The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 891 Chi You Armor

Chapter 891 Chi You Armor (Part [-])
Bishop Nathan walked in the front, followed by the Bishop of St. John's Church and Theodore.

Then came four burly members of the Knights Templar carrying a large wooden box.

Although it was four people lifting the wooden box together, it still seemed a bit difficult.

What is contained in this wooden box should be exchanged with Ji Yang.

I just don't know what it is, it's so heavy.

"Interesting, there is still a seal on this wooden box. It seems that the things inside are not simple."

Ji Yang wanted to explore the contents of the wooden box, but he was bounced back as soon as his perception was released.

This is because the box has a seal.

"Ji Yang, did you wait in a hurry, there is some traffic jam on the road, so it's a bit late."

When Bishop Nathan saw Ji Yang, he took the initiative to speak.

Others knew who Ji Yang was, but the Bishop of St. John's Church didn't.

He was a little surprised to see that Bishop Nathan took the initiative to talk to Ji Yang, and even showed his goodwill.

As Bishop Nathan, even the leaders of various countries are very polite to him.

It's not normal that he should be so polite to a young man now.

"Bishop Nathan was joking. I have nothing to worry about. Anyway, I'm an idler wherever I am."

"I think you are the one who is anxious. I only give you one day. If you don't come quickly, I will kill you."

Ji Yang and Bishop Nathan are now playing chess on a chessboard.

One wrong move, and the whole game may be lost.

Whether Bishop Nathan came late on purpose, Ji Yang didn't know.

But he wouldn't say he was in a hurry, let alone he was really not in a hurry.

Whoever admits to being anxious now will lose one level in terms of momentum. The first level is the beginning, and it may continue to be worse in the future.

Bishop Nathan smiled bitterly at Ji Yang's answer.

I did delay for a few minutes on purpose. I thought I could win back a victory, but it didn't work.

"Bishop Nathan is very polite to you, how can you talk like that, you..."

Bishop Nathan felt bitter, but he didn't speak, but the bishop of St. John's Church couldn't listen anymore.

Bishop Nathan was someone he respected, and he couldn't bear someone talking to Bishop Nathan like that.

"It's nothing, Bishop Noah, all of you and Bishop Noah should go out and guard the door. No matter what happens later, don't let anyone come in."

Noah, the name of the Bishop of St. John's Church.

Noah helped Bishop Nathan, but not only did he not get any thanks, Bishop Nathan even let him leave.

Not only Noah, but even the members of the Knights Templar who were responsible for carrying the wooden boxes were asked to leave.

Noah was dissatisfied, he wanted to say something.

But when he saw Bishop Nathan's expression, he could only shut up and leave.

"Who is this young Oriental, and why is Bishop Nathan so afraid of him?"

After closing the door of the room, Noah became very curious about Ji Yang.

At this moment, only Ji Yang, Bishop Nathan and Theodore were left in the room.

"This is what the Pope is going to exchange for Byrne. Can you let me see Byrne now?"

I have already brought my things, Bishop Nathan wants to see Byrne, this request is not too much.

Ji Yang nodded, and he contacted Chi You through his mind.

"You take good care of this guy. If something is not good, you must not change it."

Chi You didn't think much of Byrne, but he was the one who caught Byrne.

Wouldn't it be a slap in the face to Chi You if he handed over Byrne casually?

"Can't you feel what's in the wooden box?"

There was a seal on the wooden box, and Ji Yang couldn't see through it. He thought it was because his cultivation was not enough.

Chi You is still more capable than Ji Yang, Ji Yang thinks Chi You can know.

"The seal is not strong, but it's a bit weird, and I don't know what's inside."

"However, I have some strange feelings. The things inside give me an inexplicable sense of intimacy."

Although you can't completely pass through the seal to feel what's inside.

However, Chi You could feel some of the aura emanating from the wooden box.

This breath made him feel a little familiar and made him feel familiar.

Chi You's body was abolished in ancient times, and his soul was also sealed. If he can feel kind, it must be something from ancient times.

This ancient thing must still belong to China.

It is the sincerity of the Holy See to exchange the ancient things of China for Byrne, and it can also be seen that the capital of the Holy See is very thick.

Even China's ancient things are owned.

"Boom, oh..."

Chi You threw Byrne out of the world in the pot, and fell heavily on the ground.

When Byrne was thrown to the ground, the corner of Ji Yang's mouth twitched, and Bishop Nathan and Theodore's expressions changed.

The majestic wolf king of the past is long gone, and Byrne is very miserable at this time.

Both of his arms were broken before, and now he even has two legs broken.

Although Byrne was still alive, he only had one breath left.

"You are cruel enough to torture him hard?"

"They only said they wanted to live, but they didn't say they wanted to be healthy. It would be good if they didn't directly kill them."

Ji Yang asked, and when he heard Chi You's answer, he really didn't know what to say.

In Chi You's hands, he can live for so long, and Byrne is lucky.

But judging by his appearance, he wanted to die a long time ago.

"Bishop Nathan, kill me, please kill me."

"That guy is a demon, even scarier than Lord Satan."

With all limbs broken, Byrne rolled to Bishop Nathan's feet like a ball.

Now he actually begged Bishop Nathan to kill him, and Byrne's spirit was tortured and collapsed by Chi You.

Bishop Nathan frowned at Byrne, killing Byrne, Bishop Nathan wanted very much.

Many members of the Holy See died at the hands of Byrne, and no one in the Holy See did not want to kill Byrne.

It's just that the value of his life is greater than his death, so he can't die.

"Byrne, you have today too, don't touch Bishop Nathan with your dirty body."

Theodore looked at Byrne angrily, and was about to kick him.

It's just that Theodore's kick was missed.

Because when he lifted his foot, Ji Yang had already moved.

Ji Yang flashed to Byrne's side, and led Byrne to distance himself from Theodore.

"He is not yours now, it doesn't matter if you want to beat or kill him."

"Byrne, you have seen it. Bishop Nathan should also show me the contents of the box."

Ji Yang's words made Theodore a little angry, but he had to endure it.

Bishop Nathan nodded to Theodore, motioning for him to open the box.

Theodore walked to the box, and chanted a spell that Ji Yang couldn't understand. When the spell was spoken, the seal on the box disappeared.

The seal disappeared, and Theodore opened the box.

As soon as the box was opened, a black and red air floated out from the box.

A strong smell of blood and evil floated out of it, which made Ji Yang's breath tight.

Vaguely, Ji Yang even heard a suppressed and angry voice wafting in the room.

Inside the box is a set of red armor, which is very thick and large.

Such a large armor doesn't look like it's worn by a human at all.

"This is my armor, my Chiyou armor."

When the armor appeared, Chi You's excited voice sounded in Ji Yang's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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