The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 896 There Are Universes Within

Chapter 896 There Are Universes Inside (Second Update)
"This is a Dunhuang mural, and there are dragon heads and dog heads among the twelve animal heads."

"This sword also belongs to China. Its age can be traced back thousands of years. The sword already has a spirit."

"This Buddha head is not Omi's, it's a bit like the stolen Buddha head in a Southeast Asian movie."

"This glazed vase is Western in shape. It looks like it's not young. It's perfect in shape and well preserved. It must be sold at a sky-high price..."

Under the watchful eyes of the Pope, Bishop Nathan, and Grand Master Jayden, Ji Yang walked around the treasure house of the Holy See like a museum.

Looking at the treasures around him, Ji Yang was very shocked.

There are so many treasures here that it is dazzling.

Many of China's lost treasures have actually arrived here.

It is not only lost by China, but also lost by other countries.

I don't know where the Holy See got these things, whether they were donated by the Holy See believers, or they were snatched by themselves.

Ji Yang always felt that it was inappropriate for the Holy See to hide these things.

The treasure house of the Holy See suddenly gave Ji Yang the feeling of a robber's treasure house.

There are many good things in it, but most of them are common things.

But even so, Ji Yang still wanted to bring many of them back to China.

Because these things originally belonged to China, it was only natural that they should be returned to their original owners.

Judging by the attitudes of Pope Andrew, Bishop Nathan, and Grand Leader Jayden, it is absolutely impossible for them to let Ji Yang take these away.

If they had such kindness, these things would have returned to the country long ago.

"Master Pope, many things in the treasure house cannot be seen in the light, otherwise it will definitely arouse public opinion."

"Now that he has seen it all, I think we still..."

Grandmaster Jayden frowned and looked at Ji Yang who was walking in the treasure house of the Holy See, and whispered to the Pope.

He gestured twice on his neck with his hand, which meant beheading.

Whether Ji Yang smashed the barrier just now, or saw the secret of the Holy See's treasure house.

The head of Jie Dun felt that Ji Yang could not be allowed to leave alive.

Although Bishop Nathan didn't speak, he also had concerns in this regard, but why the Pope agreed to Ji Yang's request, he couldn't figure it out.

Although getting Byrne would benefit the Holy See a lot, is such a large exchange cost really worth it?

Even without Byrne, if the Holy See and the Night Alliance continue to fight, they may not be able to destroy the Night Alliance.

"Grand Leader Jayden, don't always think about killing him."

"Since I dare to let him come, I won't be afraid of these things."

The Pope said confidently, Bishop Nathan and Jayden didn't know where the Pope's confidence came from.

Anyway, the Pope said so, and the two only hope that the Pope's self-confidence will really not cause trouble for the Holy See.

"Your worries are superfluous. How many national treasures have been lost abroad in China? How many things are put on public display in museums in various countries."

"But no matter how much Huaxia reprimands, I still don't know in the end."

"Do you think Huaxia will come to trouble the Holy See because of these things?"

It seems to be to appease Bishop Jason and Grand Master Jayden.

Pope Andrew continued to speak, and his words were spoken, and the two understood.

Although Vatican City is small, it is also an independent country with many believers.

Other countries have displayed it publicly, but the Holy See has secretly collected it.

Compared with many countries, the Vatican City is more terrifying. Those countries are fine, so what is the Vatican City afraid of.

Thinking of this, the protagonist Nathan and Grand Leader Jayden also felt relieved.

The three of them talked very quietly, and they didn't seem to let Ji Yang hear their conversation.

It's just that Ji Yang's ears are so sharp that he heard every word of their conversation.

Ji Yang couldn't help clenching his fists together. He was angry, but he had to admit that even if he told about the many national treasures hidden by the Holy See, no one would dare to trouble Vatican City.

"Hmph, relying on others is worse than relying on yourself, these things will be booked out for you sooner or later."

This is something to say later, the real thing is to choose something that suits your heart and take it away.

The treasure house of the Holy See is larger than a large museum, with more things and more precious.

Ji Yang wandered around for a long time and saw a lot.

It's not that there are things that make him fancy, but it's really exciting, and it feels that it can be equal to Byrne's value.

To be honest, Ji Yang really didn't find out.

"The ancient Huaxia sword I saw just now is quite interesting, and the sword has a spirit, and it is very powerful for the right person to use."

"But this kind of thing is still not enough. I don't believe that this is the best thing in the treasure house of the Holy See."

Ji Yang has transferred more than half of the treasure house of the Holy See.

But he still didn't see what satisfied him the most.

Watching Ji Yang walking back and forth, time passed for a long time, the Pope, Bishop Nathan, and Grand Master Jiedon all felt a little annoyed.

"Boy, are you done yet?"

"Do you think this is a vegetable market? Hurry up and choose one to exchange for Byrne. The Pope has no time to waste time with you."

The head of the group, Jie Dun, has the hottest temper among the three and is the one who dislikes Ji Yang the most.

His patience was worn out by Ji Yang, he shouted loudly.

Hearing Jie Dun's angry shout, Ji Yang smiled coldly instead.

"It's much easier to pick cabbage in the vegetable market than it is to pick treasures here. The Holy See is really rich. Where did all these treasures come from?"

"If the Holy See is busy, you can leave temporarily. Are you afraid that I will take all these things away?"

"Or do you think the Knights Templar are trash, under your noses, I can make trouble in the Holy See."

Ji Yang's words are exciting enough, he just wants to stimulate Jie Dun, to see if he dares to fight with him.

Just now Ji Yang heard the Pope call him Grand Master Jayden, and Ji Yang knew that Jayden was the head of the Knights Templar.

This guy has been thinking of killing himself, if he dares to do it, Ji Yang will definitely not be polite to him.

Jie Dun's eyes were about to burst into flames when he was told by Ji Yang.

When Ji Yang refuted his words, the point was not to talk about the treasure house of the Holy See.

Instead, he insulted the Knights Templar. As the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, he really wanted to tear Ji Yang apart.

"Little friend Ji Yang, you are here to pick a baby, not to pick a fight."

"Leader Jiedon, we have a lot of time, let's watch Ji Yang choose slowly here."

Pope Andrew narrowed his eyes slightly, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Ji Yang's strength is higher than that of Peng Tianlong, Bishop Nathan has already told him about this.

When Jie Dun and Ji Yang fight, it doesn't matter who wins or loses.

The location of the treasure house of the Holy See alone is not suitable. If they fight, the treasures in the treasure house will become waste products.

Ji Yang shrugged, smiled and continued to observe.

This time, his observation speed was a little faster, and after he had looked at the whole treasure house, he was very disappointed.

I don't particularly like it.

"Ji Yang, there is Qian Kun in this treasure house, and there is a dark room on the left."

"I feel the breath of an old friend."

When Ji Yang was disappointed, the voice of Immortal in the Pot suddenly sounded in his head.

 The third update is sent, the update ends today, and it will continue tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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