The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 882 Agree to get engaged

Chapter 882 Agreed to get engaged (one more)
Lilith was a little skeptical about not taking herself away, but keeping herself from getting engaged to Jesse.

If I don't escape from the Kennedy Manor, I have to attend the engagement banquet. After attending the engagement banquet, the engagement is a certainty.

Although she had doubts in her heart, Lilith still wanted to hear what Ji Yang planned to do.

"Then what do you want to do?"

Lilith looked at Ji Yang seriously, and asked.

Marriage is related to one's whole life, so one cannot be careless, if Ji Yang's answer does not satisfy Lilith, Lilith will have to think of other ways.

Anyway, Lilith would definitely not be engaged to Jesse.

Hearing Lilith's inquiry, a strange smile appeared on Ji Yang's face, and he said in a cold voice.

"I want you to promise to be engaged."

"What, you asked me to agree to get engaged, didn't you say that there is a way to prevent me from getting engaged to Jesse!"

Ji Yang originally had something to say.

But when she heard that Ji Yang asked her to agree to the engagement, Lilith immediately became anxious.

She looked at Ji Yang angrily, as if you were kidding me.

"I said I have a way, so I definitely have a way."

"I just asked you to agree to your grandpa's engagement, but I didn't ask you to agree to Jesse."

Ji Yang said calmly, Lilith was a little confused.

What's the difference? Saying yes to Ryan is equivalent to saying yes to Jesse.

Lilith looked at Ji Yang suspiciously, she didn't say anything this time, she was waiting for Ji Yang's next words.

Ji Yang didn't keep Lilith waiting, and continued to speak.

"You promised your grandpa to get engaged, but before the engagement, you have to meet Jesse and Jess. At that time, I will let Jesse voluntarily give up the engagement with you."

Jesse likes Lilith, and Lilith knows that very well.

Jesse has been waiting for this engagement banquet for a long time, so is it possible for him to give up on his own initiative?
"If you really believe me, just do what I say, if you don't, forget it."

It is not difficult to escape from the Kennedy Manor with Lilith.

Not to mention leaving quietly, even if he forced his way out, Ji Yang can do it.

But if Ji Yang took Lilith and left, then his purpose of coming to New York would be meaningless.

He came here to use Lilith to meet Jesse and Jess, and to know who sent someone to follow him.

Lilith's expression was a bit solemn at this time, whether she believed in Ji Yang or not, she had no idea.

So Lilith didn't directly answer Ji Yang's words, she was thinking about her decision.

Time passed by, Lilith and Ji Yang didn't speak, they just stared at each other with wide eyes.

"I believe you, I promise you, I will go and tell Grandpa that I agree to get engaged, and I will meet Jesse and Jess before the engagement."

Lilith finally chose Ji Yang.

Lilith doesn't know how to read minds, but Ji Yang's expression tells her that Ji Yang is confident.

But Lilith still has some doubts, that is why she wants to meet Jesse and Jess.

Jesse was the one he was going to be engaged to, so it was not surprising to see him.

It can be seen that Jess, what does this mean.

But judging by Ji Yang's appearance, it is obvious that he will not answer for himself.

Everything can only be known after meeting Jesse and Jess.

"Then you can go to your grandfather now, and I think he will be delighted to hear that you are willing to be engaged."

Hearing Ji Yang's words, Lilith nodded, then walked towards the locked door.

When Lilith opened the door, she glanced at Ji Yang.

Seeing Lilith looking over, Ji Yang smiled and nodded, then disappeared.

Watching Ji Yang disappear like this, Lilith's expression was startled, this is too awesome.

"He shouldn't lie to me. He must have a way. I have to believe him."

Lilith nodded heavily, let out a sigh of relief after muttering softly, and then opened the locked door.

The door was opened, and Olia and Biss, who were guarding the door, as well as the bodyguards arranged by Ryan, all looked at Lilith.

"Miss, where are you going?"

A bodyguard stepped forward and asked Lilith with some respect.

Lilith knew the bodyguard in front of her, he was the bodyguard next to Ryan.

In order to ground Lilith, Ryan even sent out his own bodyguards, Lilith was speechless.

"Hmph, where am I going, do I still have to report to you?"

Lilith said a little angrily.

Even for Ryan's bodyguard, he is still a bodyguard, and he is the Miss Kennedy family.

In normal times, the bodyguard would definitely give way.

But today is different, he is following Ryan's order.

So upon hearing Lilith's words, the bodyguard still spoke in a neither humble nor overbearing manner.

"I'm sorry, miss, this is the master's order. The master said that you are not allowed to leave the room."

The bodyguard took out Ryan and pressed herself, and Lilith was angry.

Looking at the bodyguard with anger in her eyes, Lilith said loudly.

"Then I'm going to see my grandpa, can't I leave the room too?"

"Sorry miss, I have to ask the master about this."

"You, hum, then you tell my grandpa that I want to see him."

Lilith said something angrily, turned around and returned to the room.

Olya and Biss on the side looked at the angry Lilith with wry smiles.

This young lady who is very kind to everyone on weekdays is a powder keg today.

Whoever provokes her will be hurt.

And the bodyguard also heaved a sigh of relief after watching Lilith return to the room.

Today, I offended Lilith, but I have the responsibility, so there is nothing I can do about it.

"Master, Miss said she wants to see you, do you want her to go there?"

"No, I'm going to see her. This girl doesn't know what the hell she's going to do. Keep an eye on her and don't let her leave the room."

The bodyguard contacted Ryan, and Ryan said helplessly.

Not long after, an old man in his 70s and [-]s came here accompanied by two bodyguards.

This old man is Ryan, the contemporary head of the Kennedy family.

"Lilith, what do you want from me?"

Lilith didn't even close the door of the room, and Ryan went straight into it.

Looking at Lilith who was still angry sitting on the bed, Ryan said pretending to be serious.

"I agree to be engaged."

"What, you said you agreed, really?"

"Yes, I agreed, are you happy this time?"

Hearing that Lilith agreed to get engaged, Ryan immediately changed his face, which was faster than flipping through a book.

"Happy, happy, as expected of my good granddaughter."

"Hmph, don't be too happy, I have a request."

"Whatever request, as long as Grandpa can do it, I will promise you."

At this time, even if Lilith wanted the stars in the sky, as long as Ryan could pick them off, he would do it.

"I'm going to see Jesse and Jess tomorrow. I have something to say to them. If they don't come, then the engagement I just promised will be void."

"Okay, I'll let them come to see you tomorrow, but why do you want to see Jess, do you like Jess?"

"Anyway, I want to see you, don't ask me anything else."

Why did you see Jess, Ryan asked Lilith, who did Lilith ask?
 I started to go to work, I just started to go to work, there are a lot of things recently, the third update will not be less, but the update time is different, the first update in the morning should be updated, the second update should be completed before the morning, and the third update should be around 12:22 or so before [-]:[-]
(End of this chapter)

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