Chapter 88

Li Zixuan called Ji Yang early this morning, and originally wanted Ji Yang to pick her up to work with her, but Ji Yang told her that she was going to a class reunion.

Li Zixuan also remembered that someone had mentioned the party to her before, but she was rejected by Li Zixuan at that time. She told Ji Yang that she was also invited to the party, and Ji Yang let her come here.

But Li Zixuan hadn't seen Ji Yang for more than half an hour. She called Ji Yang just now, but Ji Yang didn't answer.

"What the hell are you doing? Just let me come here by myself. Why don't you answer my phone? Wait until you come and see how I can deal with you."

Li Zixuan said with some displeasure.

"There's a situation, who is our Colonel Li Hua going to deal with?"

The one who spoke was a tall, slender woman with long wavy hair, wearing a business attire, and a delicate face.

Her name is Xia Yun, she is Li Zixuan's classmate, and they also live in the same dormitory.

Although Li Zixuan usually lives at home, she occasionally stays in the dormitory for a few nights, and she has a good relationship with the people in the dormitory.

And this Xia Yun is also the granddaughter of a director of Xinghai Pharmaceutical.The two of them are also familiar.

This Xia Yun is a very shrewd woman. She did not go to work in the hospital during her internship, but directly joined Xinghai Pharmaceutical as a medical representative. Although she just joined the company, her performance was better than many old employees. .

As soon as she heard Li Zixuan sighing, and then looked at Li Zixuan's current appearance, Xia Yun could tell at a glance that she was in lovesickness.

However, Li Zixuan usually seems to be kind to people, but she deliberately keeps a distance from people, and I haven't heard of any man she gets close to.

"I heard that that scumbag from Tian's family has been chasing Li Zixuan. Could it be that he succeeded? But Li Zixuan's eyes aren't that bad, right? If it wasn't that scumbag, who else would it be?"

No matter what kind of woman she is, she has a heart of gossip. When she saw Li Zixuan's situation, Xia Yun guessed it.

If Li Zixuan knew that Xia Yun guessed that she was with Tian Tao, how would Li Zixuan react.

"A big bastard."

Li Zixuan was not shy about denying it, she and Ji Yang were not having an affair, the two of them were completely aboveboard, not to mention Ji Yang would come later.

Li Zixuan couldn't figure it out. Some people have problems with their brains. They are obviously with each other, but they don't admit it when others ask. They always say no. Ordinary friends wait for a bunch of excuses.

"Are you afraid that you will feel ashamed if you say it? If you dislike shame and are still together, there must be something wrong with your brain."

Li Zixuan thought so in her heart.

Li Zixuan admitted what she said, but Xia Yun was stunned when she admitted it so simply, but she was overjoyed later, her gossip nature was undoubtedly revealed, and she began to ask who it was, which leader's son it was, or which family's young master.

The leader's son, the young master of the family, these have nothing to do with Ji Yang.

"None, just a bastard."

Li Zixuan said a little angrily, but if you are angry, you will be angry, why are your eyes so sweet.

Xia Yun didn't believe Li Zixuan's words, how could the other party know Li Zixuan without any identity, and how could they have a relationship if they didn't know each other.

Online dating?

As soon as this word came out, Xia Yun was taken aback. Although there are true feelings in online dating, more of them are liars. She doesn't know how many people confess to her on WeChat a day.

In order to prevent Li Zixuan from being hurt, Xia Yun also told Li Zixuan a lot about the need to be cautious about online dating and the dangers of online dating, and Li Zixuan was dumbfounded.

"Xia Yun, isn't your ambition to be a strong woman, why are you so gossip."

"Do you think I look like the kind of online dating person?"

Li Zixuan asked amusedly.

"Like, very like, a woman like you is the easiest to deceive."

Cold sweat, Li Zixuan really felt cold sweat on her forehead when she heard Xia Yun's words, how could she be so easy to deceive.

"Okay, stop gossiping, we are not online dating, he is also a student of Linhai Medical University, you will see him later."

Li Zixuan also didn't want to be gossiped by Xia Yun, she was really afraid that if the other party continued to talk, she would go crazy.

And just when Li Zixuan said that Xia Yun would see Ji Yang later, Li Zixuan was pleasantly surprised to find that Ji Yang had arrived, and just when she was about to get up and walk towards him, she found that Ji Yang actually signaled to herself, Keep yourself from going over.

"What the hell is he doing? Is it embarrassing to be with me?"

Li Zixuan was a little unhappy, everyone was here, but she was not allowed to pass by, what's going on?

Xia Yun had been staring at Li Zixuan all the time, she had clearly noticed a significant change in the expression on the other's face just now, but why did it change again and again.

Looking at the door curiously, Xia Yun saw a slender, handsome boy in casual clothes and a fat man standing there.

The two people Xia Yun saw were Ji Yang and Hou Senpang. Hou Senpang was pointing at Li Zixuan excitedly. Hou Senpang even waved at the other party.

Seeing Hou Senpang greeting her, Xia Yun was also taken aback. Could it be that Li Zixuan's taste is so strong, and she is talking about this fat man?

"Fatty, who are you greeting?"

Ji Yang found that the fat man was waving his hands with a wicked smile on his face, and he also felt a little curious.

"Didn't you see that girl looking at me? It's the one next to Li Zixuan."

The fat man said while waving his hands.

Ji Yang frowned and looked at Xia Yun who was beside Li Zixuan. This girl wanted to have a figure and a good face. She was also wearing professional attire, looking very smart and capable.

"Fatty, are you sure she is looking at you, and it's not because you occupy too much space and block people's sight."

Ji Yang couldn't help but teased.

Hearing Ji Yang's words, the fat man blushed, and then looked behind him.

Not to mention, there is really a person behind him, this person is thin and small, and he wears a pair of high myopia glasses. When the fat man looks at him, this person also smiles at the fat man, and the fat on the fat man's face twitches twice. The next is also a smile.

But the fat man is confident, this beauty should not have such a heavy appetite, he is more handsome than him anyway.

Thinking of this, the fat man also smiled confidently, and cut to Ji Yang: "Cut, you are just jealous, you know, the popularity may like me as a fat man, let's go say hello to Li Zixuan."

Obviously he wanted to pick up a girl, but he still dragged himself to say hello to Li Zixuan, but seeing the fat man walked towards Li Zixuan, Ji Yang also followed.

"Li Zixuan, long time no see."

Hou Senpang and Li Zixuan got to know each other after the last time the hero saved the beauty, and they greeted each other casually when they saw each other.

"Well, long time no see."

Hou Senpang is Ji Yang's buddy, when the other party greeted her, Li Zixuan naturally wanted to respond, but her eyes were fixed on Ji Yang, as if you were a ghost.

 The second update today, there will be another update at [-]:[-] p.m.

(End of this chapter)

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