The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 840 Lure the Enemy

Chapter 840 Lure the Enemy (Part [-])
He had been discovered, and the American soldiers were already approaching him, yet Ji Yang acted so calmly.

The Forbidden City really didn't know whether Ji Yang was frightened, or he thought he would not be discovered.

"You can hide it well, and leave the rest to me."

Ji Yang obviously didn't speak, but the Forbidden City heard Ji Yang's voice.

The sound does not come from the ears, but from the inside of the head.

The Forbidden City looked at Ji Yang in bewilderment, but Ji Yang was still in the same posture as before, without even blinking his eyes.

The Forbidden City thought it was because of nervousness, so when it misheard, Ji Yang's voice sounded again.

"Don't move, I will lure them away later, and you take the opportunity to escape!"

"I just wanted to take a look at the surrounding environment and see how rigorous the defense of the Mi Army is. I didn't expect to meet such a sensitive beast!"

This time, the Forbidden City was very sure that it was indeed Ji Yang who was talking to him.

"Mind communication!"

Thinking of these four words, the Forbidden City hurriedly covered its mouth.

Because she was afraid that she would not be able to control herself, she screamed out.

For spiritual communication, there is no need to speak, as long as the soul can communicate.

In this case, except for some people who practice special skills, only ancient warriors who have reached the late stage of heaven can do it.

And this can be done, it still depends on the understanding and the probability.

"He must have practiced a special technique, yes."

The Forbidden City told itself repeatedly in his heart that Ji Yang communicated with each other because of his special skills.

Because Ji Yang is too young, in the mysterious group she knows, only the group leader and deputy group leader have the cultivation level of heaven.

There is no such person among young people (because she is in the United States, so she doesn't even know about Peng Caixuan).

And when Ji Yang warned the Forbidden City for the second time, Pajexi and the American patrol were less than ten meters away from them.

This distance is already very close, if it is any closer, the Forbidden City may not be able to hide once Ji Yang moves.

So Ji Yang couldn't wait any longer, he fixed his eyes on the two American soldiers who were closest to him, and jumped out like a tiger.

"Someone, ah..."

Ji Yang threw himself out, and he was exposed to everyone's eyes.

The soldier closest to Ji Yang let out an exclamation, and this exclamation was also the last sound he left in this world.

Because Ji Yang had already arrived in front of him, with a cruel smile on his face, Ji Yang hit him on the head with his palm.

With Ji Yang's slap, the soldier's head was smashed to pieces.

Like a watermelon being smashed, red blood and white brains splashed all over the ground.

An American soldier beside him turned out to be the same as him.

"Shoot, shoot!"

As soon as Ji Yang appeared, he instantly killed two American soldiers.

This kind of lethality startled the other American soldiers, and they even forgot to shoot.

It was Pajesi who reacted first, and Xin and the surrounding soldiers only reacted after his words came out.

But when they realized it, Ji Yang had already killed two more soldiers.

This time, Ji Yang's attack was even more cruel, he actually twisted the heads of these two people.

Holding two bloody heads in his hands, the smile on Ji Yang's face was extremely bloody, coupled with the two heads in his hands, the picture was very scary.

The Forbidden City, which was only a few meters away from him, would have screamed if he hadn't covered his mouth with his hand.

"Shoot, shoot..."

"Bang bang bang, da da da..."

Shouted Xin, he pulled the trigger first, and other soldiers followed suit.

The dense bullets flew towards Ji Yang, and Ji Yang dodged quickly, but none of these bullets could hit him.

Instead, the soldiers who fired fell to the ground one after another.

While dodging bullets, Ji Yang also harvested the lives of the surrounding soldiers like a life harvester.

"I really just want to see the environment. If you want to die, don't blame me!"

At this time, Ji Yang had already rushed in front of Xin, and Xin's gun was pointed at Ji Yang's chest.

It's just that before his gun was fired, Ji Yang's hand had already twisted his neck.


Xin's neck was broken, and the only survivors were Pajessi and his wolf Ken.

Ken let out a roar, and rushed towards Ji Yang.

Ji Yang dodged his body and threw Xin's body at Ken at the same time.

When Xin's corpse was thrown, Ken didn't care at all. The beast's cruelty in its body had already exploded. It opened its mouth and bit Xin's corpse.

While biting, two wolf claws also grabbed Xin's body.

Xin was dismembered by Ken, and the body was divided into several sections by Ken.

"Dug, this wolf is ruthless and powerful enough!"

The wolf named Ken is definitely not an ordinary wolf.

No matter how powerful an ordinary wolf is, it cannot split a human body into pieces in an instant.

In normal times, Ken wondered if he would eat Xin's corpse as food, but at this time, it was obviously not in the mood and had no time.

Because Ken's target is Ji Yang.

Ken opened his bloody wolf mouth, and threw his body towards Ji Yang again.

Seeing Ken rushing towards him, Ji Yang twisted his body and struck out with one palm at the same time.

When performing the Illusory Body Technique, the immortal energy will be broken to a certain extent, so Ji Yang's palm strike did not activate the immortal energy.

But even so, his palm can easily split the stele and crack the stone.

With this palm strike, Ken was sent flying upside down, and Ken's body flew seven or eight meters away like a kite with a broken string.

But with just such a palm, Ken was not killed.

After falling to the ground, Ken let out a few painful whimpers, and stood up unsteadily.

Moreover, Ji Yang felt that Ken's injuries were recovering rapidly.


Looking at Ken in front of him, Ji Yang couldn't help but think of a character he saw in a movie. That character resembled a wolf's claws and had a powerful healing ability.

But what he saw was still a human, but in front of him was a real wolf.

The power of Ji Yang's palm is not small, although Ken's self-healing ability is not weak, but it is impossible to recover immediately.


Another beast-like sound rang in Ji Yang's ears, and then Ji Yang felt a tearing force attacking him.

This time the attack came from Pajessi. Pajessi saw Ken being attacked, so he launched an attack on Ji Yang.

At this time, Pajexi turned into a werewolf, and her sharp nails grabbed Ji Yang's chest and head.

It's not the first time Ji Yang has dealt with werewolves.

At the wolf king level, he has killed more than one.

Pajexi's attack was worse than that of the wolf king, but Ji Yang didn't attack him, instead he turned around and ran away.

Because when Pajexi attacked him, he had already heard the sound of dense footsteps approaching here.

This is when some American soldiers heard the gunshots and were attracted.

Ji Yang had to lure these people away, so that the Forbidden City would have a chance to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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