The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 806 1 Get Up and 1 Go Together

Chapter 806 Let's Come Together (Part [-])
Ji Yang went in quickly, and came out very quickly, the total time was less than 5 minutes.

Ji Yang came out, and the Taoist priest who guarded the door entered the room.

Because he didn't get Ji Yang's benefit, when he passed by Ji Yang, the Taoist priest who guarded the door also had a cold face.

He looked like Ji Yang owed him a lot of money.

Ji Yang saw the appearance of this Taoist priest, but he ignored it.

To ignore him, Ji Yang felt that it was a waste of time.

Those who were waiting to see Daoist Yuntian saw Ji Yang coming out, so they were ready to go in to meet Daoist Yuntian.

It's just that he seemed to be waiting in vain, because the Taoist priest who entered the room had already walked out of the room.

As soon as he walked out of the room, the Taoist shouted with a cold face.

"My master is tired today, you all leave and come back tomorrow."

It turned out that Daoist Yuntian disappeared today.

Many people have been queuing here for a long time, and when they heard that Taoist Yun Tian didn't see them, they were all a little unhappy.

Some people even tried to benefit the Taoist priest who guarded the gate, hoping that he would help him in and talk about it.

But this time the Taoist confiscated everything, because he knew that Taoist Master Yuntian's decision was beyond his control.

From this point of view, is this Taoist priest quite professional?

I know that I can't do anything, so the benefits are absolutely unacceptable.

"Okay, don't surround me."

"No one can control my master's decision. If you don't leave, you will never see my master again."

This time the Taoist priest's tone was much colder, and his expression was very resolute.

Seeing him like this, everyone had no choice but to leave.

Looking at the backs of everyone leaving, the gatekeeper also had a look of pity.

On weekdays, although Daoist Yuntian would not see everyone, he would not disappear so early either.

Taoist Master Yuntian was a little abnormal, which reminded the Taoist priest of Ji Yang who left last.

He felt that Taoist Yuntian's absence must have something to do with Ji Yang.

At this time, Ji Yang, who was thought of by the Taoist priest, had already walked out of the backyard and walked straight out of Tianyun Temple.

"Boss, why is your name coming out soon, did Taoist Tianyun agree?"

Peng Caixuan and others were very disgusted with the Taoist priests of Tianyun Temple, so after they left the backyard, they left Tianyun Temple.

Seeing Ji Yang coming out, Peng Caixuan hurried to Ji Yang's side to inquire.

The three women also looked at Ji Yang, they also knew about Su Xiao.

Only Ning Feng and Huang Yi didn't know what Ji Yang was doing, they were doing it in a mysterious way.

"He agreed, but because it's daytime, it's not suitable for doing business."

"We agreed to meet again tonight and settle the matter."

"At this time, there is still a lot of time before dark, you might as well go down the mountain first, I'm afraid it's not safe to go down the mountain at night."

Ji Yang didn't know how many ghosts Taoist Tianyun raised.

But judging from the degree of yin energy in his body, this amount is probably quite a lot.

It is daytime now, and these ghosts cannot be seen yet, but at night, these ghosts will definitely appear.

At that time, a bunch of ghosts appeared, and it was very troublesome to go down the mountain.

It's just that when Ji Yang asked everyone to leave, they didn't agree.

"Ji Yang, let's go down the mountain with you."

"Yeah, anyway, with you here, we don't have to be afraid of anything."

"That's right, let's go together. It's right to come and walk together. The road down the mountain is quite far, and it's inconvenient without a car."

Hearing what everyone said, Ji Yang thought about it too.

Anyway, with himself here, even if he encounters a ghost, he is afraid that he will not be able to solve it.

What's more, these ghosts are raised by Daoist Yuntian, so they should listen to Daoist Yuntian's words.

With Taoist Yuntian's performance just now, he shouldn't embarrass them.

The waiting time was a bit boring, and everyone turned around the Tianyun Temple.

When Ji Yang and others walked to the back of Yuntian Temple and saw an independent courtyard, Ji Yang frowned.

It was clearly daytime, but he saw thick black air over the courtyard.

"It's so dark, this courtyard is weird."

Feeling that something was wrong with the courtyard, Ji Yang wanted to go in and have a look.

It's just that he wanted to enter the courtyard, but was stopped by two Taoist priests.

These two Taoist priests are still acquaintances, it is the little Taoist priest who received Ji Yang's money before and the Taoist priest who is responsible for leading people to see Taoist Master Yuntian.

As soon as the two Taoist priests appeared, they also had different expressions when they saw Ji Yang.

Those who received the money were quite happy to see Ji Yang, because Ji Yang gave a lot of money.

But he didn't receive any benefits at all, but his face was cold.

"You can't enter here, leave quickly."

The sullen Taoist priest shouted impolitely, they came to stop Ji Yang and others.

Originally, Peng Caixuan and the others disliked these two Taoist priests, but now they are even more angry.

"What's the matter, does it cost money to visit the Taoist temple?"

"Everyone, you really can't enter here, no matter how much money you give, you can't enter."

"This is the place where my master practiced Taoism. Without his consent, no one can enter."

The little Taoist priest who received the money said helplessly when he heard Huang Yi's words.

If Ji Yang and others were allowed to enter the courtyard, their lives might be in danger.

So even if Ji Yang gave them tens of millions, they would not dare to let Ji Yang and others go there.

"Okay, let's go then."

Ji Yang heard that this is the place where Taoist Master Yuntian practiced Taoism, so he didn't plan to go in.

He basically guessed that the reason why this courtyard is so dark is that the ghost raised by Taoist Yuntian is probably here.

He can't go in now, but he can go in at night.

Ji Yang proposed to leave, Huang Yi and the others glared at the two Taoist priests, and then went shopping elsewhere.

The sky gradually darkened, but the sky cloud temple was brightly lit.

It's just that as the sky darkened, the breath of Wuyun Mountain became gloomy and cold.

A gust of wind blew past, and Huang Yi and Ning Feng shivered unconsciously.

"Why did the whole Wuyun Mountain feel weird after it got dark, the wind was really cold just now, there must be ghosts?"

Huang Yi hugged his shoulders and said strangely.

Even when he was on guard in the snow mountain, he didn't feel so cold.

"What a ghost, there is a Taoist temple next to it, do ghosts dare to come?"

Although Ning Feng also felt uncomfortable, he did not agree with Huang Yi's words.

Huang Yi thinks about the same thing, this is the surrounding area of ​​Yuntian Temple, there are no ghosts who are not afraid of death, come here.

Others who knew a little about Taoist Yuntian smiled strangely when they heard Ning Feng and Huang Yi's words.

Normal ghosts would not dare to come, but the ghost raised by Taoist Yun Tiandao did.

"Who is Ji Yang, my master asked you to meet him."

"Master only sees Ji Yang, but not the others."

The sky was getting dark, and it was the time agreed by Ji Yang and Daoist Yuntian.

The Taoist priest who didn't get any benefits took the initiative to find Ji Yang this time. He came to spread the word for Master Yuntian.

"Wait here for me, I'll go to see Daoist Yuntian, and we'll go down the mountain together later."

Daoist Yuntian only saw Ji Yang, and Ji Yang wanted to go alone.

When the others heard Ji Yang's words, they nodded.

But when Ji Yang was leaving, everyone told him to be careful and come back earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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