ding was probably under his feet, Ji Yang naturally would not let go of the opportunity, so he decided to go down and see for himself.

"You take me to see."

"Good boss."

This Wei Suo is really smart enough, Ji Yang didn't even recognize him as the younger brother, he called him the boss first.

When Ji Yang spoke, Wei Suo didn't hesitate, and his body became the real golden-haired mouse demon, but his size became smaller, only the size of an ordinary mouse.

After turning into the little golden mouse demon, this guy found a mouse hole and got in.

Ji Yang performed earth movement and followed Wei Suo into the ground.

"You have dug so many holes. If you continue to dig, this Shennong Cave will not be collapsed by you."

After entering the ground, Ji Yang saw rat holes all around him. It seemed that Wei Suo had put in a lot of effort to break through the barrier.

It's a pity that it failed in the end.

"Boss, it's here."

Wei Suo went all the way down, and stopped when a piece of undamaged soil appeared in front of him.

There were rat holes everywhere around the soil layer. It seemed that Wei Suo had tried to enter this soil layer from different angles.

Ji Yang approached the intact soil layer, pressed his palm on the soil layer, and a strange breath waved instantly.

"The demon refining pot, are you familiar with this breath?"

Sensing the fluctuation of breath, Ji Yang asked about the demon refining pot.

The Demon Refining Pot is very familiar with the aura of the Shennong Ding, if it can recognize the enchantment aura, then this is probably where the Shennong Ding is located.

"It is indeed the breath of the Shennong Ding. I can guarantee that the Shennong Ding is within the barrier."

The voice of the demon refining pot was a little excited, and said to Ji Yang.

After the location of the Shennong Ding was determined, Ji Yang smiled, it seemed that he was going to have another artifact.

However, the barrier of this Shennong Ding was very strong, and Ji Yang tried several times, but he was still unable to break the barrier.

"Can you break the barrier?"

Ji Yang couldn't break the barrier, so he had to ask for help from the Demon Refining Pot, but it was a pity that the Demon Refining Pot couldn't help.

The artifact was right in front of him, and he couldn't get the artifact unless he broke the barrier, which made Ji Yang a little depressed.

"Chi You is still practicing in seclusion?"

It has been seven days since the last time he devoured the general corpse clan zombies, but Chi You still didn't respond for a long time.

Neither the enchantment Ji Yang nor the demon refining pot could be opened, so he wanted to ask Chi You if there was any way.

"No, it's still closed."

It's just a pity that Chi You is still practicing in seclusion at this time, and it seems impossible to ask him to help.

"Go, let's go back and find a way."

After being able to find the Shennong Ding, Ji Yang didn't believe that he couldn't break it, so he wanted to go to the ground to think of a way.

 Three shifts, Xieben has something to do today, but there will be no fewer updates in the normal third shift. The update ends today and will continue tomorrow. Please recommend, monthly pass, and reward

(End of this chapter)

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