Chapter 85

Dong Jian was waiting for this sentence, and the other party was exactly as he and the shopping guide thought, he was not here to buy clothes at all, more precisely, he couldn't afford them at all.

"You don't even buy a single piece of clothing, and you still try on so much, are you here looking for trouble?"

Dong Jian looked at Ji Yang with a threatening face, and said in a cold voice.

Dong Jian had endured Ji Yang's fitting of clothes for a long time, and now it's finally time to vent.

But just when Dong Jian was about to continue insulting Ji Yang, Ji Yang's next sentence made Dong Jian shut up instantly.

"Did I say you are funny? With a boss like you, your Versace store will close sooner or later."

"I've tried so many, of course I want to buy them all, but you let me buy one without making any money. Are you out of your mind?"

buy all?

Although the grades and prices of the ones Ji Yang tried just now are different, they are not cheap, especially when he said he would buy them all. Does he know how much the ones he tried just now cost?

There are more than a dozen pieces of clothes, pants and shoes, and these add up to at least 10,000+ yuan. With Ji Yang's appearance, Dong Jian really doesn't believe he can afford it.

"You said you bought them all?"

Dong Jian asked with some disbelief.

Ji Yang didn't bother to talk to Dong Jian, so he asked the shopping guide just now to wrap up all the clothes he had tried on, and at the same time chose a relatively wide half-sleeve. Ready to send Hou Senfat.

"Hello, sir, the total is 13. Do you pay by card or cash?"

Ji Yang came to the cash register, and the cashier said in a low voice after counting the things Ji Yang bought.

Who would have thought that Ji Yang, who just thought he was here to meet the world and seek business, would buy 10,000+ clothes at once.

Although Versace is a world brand, the items in it are naturally not cheap, but it is still rare to buy 10,000+ at a time like Ji Yang.

"Swipe your card."

Ji Yang felt that the cashier's question was very interesting. Who would go out with 10,000+ cash and he didn't run away? Besides, with his current appearance, which pocket can hold 10,000+ cash?
After swiping the card to check out, more than a dozen bags of different sizes were handed over to Ji Yang.

Ji Yang left Versace gracefully, without taking a cloud with him. It was not until he left that Dong Jian realized that what Ji Yang said just now was true. He really spent 10,000+ on shopping.

"Dong Jian, look quickly."

Just when Dong Jian just realized it, Linghua beside him also yelled.

Linghua yelled suddenly, Dong Jian frowned, there were still customers in his shop, what did she look like when she called that.

But even though he was upset, Dong Jian followed Linghua's hand and looked out. Through the glass of the store, Dong Jian also saw that Ji Yang, who was carrying a dozen bags, got on a domineering camouflage off-road vehicle.

"Dongfeng Warrior, the Dongfeng Warrior we saw yesterday."

Seeing this camouflage off-road vehicle, Dong Jian also screamed in shock.

Dong Jian and Linghua were the young men and women driving a Porsche 911. Dong Jian threatened to give the Porsche to Linghua and buy a Dongfeng Warrior himself.

Dong Jian thought so, and he really did it, but no one sold it at all. In the end, a manager of an auto shop who knew Dong Jian well told him that Dongfeng Warrior had a price but no market, and that Dongfeng Warrior only needed money. No, you need someone to do it.

As soon as Dong Jian heard this, he also started calling his friends, but no one could get the car. At this moment, Dong Jian understood that the people who can drive Dongfeng Warrior are definitely not ordinary people.

At this time, when he saw that the person driving the Dongfeng Warrior turned out to be the person he had just ridiculed for not being able to afford clothes, he also felt a burst of regret.

Such a person should make friends with him, how can he offend him?

But he wanted to apologize to Ji Yang, and by the time he made friends with Ji Yang, Dongfeng Warrior had already driven away...

Zuichunyuan, when hearing this name for the first time, many people will feel that this name is very elegant and classical.

But when Ji Yang heard Zuichunyuan for the first time, he thought of a name called Yihongyuan. Yes, he felt that this name was very suitable for ancient brothels.

But this Zuichunyuan is really not a brothel, but one of the most high-end hotels in Linhai. If the classmate party chooses such a high-end place, if Ji Yang used to come, he would definitely not come here. He would pay for a meal here. Enough for him to spend a month or even a few months.

A brand-new Mercedes-Benz CLS260 was parked at the entrance of Zuichunyuan Hotel. The door opened. Yang Wei walked out of the driver's cab with a face full of pride. After Yang Wei got out of the car, Zhang Lili also got out of the passenger seat and got off the car. Then he went straight up and grabbed Yang Wei's arm.

Seeing this scene, many students who were chatting outside Zuichun Garden, no matter male or female, all had envious expressions on their faces.

What women envy Zhang Lili hooked up with Yang Wei, a rich second generation, and since then the sparrow has become a phoenix.

While the man envied Yang Wei for hooking up with a classy woman like Zhang Lili, he also envied Yang Wei for driving a Mercedes-Benz.

Looking good is not as good as being born. Many people feel this way. If it weren’t for Yang Wei’s good reincarnation, he has a rich father, and now he is like many intern students, worrying about three meals and worrying about food. Buying a car and a house is bothersome.

But it's a pity that this Yang Wei has gone to the right place. He doesn't have to work hard to have luxury cars, villas, and beauties.

"Young Master Yang, I bought a new car. This is a CLS260. I heard that this car is not cheap. It costs 90 million, right?"

The person who spoke was Yan Yong, who was Yang Wei's follower when he was in school. He was able to enter the Linhai Hospital for an internship. It was because Yang Wei asked someone to help him. Seeing Yang Wei's appearance at this time, he didn't go up to brag about it. Two sentences.

Hearing Yan Yong's flattery, Yang Wei was even more proud.

"Hehe, it's not that expensive. This is the hunting suit version, and I have acquaintances, so 60 is nothing."

Nima 60 is not a big deal. I know you, Yang Wei, are rich, but you don't have to hit people like this.

Today is a class reunion, not a show off. If you want to show off, you can go to another place.

Many students think so.

"That's only 60. It's nothing to Young Master Yang. Young Master Yang is rich and well-connected. Zhang Lili, you and our Young Master Yang are the right person. Young Master Yang is much stronger than that Ji Yang."

Yan Yong, the stinky-footed guy, is still there, and when he heard Yang Wei's words, he didn't forget to continue flattering him.

But this time he seems to have made a mistake, because both Zhang Lili and Yang Wei's expressions changed after hearing his words.

"You're an idiot, why are you mentioning Ji Yang at this time!"

Zhang Lili glared at Yan Yong and cursed inwardly.

Seeing the appearance of Yang Wei and Zhang Lili, Yan Yong also lowered his head, and he also knew that he had said something wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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