The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 692 Shooting the Sun and Raining Arrows

Chapter 692 Shooting the Sun and Raining Arrows (Part [-])
"I'm paralyzed, I can finally catch my breath."

Hou Yi took back the Shennong Ding, and the pressure on Ji Yang, Jinyintongzi and others was greatly relieved, and they all sat on the ground with their bodies limp.

Ji Yang felt as if he had passed through the gate of hell. The Shennong Cauldron was really strong, even if everyone joined forces to resist it with immortal energy, it would still be very difficult.

If they really can't resist the Shennong Ding, it will be very dangerous.

After the Shennong Ding was recalled by Hou Yi, the Shen Nong Ding floated above Hou Yi's head, and a circle of green light shrouded him. With the shroud of green light, Hou Yi's aura became stronger.

At this time, Chang'e has fallen from the sky.

Behind Chang'e, a silver phantom of a full moon with a diameter of about three or four meters floats. Chang'e is wrapped in the phantom of the full moon, and the fairy energy around her body becomes more intense.

When her body landed on the ground, Chang'e danced gracefully, the dancing was so beautiful that Ji Yang, who was relaxed, looked a little crazy.

Although the dance is beautiful, Chang'e's dance is full of murderous intentions. As she dances, silver arcs shoot out towards Hou Yi.

Faced with these arc attacks, the Shennong Ding above Hou Yi's head rotated rapidly, and circles of dark green ripples spread around Hou Yi.

The silver arc shot by Chang'e collided with the dark green ripples, and deafening roars sounded one after another.


While dancing, Chang'e approached Hou Yi, and her soft sleeves flicked, making them harder than fine steel.

The sleeve hit the dark green ripples continuously, and the dark green ripples trembled violently. Under the continuous attacks of the arc and Chang'e's sleeves, the dark green ripples were finally broken.

The dark green ripples broke, Chang'e flicked her sleeves, and two silver arcs flew out.

This arc exudes a cold air, which is formed by Chang'e's immortal energy, and its power is not weak.

"Hmph, Gale Arrow!"

Without the hindrance of the dark green ripples, Chang'e's silver arc quickly flew towards Houyi. Houyi's eyes froze, and two arrows were shot out quickly.

Two arrows shot out, the arrow body was fiery red, the hot breath distorted the surrounding air, and a circle of blue air flow swirled around the arrow body, the gale arrow turned out to be an attack that contained two attributes of wind and fire.

Hou Yi, shrouded in the green light of the Shennong Ding, was indeed stronger than before.

Reaction speed, movement speed and shooting speed are all faster.

The Gale Arrow collided with the silver arc shot by Chang'e Yuewei Guanghanwu, and even shot through the two arcs directly.

The Gale Arrow passed through the arc, and when the arc shattered, the Gale Arrow flew towards Chang'e without slowing down.

Chang'e broke through the dark green ripples and shot two circular arcs, which drained a lot of the fairy energy in her body. Facing the incoming Gale Arrow, Chang'e felt a little powerless to block it.

Seeing that she was about to be shot by Gaefeng Arrow, several figures rushed over, and these people were Jinyin Boy and others.

A group of people beating one person may seem unreasonable, but Hou Yi in front of him is really not easy to deal with, and he might not be able to beat him together.

"Mysterious water blue wave cover!"

"The Qiankun Golden Mask!"

The gold and silver boys each made a strange trick, a gold mask and a blue mask appeared out of thin air, covering everyone in it.

Not bad for being the disciple of Taishang Laojun, even the fairy boy who watched the alchemy furnace still has a lot of skills.

The two light shields protected everyone, and the Gale Arrow hit the light shields and broke, but the blue light shields also disappeared.

Seeing that his Gale Arrow broke, Hou Yi's eyes froze, several arrows were placed on the bow, and he was ready to shoot again.

It's just that he just hit the arrow on the string, his brows frowned, and his body turned back quickly. The arrow that was originally aimed at Chang'e and others actually shot towards the void behind him.

Could it be that Hou Yi was insane, or his brain was not working, and some people shot into the air instead of shooting.

Of course not, but he sensed a sense of crisis behind him.

"The Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Technique!"

The empty space became suddenly distorted, and Ji Yang appeared in the air with a shocked expression. He swung the black sword fiercely in his hand, and several thunderbolts fell towards Houyi's arrow.

Ji Yang was not among the people rushing towards Chang'e just now, he used invisibility to get behind Hou Yi, ready to launch a sneak attack.

But he didn't want Hou Yi to be so sensitive, he was discovered by Hou Yi before he got close to the other party.

Seeing the opponent shooting arrows, he hurriedly dodged and fought back.

"Whoosh whoosh..."


The thunder and lightning struck the arrow shot by Hou Yi, and the arrow fell. Ji Yang charged forward and slashed at Hou Yi with his sword.

The purple flame rose from the blade, and the sky thunder hooked the ground fire and released it directly.


When the thunder hit the ground, Hou Yi let out a cry of pain, and there was a scorched black mark on his chest, which was injured by the fire from the thunder.

It's just that the scars didn't appear for too long, and they disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This recovery speed is too amazing, how to fight this."

Tianlei hits the ground, which is Ji Yang's strongest attack, but it can't really hurt the opponent at all, which makes Ji Yang feel helpless.

"Such a strong recovery speed is not his own, but comes from Shennong Ding."

"The Shennong Ding can make the user have strong resilience. It can be said that as long as the user is not killed by a single move, he can be cured with the assistance of the Shennong Ding. This is the most terrifying part of the Shennong Ding."

Hu Zhongxian knew the effects of Shennong Ding very well, and his words also answered Ji Yang's doubts.

Regardless of whether such a powerful recovery ability came from Hou Yi himself, the fact that he can use the Shennong Ding now is no different from having a strong recovery ability himself.

It can't be killed with one move, and it can be recovered. Ji Yang is enough to change his "state".

"Hahaha, as long as there is Shennongding, I will not lose."

"With so many people hitting me, I'm afraid that you will fail, so I will show you my strongest attack, and you are ready to die!"

Hou Yi was angry in his heart when he attacked them together, but he was still very confident.

Shouting angrily, the light of the Shennong Ding covering his body was bright, and the phantoms of countless vegetation and herbs appeared in the light of the Shennong Ding, and Hou Yi's body also changed.

His body began to swell, and his height reached about three meters in the blink of an eye. The muscles in his whole body were solid and hard, looking down on everyone like a strong little giant.

Houyi's aura caused a wave of air to appear around him. The air wave blew past, and Ji Yang, Jinyin Tongzi and others couldn't open their eyes because of the blow.

"With the help of the Shennong Ding, his power has become stronger, flash, his attack is not something you can block."

Sensing the change in Hou Yi's breath at this time, Hu Zhongxian reminded anxiously.

Without Hu Zhongxian's reminder, Ji Yang knew how terrifying Hou Yi had become.

But if he wanted to escape now, he might not be able to escape.

Houyi took out more than ten sun-shooting arrows and put them on the sun-shooting bow. The red light on the sun-shooting bow flashed. There was a sneer on Houyi's face, and more than ten sun-shooting arrows shot directly into the air.

"Shooting the sun and raining arrows!"

The sun-shooting arrows shot into the air, and more than a dozen sun-shooting arrows turned into hundreds of thousands, and then fell to the ground like rain.

The rain of arrows shooting at the sun completely enveloped Chang'e, Jinyin boy, Ji Yang and others. The speed of the arrow rain was so fast and the area was wide that everyone wanted to hide, but they didn't know where to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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