The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 893 Vatican City

Chapter 893 Vatican City (three more)

This is the first time that Bishop Nathan has been forced to such an extent, and now he is completely led by the nose by Ji Yang.

If Peng Tianlong hadn't told him before that Ji Yang's cultivation was higher than Peng Tianlong's.

Moreover, he had personally seen Ji Yang beat Theodore and several members of the Knights Templar severely.

If not, he would have come hard.

Theodore was so scolded by Bishop Nathan that he didn't dare to speak, he could only look at Ji Yang unwillingly.

Ji Yang raised his eyebrows at Theodore, as if he refused to accept that you hit me.

Faced with Ji Yang's provocation, Theodore almost vomited blood.

Not to mention that Bishop Nathan stopped him, even if Bishop Nathan didn't stop him, he would just yell twice.

In a real fight, how could he beat Ji Yang.

Last time Ji Yang taught him a serious lesson, and now he still has injuries on his body.

"Bishop Nathan, you have to hurry up, the wound pierced by my sword will not heal easily."

"If the Pope agrees late, even if I don't kill Byrne with a sword, he will die from bleeding too much."

Ji Yang looked at Bishop Nathan with a smile on his face, Bishop Nathan was furious at what he said.

Ji Yang was completely aggressive, squeezing everywhere.

Bishop Nathan now suspects that Ji Yang has long planned to go to the Vatican's treasury.

"Okay, I'll contact the Pope right now."

Bishop Nathan left Theodore in the room, and walked into a compartment of the room by himself.

Theodore stared at Ji Yang, looking like he was watching, as if he was afraid that Ji Yang would eavesdrop.

But how did he know that Ji Jing didn't need to move at all, and he could hear Bishop Nathan's phone call with his hearing.

"Master Pope, this kid is too cunning. He is not satisfied with the armor he sent. He said he will go to the treasure house of the Holy See to choose the treasure himself."

"I now suspect that this kid is completely designed, and Peng Tianlong and him are simply plotting against us."

Bishop Nathan's voice was full of anger, and he spoke to the Pope over the phone.

Hearing his words, Ji Yang had a cold smile on his face.

It is not too late to realize that I have been calculated, and the Holy See can go back on it.

Just repented, they were destined not to get Byrne.

Ji Yang could hear the voice of Bishop Nathan, but could not hear the voice of the Pope on the other end of the phone.

"Pope, do you really want to take him there? There are countless treasures in the treasure house of the Holy See. What if he really chooses a precious treasure?"

"Okay, then I will take him to the Holy See headquarters now."

Hearing this, Ji Yang knew that the Pope agreed with his words.

Bishop Nathan walked out of the room with an ugly expression. To be honest, he really didn't want to take Ji Yang to the treasure house of the Holy See.

The conversation with Ji Yang today made him feel that Ji Yang is a very scheming person.

Bringing him to the Holy See's treasury, the Holy See will definitely suffer a lot.

But now that the Pope has agreed, he can only follow through.

"Bishop Nathan, what did the Pope say?"

Seeing Bishop Nathan's complexion, Theodore asked softly.

"Ji Yang, His Excellency the Pope has agreed, now you can follow me to Vatican City."

Vatican City is the headquarters of the Holy See.

Ji Yang already knew the answer just now, and his expression didn't change at all when he heard Bishop Nathan's words.

Ji Yang's calm made Bishop Nathan a little strange.

Bishop Nathan felt more and more that he couldn't understand Ji Yang, he turned his head to look at Theodore, and said in a cold voice.

"Theodore, cover the box and ask someone to bring the box back to the Holy See to seal it again."


Hearing this, Theodore took a deep breath and approached the wooden box as if he was suffering a lot.

The breath of Chi You's armor really made Theodore uncomfortable.

But when Theodore approached the box, before he could cover it, Ji Yang stopped him.

"Bishop Nathan, isn't this something that was given to me? Why do you want to take it back?"

"Here, aren't you dissatisfied?"

Nathan looked at Ji Yang in bewilderment, he obviously didn't want it just now, why would he want it now.

"I mean I'm not satisfied, but I didn't say I don't want it."

"Besides, it's useless for the Holy See to keep it, so I'll keep it for you."

Ji Yang didn't give Bishop Nathan a chance to speak again, and his body instantly came to Theodore's side.

Ji Yang didn't touch Theodore, but Theodore felt a force coming, and his body was bounced away unconsciously.

Then, under the gaze of Bishop Nathan's astonished expression, the wooden box containing Chi You's armor disappeared in an instant.

"You actually have a treasure to store items?"

After all, Bishop Nathan is not an ordinary person, so it is not surprising that he knows things like magic treasures.

There is also a storage magic weapon in the Holy See, but there is only one magic weapon, and this magic weapon can only be used by each pope.

Ji Yang nodded, indicating that Bishop Nathan had guessed right.

"This kid is a rascal at all, my great Pope, I'm afraid we will be unlucky this time."

"This kid is scarier than a greedy devil!"

Ji Yang even has such extremely rare things as magic weapons for storage, and what level is the thing that he can take a fancy to.

Bishop Nathan felt that the Holy See was about to bleed heavily this time.

Chi You's armor was put away by Ji Yang, and he couldn't grab it even if he had the audacity to ask for it, even Bishop Nathan couldn't do it.

In the end, he could only suffer from being dumb.

Bishop Nathan took Ji Yang to the parking lot of St. John's Cathedral. Ji Yang and Bishop Nathan sat in the same car.

Theodore sat in the back car with several members of the Knights Templar.

Several cars drove out of St. John's Cathedral and headed for the airport in New York.

Bishop Noah had an idiot expression on his face until everyone left.

Until now, he didn't know why Bishop Nathan came to see Ji Yang, and who Ji Yang was.

Through a special entrance, the Holy See's convoy quickly entered the airport.

A plane that looks ordinary on the outside, but actually has a luxurious interior, and is exclusive to the Holy See took off quickly.

The Vatican City is located in Europe, and it takes more than ten hours from Europe, the capital of the United States.

After more than ten hours, the plane arrived in Rome.

Why fly to Rome instead of arriving at the Vatican City, it is because the area of ​​the Vatican City is not as large as the airport.

The Vatican City is known as the "National China" and borders Italy on all sides.

Although the Vatican City is small, its influence can definitely be compared to the world's top powers.

Because the followers of the Holy See are spread all over the world, and the number is very large, exceeding one billion.

The leaders of many countries are followers of the Holy See.

After getting off the plane, Bishop Nathan took Ji Yang to the Vatican City through the special passageway.

Not long after, the car drove into Vatican City.

Although the Vatican City is small in size, there are quite a few people who come here.

As soon as you enter Vatican City, this country is not half as big as the Forbidden City of China, and there are pedestrians walking around everywhere.

Vatican City is the center of the global Holy See, where the Pope lives.

Every day, countless believers of the Holy See come here to pray, pilgrimage and visit. If you are lucky, you can also see their Pope...

 The third update is sent, thank you for your support and encouragement, the update ends today, and it will continue tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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