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Chapter 876 What I didn't want to see still happened

Chapter 876 What I didn't want to see still happened (one more)
A member of the Knights Templar with rituals to enhance combat effectiveness.

In normal times, when performing rituals, you need your companions to protect you.

Now that no one is protecting him, Theodore actually performs the ceremony. He is gambling with his life.

If Ji Yang didn't give him time, wouldn't he be finished.

But this time, Theodore made the right bet, Ji Yang did not disturb his ceremony.

Gods exist, and Ji Yang knows this very well, because he is a god himself.

Ji Yang just wanted to see, as a believer, what power the Lord of the Holy See would give Theodore.

Following the changes in the aura of Theodore and the two-handed sword in his hand, a sneer appeared on Ji Yang's face.

"That's the thing, this little power is still not enough."

Theodore has stood up from the ground, the two-handed sword in his hand emits these white lights, and his aura has also strengthened.

The current Theodore is indeed much stronger than before.

But in Ji Yang's eyes, his enhancement was not enough.

Theodore didn't know what Ji Yang was thinking, he was still muttering something, and the eyes looking at Ji Yang became even colder.

"I represent my lord with the power of my lord, and clean up all heretics."

That's right, Ji Yang has been put on a high hat again.

Whoever does not believe in the Lord of the Holy See is a pagan.

The muscles on Ji Yang's face twitched. What the hell is this? He has more identities and has become a heretic.

Byrne, who was held by Chi You, had a weird smile on his face when he heard Theodore's words.

"The hypocritical guy, every day he shouts how the Lord has benefited the world, but he is doing things worse than us."

"Crack, oh..."

Bai En was helping Ji Yang speak this time, but Chi You couldn't understand.

Chi You only saw Bai En laughing, he thought that Bai En was laughing at Ji Yang, so he slapped Ji Yang with his palm.

Tragic Byrne, this slap was wronged.

Bai En was stared at by Chi You's slap, a few teeth were spat out mixed with blood, and he looked at Chi You with aggrieved eyes.

His heart is bitter, he knows it himself.

He really wanted to tell Chi You that he was speaking for them, so why did he still beat him.

It's a pity that as soon as he looked at Chi You, Chi You glared at him with his eyes.

This glance also made Byen shut his mouth obediently, and his expression became serious. He was afraid that Chi You would misunderstand him again and give him two slaps.

"Hmph, Deser slapped you."

Chi You said something coldly, and then continued to look at Ji Yang.

Sure enough, if Byrne dared to talk about it just now, Chi You would have to slap him.

Anyway, Chi You couldn't understand what Byrne said, and would only be misunderstood.


Theodore's strength increased, and the white light of the two-handed sword in his hand flickered. When he attacked with a sword, the blade felt a little longer.

With a sweep of the sword, the power is much stronger than before, and the range is also wide.

Ji Yang narrowed his eyes, and punched out, hitting the sword directly.

The white light on the two-handed sword is not a decoration, when Ji Yang touched the white light, he felt a hot sensation.

Simply because the heat is not strong, it is not a threat to Ji Yang.

This white light is aimed at dark creatures, but Ji Yang is not. Ji Yang himself is a god, and he represents light.

To him, this white light is of the same source, not hostile.

Ji Yang didn't feel comfortable, so it was considered good.

Wanting to hurt him with white light is simply impossible.

Ji Yang punched the blade, and a force was transmitted along the blade to Theodore's palm. Theodore's hands trembled, his arms trembled, and his body took two steps back.

"How is it possible, I have already performed the ceremony, why do I still retreat?"

When a pair of fleshy palms collided with a two-handed sword, it turned out that he was the one who suffered.

Theodore couldn't accept this, and his expression became even uglier.

Ji Yang twisted his neck twice, and looked at Theodore with interest. He punched just now, and he found that Theodore's strength was indeed much stronger than before.

If it was placed before, and he punched down, Theodore would not be as simple as taking two steps back.

"It's interesting. It seems that the Lord of the Holy See is still useful."

Ji Yang muttered softly, and rushed towards Theodore directly.

Seeing Ji Yang rushing, Theodore gritted his teeth tightly, and attacked Ji Yang with two-handed sword again.

The strength this time was a bit stronger than before, and he even used all his strength this time.

If this sword still can't handle Ji Yang, Theodore will doubt whether he has successfully carried out the ceremony.

Seeing Theodore's attack became stronger this time, Ji Yang's eyes turned cold.

If you don't give him some ruthlessness, Theodore won't know what the gap is.

It was still a punch, a punch that looked very similar to just now.

This punch hit Theodore's two-handed sword again, and this scene was very similar to just now.

But this time, Theodore didn't retreat, it wasn't that Theodore's sword worked.

It's not that the power of Ji Yang's fist has weakened, but that Ji Yang used more of the power of his fist to deal with the sword.

"Crack, boom!"

Ji Yang's punch directly broke Theodore's sword.

His own sword is unique to the Knights Templar, which is a status symbol, and the sword of the head of the legion is even more abnormal.

And under the blessing of the ceremony, the sword is even tougher.

But even so, the sword was still broken.

The sword broke, which shocked Theodore even more than being knocked back.

Looking at his broken sword with stupid eyes, Theodore was stunned.

When Theodore was in a daze, Ji Yangfei kicked Theodore eight or nine meters away.

The body flew out, and Theodore still held his broken sword in his hand.

Falling to the ground, Theodore spat out a mouthful of blood, and the blood sprayed on the broken sword. Theodore's eyes still did not leave his broken sword.

It seems that Ji Yang's shock this time is a bit big, and Theodore has not recovered yet.

"This is the head of the Knights Templar of the Holy See, and his psychological quality is too poor."

A small blow made Theodore look like this.

Ji Yang was somewhat disappointed with the Knights Templar of the Holy See, no, very disappointed.

The mental quality of the legion leader is still like this, what will happen to the others.

"Well, someone is here, and it's someone from the Holy See. It's not over yet."

After finishing Theodore, Ji Yang planned to let Chi You kill Bai En, and then leave.

But just when Ji Yang was about to talk to Chi You, he saw several people running over.

The attire of these people is the attire of the Holy See.

Bishop Nathan finally brought people here, but when they came, they were all shocked when they saw everything in front of them.

How long did it take, only a few minutes.

But judging by Theodore and other Templar members, they were all defeated.

And standing around these people, only Ji Yang was alone.

With his own power, he could kill the members of the Knights Templar of the Holy See so quickly. This level of strength is not ordinary.

Bishop Nathan looked at Theodore helplessly. What he didn't want to see happened.

(End of this chapter)

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