Chapter 688 Hou Yi (Third Watch)
The last time the Demon Refining Pot appeared in the world, a similar situation occurred in the Law of the Three Realms.

This time, the Taishang Laojun, the Jade Emperor and other immortals had been prepared for a long time, and when they felt the turmoil in the laws of the three realms, they knew that the Shennong Ding had reappeared in the world.

It's just that although the Shennong Ding has reappeared in the world, it's hard to say if Ji Yang can't get it.

Even if you see the top ten artifacts in ancient times, it is not easy to get them.

"Old gentleman, quickly use the Xuanguang mirror, let me wait to see if Xiaobai can get the Shennong cauldron smoothly."

"If Xiaobai encounters difficulties, we can help as soon as possible."

The Jade Emperor was excited, and the Shennong Cauldron appeared, which was one step closer to breaking the law of the Three Realms.

The Taishang Laojun didn't need the Jade Emperor to tell him, he was already ready to use the Xuanguang Mirror.

Following the Taishang Laojun's mysterious light mirror, the Jade Emperor and several other great immortals also saw Ji Yang's situation clearly at this time.

The appearance of the Shennong Ding is very similar to the stone tripod in the Shennong Cave, but this time it is not stone, but metal, it looks like bronze, and it looks like iron, but Ji Yang has no idea what it is made of. can not tell.

The material is not important, what is important is the aura exuded by the Shennong Ding.

The Shennong family used it to refine medicine back then. While the Shennong tripod exudes a medicinal fragrance, the breath gives people a sense of vitality.

"Is this the Shennong Ding?"

Looking at the Shennong Ding in front of him, Ji Yang walked forward step by step, and he stretched out his hand to touch the Shennong Ding.

"Be careful, there is danger."

Just when Ji Yang's hand was about to touch the Shennong Cauldron, several voices reminded at the same time that these voices came from Jinyin Boy and Hu Zhongxian.

In fact, Ji Yang also sensed the danger without them reminding him.

A sense of crisis emerged, and a golden light shot towards Ji Yang, and Ji Yang retreated quickly, barely avoiding it.

Dodging the golden light, Ji Yang saw clearly what was attacking him, it was an arrow.

At the same time, Ji Yang saw a tall and strong young man with a heroic and arrogant face standing on top of the Shennong Cauldron.

He was holding a golden longbow in his hand, the bowstring was fully drawn, and four golden arrows aimed at Ji Yang and the others.

"Where did you come from, little thief, are you trying to steal the Shennong cauldron?"

Jinyintongzi and Wei Suo both came to Ji Yang's side, and Yinlutongzi looked at the people standing on the Shennong cauldron and asked in a cold voice.

"Little baby, don't be shy. This Shennong cauldron belongs to me. If it's a thief, it's you."

"You guys are quite capable. You can break the barrier of the Shennong Ding, but if you want to get the Shennong Ding, you have to ask me if I agree with the bow and arrow in my hand."

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Facing Yinlu Boy's doubt, the young man stared at him, let go of the bowstring in his hand, and shot four arrows at Ji Yang, Jinlu Boy and Wei Suo respectively.

Seeing the arrows coming, Ji Yang and the others quickly dodged, and the four arrows fell to the positions where Ji Yang and the others were standing before.

Shoot four arrows at the same time, and they can shoot at different targets separately, and they are very accurate.

It can be seen from this hand alone that this person is a master of archery.

"The reaction is so fast that you can avoid my arrow."

"Even nine of the top ten Golden Crows couldn't dodge my arrows, but you were able to dodge them. Could it be that I've been quiet here for too long and my arrow skills are unfamiliar?"

Seeing that his arrow was dodged, the young man frowned, and whispered to himself in surprise.

Hearing the young man talking to himself, Ji Yang and the others were shocked.

The Golden Crow, also known as the Three-legged Crow and the Three-legged Golden Crow, is a golden crow and a god bird of the sun in mythology.

It is said that the three-legged Golden Crow is the son of Emperor Jun and Xihe. There were ten of them in ancient times. These ten Golden Crows are the ten suns in the legend (the ancient Golden Crow is another name for the sun).

The ten golden crows live under the branches of the hibiscus tree in the East China Sea, and if the ten golden crows appear at the same time, it will bring disaster to human beings.

In order to save mankind, someone shot down nine of them with a bow and arrow, leaving only one Golden Crow (one sun), and the person who shot down these nine Golden Crows was Hou Yi.

The young man in front of him actually said that he shot down the nine golden crows. Doesn't that mean that he himself is Houyi?

"You are Houyi?"

Ji Yang asked in disbelief.

Previously, Ji Yang had asked King Zhuanlun about Hou Yi's reincarnation, but was told that Hou Yi had disappeared.

The young man in front of him has superb arrow skills, and his words reveal that he is Houyi.

No wonder the underworld failed to find Hou Yi after searching for thousands of years. It turned out that this guy was hiding in the barrier of Shennong Ding.

"Yes, I am Hou Yi."

"This Shennong cauldron belongs to me. Since you know my name, Hou Yi, you should know how powerful I am. You should leave quickly."

Hou Yi looked at Ji Yang and the others arrogantly, and said with a bit of disdain in his eyes.

Back then, he was able to shoot down nine out of ten suns, so he did have arrogance.

But the Shennong Ding is related to the law of the Three Realms, how can Ji Yang and others leave without getting the Shennong Ding.

Seeing that Ji Yang and the others had no intention of leaving, Hou Yi's eyes were fixed, four golden arrows were placed on the bow, and the bow string was fully drawn to the four of them, and he shouted.

"Leave quickly, or I will shoot an arrow."

Ji Yang and the others frowned when the words were threatening.

In the end, Ji Yang took a step forward and said to Hou Yi.

"Houyi, do you know that the laws of the Three Realms prevent the Three Realms from communicating with each other?"

"The top ten ancient artifacts are necessary items to break the laws of the Three Realms. We must get the Shennong Ding. If we don't get the Shennong Ding, we will definitely not leave."

When the law of the Three Realms started, Ji Yang didn't know.

But according to the information he knew, after the disappearance of the top ten ancient artifacts, the gods can still come to the mortal world.

In this way, when Hou Yi disappeared, he probably didn't know the law of the Three Realms.

Ji Yang guessed right, Hou Yi really didn't know the laws of the Three Realms.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Hou Yi frowned slightly and shook his head.

It's just that he didn't seem to care about this matter. When he shook his head, a sneer appeared on his face.

"If the Three Realms cannot communicate with each other, gods will not be able to come to the mortal world, and they will not be able to confuse mortals. This is a good thing."

"Since it is a good thing, I will not hand over the Shennong Ding to you."

Hou Yi was obviously prejudiced against the gods, and what he said made the Jinyin boy quite unhappy.

The law of the Three Realms blocks the Three Realms, so that the gods and ghosts of the Heavenly Court and the Underworld cannot come to the mortal world at will, which makes the Heavenly Court and the Underworld very distressed.

And the gods are obviously helping mortals, when will there be a word of bewitching.

"If you don't give it, then we will grab him, Silver Furnace Boy, and capture him together."

Although Jinlu Boy looked like a child, he had a strong temper. Feeling unhappy, he swung the Seven Star Sword and stabbed at Hou Yi.

As soon as the Jinlu Boy moved, the Yinlu Boy followed closely behind, also holding a sword in his hand.

Although this sword is not the Seven Star Sword, it is also a magic weapon refined by the Taishang Laojun. The red light of the sword is shining, and it looks quite powerful.

Originally, Ji Yang was going to say something, but now that Jinyin boy did it directly, he didn't have the chance to speak.

It seems that we can only fight first.

 Send it at the third watch, thank you Tianxin, skilled, ordinary world, Grandma Yanwei, forgetting on the street corner, Chuchen, 194**693, I believe everything is waiting for someone to reward, today’s update ends, tomorrow will continue

(End of this chapter)

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