Chapter 852 Tiger Man ([-]rd watch)
Taihu was wearing a black cloak, which wrapped him completely.

At this time, the sky was already dark, so when he rushed over, because of his high speed, all he saw was a black shadow.

Ji Yang stared at the rushing black shadow, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Although it was wrapped in a cloak, Taihu seemed to be tall and tall, and a faint smell of blood emanated from his body.

Taihu's aura is much stronger than those bodyguards just now.


In the blink of an eye, Taihu had rushed to a position five meters in front of Ji Yang.

This position, for a master, is already a very short attack distance.

When Taihu arrived at this position, he let out a beast-like roar, and his body jumped up.

Like a fierce tiger, Taihu rushed towards Ji Yang.

"Back off!"

With Taihu's pounce, a murderous aura came to his face.

Ji Yang pushed the Forbidden City beside him back two steps, and he punched Taihu.


Ji Yang punched out, and Taihu's fist, which was as big as a casserole, was also exposed from under the cloak.

When the two fists collided, Ji Yang actually took half a step back.

As for Taihu, his body also flipped twice in the air, and his body was shaken back.

Tai Hu fell down and looked up at Ji Yang.

At this time, Ji Yang also saw Taihu's face clearly. Taihu's skin was dark, but he was not black.

His face was more like an oriental face, with a pair of eyes fixed on Ji Yang, and his eyes were bloodshot.

On his forehead, there is a golden king character written, and several golden lines are drawn on his cheeks.

Taihu opened his mouth, revealing two sharp canine teeth, giving people a very vicious feeling.

"Are you from China?"

Taihu's voice sounded a little hoarse, and he spoke standard Chinese.

Hearing Taihu's question, Ji Yang didn't speak, but just nodded.

Seeing Ji Yang nodding, Taihu's fierce eyes relaxed slightly.

"As a Chinese, if you kneel down and apologize to Master Jess now, I might spare your life."

Taihu was originally from China, so he thought that they were both from China, so he meant to release the water.

When Jess on the side heard Taihu's words, his eyes froze.

Jess was a little unhappy, but when his eyes swept to Taihu, Taihu also looked at him.

The two looked at each other, and Jess felt a little scared.

It seems that Jess is the master on the surface, but he is still a little afraid of Taihu.

A master will feel fearful of his subordinates, it can only show that this subordinate is indeed terrifying.

Ji Yang noticed the eye contact between the two, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Since you are both from Huaxia, I will give you a chance, get out of the way now, and I can let you go."

It is absolutely impossible for Ji Yang to apologize to Jess.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Taihu narrowed his eyes, and there was a fierce light in his eyes.

"I've already given you the chance, since you don't appreciate it, don't blame me, ho..."

Taihu made a sound similar to a tiger's roar, his body bounced off the ground, his body was pumped with energy, and there was a hunting wind sound from his cloak.

Seeing Taihu rushing again, Ji Yang snorted coldly, and rushed forward too.


Just when Ji Yang and Taihu were about to collide, Taihu's cloak flew out of his hand.

The cloak blocked Ji Yang's sight, preventing him from seeing Taihu's movements.

Just because the eyes can't see doesn't mean the ears can't hear.

"It's useless to play this trick with me!"

This kind of move is fine against ordinary people, but obviously not enough against Ji Yang.

Ji Yang moved his ears, waved his palm forward, and shot out a burst of energy, directly smashing the cloak to pieces.

When the cloak was broken, Ji Yang kicked it out.

With this kick, it just landed on the rushing Taihu.

"Boom, uh..."

Taihu also didn't expect Ji Yang to move so fast, the cloak just now was a cover-up.

He expected that Ji Yang would destroy the cloak, but he didn't expect that Ji Yang could directly capture his movements.

Taihu was kicked by Ji Yang, and his body took several steps back.

If it weren't for Taihu's physical strength, he would have suffered with this kick.

Without the wrapping of the cloak, Ji Yang could see the whole picture of Taihu clearly.

Taihu only wore a pair of camouflage trousers, his upper body was naked, his body was muscular, and he looked very powerful.

"Being able to take my kick, good, good."

Although I didn't use my immortal energy for this kick, it's not something that ordinary people can take.

Just like those bodyguards just now, none of them were solved by themselves.

Ji Yang's words seemed to be approval, but Taihu sounded like a mockery, and he looked at Ji Yang with a bit more ruthlessness in his eyes.

His body was really good, and he was able to kick himself back. Taihu also knew that Ji Yang was not easy to deal with.

If you don't show your real skills, you may not be able to deal with Ji Yang today.

"I'll give you one last chance, apologize or die."

"If I explode completely later, you will definitely die."

Taihu is planning to show his true skills, and he is also giving Ji Yang one last chance.

Taihu Nianzai is also from Huaxia, giving Ji Yang a chance to choose again and again.

His actions inadvertently changed Ji Yang's attitude towards him a little bit. This change made Ji Yang decide that he would spare the other party's life because he was also from China.

"Then let me see what you can do."

Ji Yang's words have already expressed his attitude, that is, he will never apologize to Jess no matter what.

Taihu shook his head helplessly, even if Jess was afraid of him, his responsibility was to protect him.

He had given Ji Yang chances again and again, but Ji Yang didn't appreciate it at all.

What he should do has already been done, and he will not hold back any more.


Taihu let out a roar, and the muscles all over his body tensed instantly, and then under the gaze of everyone, a layer of black and yellow hair appeared on his body.

Chiguo's upper body is covered with black and yellow hair, and similar hair appears on his face.

At this time, Taihu looked like a tiger walking upright.

This change of Taihu made Ji Yang think of werewolves.

"What is he, Tiger Man?"

Ji Yang didn't understand this change, he could only give his own judgment based on his own cognition.

Ji Yang has seen too many weird things, so he was not too surprised by Taihu's changes.

But other people in the clothing store were different. They saw the changes in Taihu, and they were all frightened.

Could it be that everything that happened today was made in a movie?
Taihu, who had turned into a tiger man, had a strong aura of ferocity on his body, and white air spewed out from his nose when he breathed.

"I didn't want to kill you, but I have a responsibility, so don't blame me!"

The corner of Taihu's mouth grinned, revealing a row of sharp teeth. With a light drink, his body disappeared instantly.

When Taihu reappeared, he was already on top of Ji Yang...

 Someone came to celebrate the New Year today and drank some wine. Sorry for the late update. Thank you for your support. Today's update is over and will continue tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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