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Chapter 914 Finding clues

Chapter 914 Finding clues (three more)

Restoring their original appearance means that Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv have completely let go, without the slightest restraint.

The aura emanating from the two of them was several times stronger than before.

The change in appearance of the two made the three angels feel that something was wrong.

Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv have completely oriental faces, which are quite different from the vampires just now.

"No, these idiots from the Holy See have been cheated."

"The people who broke into the treasure house of the Holy See were not from the Night Alliance, but from the East!"

Seraphim looked at Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv, and he found a clue.

But what if he finds out these things, whether he can bring the authenticity of this matter back to the Holy See depends on his ability.

If Ji Yang dared to restore himself and Xiaolongnv to their original appearance, then he would have the confidence not to expose what happened today.

Ji Yang charged forward, holding a sword in each hand.

With a black awn sword in one hand and an ancient Huaxia sword in one hand, the two swords slashed directly at a four-winged angel.

On Xiao Longnv's long sword, cold air surged and stabbed at a four-winged angel.

Both Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv chose the weaker attack first, and after dealing with the two four-winged angels, it was much easier to deal with the seraphim.

Although the four-winged angels are not as powerful as the seraphs, they are not vegetarians.

Seeing Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv's appearance of pinching soft persimmons, the two angels felt angry, and the holy power surged out of their bodies, brandishing their weapons to face Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv.

"Ding ding ding dong..."

The weapons collided, and the metal clanging sounded.

Immortal energy and sacred aura spread to the surroundings, and a strong wind blew in the sky.

The ground was blown by strong winds, and huge cracks were opened, and the soil was splashed in all directions.

Of the two four-winged angels, one is an angel of strength and the other is an angel of energy.

Although they are all four-winged angels, they represent different meanings. It is hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker.

The angel of strength represents a kind of heroic and unshakable courage.

Angels are responsible for guarding the kingdom of heaven and preventing the invasion of demons. In the hearts of believers, they are the balance that protects people's hearts.

Ji Yang attacked the Neng Angel, and Xiao Longnv faced the Li Angel.

When attacking, it feels like the two of them are about the same strength.

"There is a problem with this matter, they must be captured alive and handed over to the Holy See."

"These stupid Holy See guys are so easily deceived."

This seraph is an angel, they are in charge of God's justice.

The Holy See believes in the Lord and also respects every angel.

But this seraph actually said that the believers of the Holy See are stupid guys. If these words were heard by the believers of the Holy See, it would be very chilling.

At the beginning of chasing Ji Yang and Xiaolongnu, the purpose of the three angels was to kill them.

Now that the problem is not right, the Seraphim angel has the idea of ​​capturing Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv alive.

He decisively ordered the Angel of Power and the Angel of Power.

It is more difficult to capture alive than to kill, which means that they cannot fully display their abilities.

The decision of the Seraphim Angel was obviously wrong.

The two four-winged angels attacked with all their strength, but they were unable to defeat Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv.

If you can't use your full strength now, wouldn't it be even more useless to fight.

Xiao Longnv couldn't understand Seraphim's words, but Ji Yang could translate for her.

Knowing that the other party wanted to capture herself and Ji Yang alive, she felt angry and contemptuous.

She felt that the seraphim in front of her was too stupid. Could it be that he couldn't see the situation clearly? Now it's hard for them to kill themselves and Ji Yang, and they still want to capture them alive. Isn't this a dream!
"Whether he is stupid or not, none of these three birdmen can stay!"

Ji Yang looked at the three angels indifferently, and with a wave of his swords, he forced the angel in front of him to retreat.

If it wasn't for this powerful angel's quick dodge, Ji Yang's sword would have ripped him open.

The three angels saw Ji Yang's appearance, and Ji Yang would never let them live.

Xiao Longnu knew this, so her attack was unambiguous.

Li Angel was beaten by the little dragon girl and had no strength to fight back, so he could only dodge blindly.

Seeing that Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv are so powerful, the seraphim at the side began to regret his decision just now.

An angel can dodge one attack from Ji Yang, but he can't dodge all of Ji Yang's attacks.

Ji Yang's ancient sword shot out a stream of flames, and the flames struck, and the angels could dodge them.

After being able to avoid the flames, he found that Ji Yang had disappeared, which made his face change drastically.

"What's going on, why is the person missing?"

I thought it was a very simple task for God to send himself to the world.

But ever since he got to know Ji Yang, he realized how wrong his previous thinking was.

Now that Ji Yang has disappeared even more, Neng Angel is instantly stunned.

"Be careful behind you!"


Attack the angel with flames, and then disappear with invisibility.

When Ji Yang reappeared, he was already behind Neng Angel.

The Seraphim Angel was also very surprised when Ji Yang disappeared, and he was also looking for Ji Yang.

When he sensed something strange behind Energy Angel, he opened his mouth to remind him, and rushed towards it at the same time.

Neng Angel's reaction was already fast, but unfortunately it was still not as fast as Ji Yang's attack.

When Angel Neng turned around, Ji Yang's black sword landed on Angel Neng's wings.

A sword fell, and the four wings of the energy angel were cut off by Qi Gen.

The four-winged angel, now wingless, fell to the ground.

For angels, wings are not only a tool for flying, but also the source of their strength.

The wings were cut off, which could quickly dissipate the sacred aura in the angel's body.

Looking at the energy angel falling to the ground, the eyes of the seraphim angel turned cold, flapping its wings behind, and flew towards the energy angel falling to the ground.


Just when the Seraphim was about to receive the wingless Angel of Power, a bolt of lightning flew past him.

The lightning fell on Angel Energy, and there was a miserable cry from Angel Energy's mouth.

Without wings, the sacred aura in his body dissipated, and he couldn't bear the lightning attack at all.

"Oh no!"


Under Ji Yang Zilei's attack, Angel Neng's body exploded.

The energy angel exploded and disappeared into a golden light.

At the same time that Neng Angel disappeared, there was another scream, this scream came from Li Angel who fought against Xiao Longnu.

Li Angel's whole body was wrapped in cold air, and a thin layer of ice appeared on the surface of his wings.

The wings were frozen, and there was a problem with Li Angel's movement. Xiaolongnu seized the opportunity and pierced his heart with a sword.

The heart was pierced, and the angel of strength turned into golden light with a scream.

The two four-winged angels I brought died just like this. The angels were shocked and even more angry.

When he was angry, a huge red figure floated out of Ji Yang's body.

This figure has a huge head like a bull's head, and it exudes a strong evil aura.

The figure appeared laughing and rushed towards the Seraphim Angel...

(End of this chapter)

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