The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 863 Virtual Formation Fast Track

Chapter 863 Virtual Formation Fast Track (Third Change)

Although they are failed experiments, the physical strength of these experimental products is still stronger than that of ordinary people.

Under the bullets of American soldiers, unless you can shoot your head with one shot, you can't kill it with one shot.

The speed of these failed products was very fast, and at most they only gave the American soldiers a chance to shoot. When the opponent's second gunshot sounded, they arrived in front of the American soldiers.

Hearing the screams of American soldiers and the sound of bones tearing from behind, Ji Yang didn't even turn his head.

Ji Yang released these failed experiments, one of which was to allow them to take revenge on American scientists.

Another thing is to use these failed products to hold back some enemies for yourself.

After all, there are so many enemies, is it wrong to find some helpers yourself?
What's more, the two sides already have enmity, so I can be regarded as helping the other party.

At this time, soldiers were constantly rushing toward the office building with guns. When Ji Yang rushed out of the office building, he also had to fight his way out.

People with eagle eyes are not the enemy of Ji Yang's one move, these ordinary American soldiers are radish and cabbage.

The bullets of the American soldiers could not hurt Ji Yang, and every swing of Ji Yang's sword would take away at least one life.


When Ji Yang heard a mechanical sound, he killed a US soldier with a single sword, and looked into the distance.

He saw several tanks approaching here, and Ji Yang knew that it was time for him to leave.

Ji Yang didn't want to continue playing with these iron shells. As for whether those experimental failed products could survive the tank bombing, that was the problem of the failed products themselves.

"The Nether Wind and Thunder Sword Technique!"

Ji Yang flew into the air, the black light sword in his hand flickered with lightning, and when the sword fell, several purple lightning bolts hit a tank.

Under the bombardment of thunder and lightning, the tank emitted a burst of black smoke, and there was a rumbling sound from the inside out, and the flames shot into the sky.

Then I saw two American soldiers running out of the tank in a panic.

It's not that Ji Yang has no way to deal with these tanks, it's just that he's wasting his time lazily.

However, Ji Yang still underestimated the armed forces in the restricted area. There are not only tanks, but also helicopters.

After Ji Yang flew into the sky, the American soldiers on the ground were dumbfounded.

They couldn't deal with Ji Yang on the ground, and they were even more powerless in the sky.

But with the sound of propellers, two armed helicopters flew over.

Seeing these two helicopters, the American soldiers were very excited. They thought Ji Yang was finished.

When Ji Yang saw the two helicopters, his eyes were fixed.

He rolled his eyes and tightened his hand holding the black sword, but instead of attacking the helicopter, he chose to run.

As soon as Ji Yang ran, the two armed helicopters quickly chased after him.

"Hualong, Hualong, I am the Forbidden City, please answer."

"I've been spotted, run away!"

"I am already retreating, meeting at the previously agreed place."

The Forbidden City was still waiting for Ji Yang outside the restricted area. When she heard gunshots and explosions in the restricted area, she knew that Ji Yang had been discovered.

When she saw that the communication device was connected again, she immediately contacted Ji Yang.

Before Ji Yang and the Forbidden City came here, they had also prepared for the worst, so the two had previously agreed on a place to escape.

The reason why Ji Yang ran away when he saw the helicopter was also because of the phone call with the Forbidden City.

The Forbidden City outside the restricted area had just left her hiding place for less than a minute when two people came to her previous hiding place.

These two people are exactly Bai Luo and Aerva.

Fortunately, the Forbidden City left quickly. If it was 1 minute at night, she might not be able to leave.

But even if she leaves now, Bai Luo and Aerva will still be able to find her.

"Captain, there is still Yu Wen here, he should have just left."

Alva looked at Bai Luo and said in a solemn voice.

Bai Luo's eyes narrowed, and he said in a cold voice.

"Find the escape route!"

Arva nodded and closed her eyes.

When she closed her eyes, she could feel all the movement of the surrounding air.

An illusory human form appeared in front of her, this human form was felt by Arva, but could not be seen by anyone but her.

This is also Alva's special function, that is, it can determine the direction of escape according to the air flow and the remaining breath.

Virtually shaped, fast tracked.

"Captain, this direction!"


After determining the direction of escape, Arva opened her eyes.

Bai Luo ordered decisively, and Aerva took Bai Luo to chase in the direction of escape from the Forbidden City.

Ji Yang's speed was much faster than that of the Forbidden City.

The pilot who drove the helicopter to chase Ji Yang was shocked by Ji Yang's speed.

Even if you can fly, this speed is too fast.

But the helicopter can't catch up with Ji Yang, but the bullet can.

The bullets installed on the helicopter shot at Ji Yang like a fire snake. The penetrating power and quantity of these bullets were much stronger than those of the American soldiers on the ground just now.

The purple flames surrounding Ji Yang became thinner under the shooting of these bullets.

"Damn it, you guys must be tired after chasing me for so long."

"If this is endless, then I will not be polite."

At this time, Ji Yang had already reached the sky above the agreed position, looking down, Ji Yang did not see the Forbidden City.

Ji Yang stopped running away and turned to face the two armed helicopters.

The pilots of the two helicopters didn't know what Ji Yang wanted to do, but when they saw Ji Yang stop, the two of them drove the helicopter quickly.

The weapons installed on the helicopter were still attacking Ji Yang.

While dodging bullets, Ji Yang looked at the two helicopters with cold eyes.

When he raised the black sword in his hand, the dark clouds immediately gathered, and the thunder flashed.

The hearts of the helicopter pilots sank, and a bad feeling rose in their hearts.


When several thunderbolts fell and hit the helicopter, the helicopter pilot exclaimed and quickly controlled the helicopter, trying to avoid these lightning bolts.

It is very dangerous to be struck by lightning and hit the helicopter.

But the thunder and lightning were too dense, and it was impossible to completely avoid them.

"No, my helicopter is out of order."

"Mine too, bang... zizizi..."

When a helicopter pilot reported to his companion, before the other party finished his answer, there was a harsh sound in the headset.

Through his window, the pilot saw his companion's helicopter ablaze and black smoke rising towards the ground.

Then his helicopter fell towards the ground in the same situation as the other party.

The Forbidden City was already close to the appointed place at this time, and when she saw two helicopters falling from the sky, she was also taken aback.

Under the firelight just now, she saw a figure.

Isn't the attire of this figure the person he promised with himself?

"Hua Long is so powerful."

The Forbidden City looked at Ji Yang's location in shock, said with complicated eyes, and ran towards the agreed place at the same time.

 The third update is sent, the update is over today, and will continue tomorrow, thank you for your support and encouragement

(End of this chapter)

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