The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 92 The Tian Family Are Tomb Robbers

Chapter 92 The Tian Family Are Tomb Robbers
When Ji Yang learned that there was a chance to attack the Tian family, he was very excited and wished to fly to Wang Ji immediately to hear what the opportunity was.

"Do you want to go to the big health care, kid? You don't take the big health care with you. You are too careless."

Naturally, Ji Yang couldn't take Hou Senpang with him when he went to find Wang Ji, but when Hou Senpang told him to get out of the car, he was excited.

"Big health care, my brother's girlfriend is a school belle, a goddess, I go to health care, don't I have a bag in my head!"

"I really have something to do, you get out of the car first, next time I will lend you the car to drive to the head office to pick up girls."

Hearing that Ji Yang was willing to lend him the car, Hou Senpang also laughed lewdly.

Driving such a cool car to pick up girls, that's enough to pick up a lot of girls. Isn't it popular now to cry in a BMW and not laugh on a bicycle?

This Dongfeng warrior is more attractive than BMW, even if the girl is willing to cry to death in the car.

"Okay, buddy, don't delay your health care, I will ask you to borrow a car in two days!"

"I'm here to run errands, not general health care!"

"Yes, it's not about health care, it's about doing errands. I understand that they are all men. Don't worry, I will keep it secret for you."

"You know a girl!"

If he hadn't been in a hurry to see Wang Ji, Ji Yang really wanted to dig Hou Senpang's head open to see what was in his head, why his thoughts were so filthy and filthy.

Derun Teahouse, the place where Wang Ji and Ji Yang met. This teahouse is not big, and the business doesn’t seem to be very good. When Ji Yang came to the teahouse, none of the service staff paid attention to him.
I went into Versace wearing a street stall and was greeted by someone, but now I come to the teahouse wearing a Versace, but no one pays attention to me, this is a strange situation.

When Ji Yang was depressed, finally a woman in her twenties and wearing a red cheongsam came over.

"It's closed today, you can go."

The woman was not bad, but she looked impatient when she was talking to him. Her eyes kept staring at the door, as if she was looking for something.

closed?Why did Wang Ji invite him here when he was not in business?

Could it be that Wang Ji held a grudge against me because he made him popular that day, and deliberately played tricks on me today.

"Okay, Wang Ji, if you dare to play tricks on me, wait until I see you, and see if I don't make you look good!"

Ji Yang murmured softly, turned around and was about to leave.

But as soon as he turned around, a woman in a cheongsam suddenly stopped him.

"Wait a minute, don't go yet."

Frowning, Ji Yang looked at the girl. She said that it was closed today, so why didn't she let herself go? Could it be that this is a black shop, and you have to pay if you don't drink tea?

The woman looked at Ji Yang with a displeased face, but she smiled suddenly, and this smile was like a flash in the pan. It was really beautiful, and she was a completely different person compared to just now.

"You said you were looking for Wang Ji? Who are you?"

The emotional partner called me to stop because of Wang Ji, it couldn't be that Wang Ji owed money here, and deliberately tricked him here to help him pay back the money.

"Whether that charlatan Wang Ji cheated you of your money? It doesn't matter to me if he cheats money. If you want money, go to him. Whether he is dead or alive, or he has skin cramps, whatever you want!"


Hearing Ji Yang's words, the woman in front of him smiled. When she smiled, Ji Yang became even more confused. Isn't this woman stupid? Why is she smiling so hard at this time?

Too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party, Ji Yang is not interested in asking her why she is laughing, and he is going to call Wang Ji to question Wang Ji.

It is said that neurosis is contagious, and the woman in front of her will not be deranged and insane by Wang Ji.

"Ji Shao, I feel so sad for what you said. Anyway, we are considered a cooperative relationship. You are so cruel that you don't care about my life or death."

"Wang Ji, your old boy is here. Didn't she say she's closed?"

But just when Ji Yang was about to leave, Wang Ji appeared with an old man.

"Derun Tea House is never open for some people, but for some people it is open 360 hours a day, 24 days a year."

The person who spoke was not Wang Ji, but an old man who stood shoulder to shoulder with him, wearing a black Tang suit, with a goatee, and about the same age as Wang Ji.

Ji Yang didn't quite understand what the old man said. Isn't it just a tea house, why is it still open to some people and not to others.

Glancing at the beautiful woman in cheongsam beside him, and seeing her looking at him with a smile on her face, three words suddenly flashed in Ji Yang's mind: Great health care!

Thinking of health care, Ji Yang's eyes swept over Wang Ji and the old man with a goatee.

"It turns out that this place is selling dog meat. The combined age of the two of you is more than 100. Why do you still come to this place? The place of great health care is not what you should come to."

When the old man next to Wang Ji heard Ji Yang say that Derun Teahouse is a place for health care, his expression became ugly: "Be careful what you say, and don't compare my Derun Teahouse with that kind of low-end place."

The old man next to Wang Ji is Quan Chang, an old friend of Wang Ji.

Although the Derun teahouse in Quanchang does some shady businesses, he was very angry when Ji Yang said it was a big health service. The business he does is several grades higher than the big health care, okay?

When Ji Yang saw that Quan Chang was messing with him, he didn't want to anymore, but he wanted to ask, what would happen if he didn't pay attention to you.

When Wang Ji saw Ji Yang's expression was a bit wrong, he had been poisoned by Ji Yang, in order to prevent Ji Yang and Quan Chang from fighting, he hurriedly said: "Ji Shao, don't get angry, let's talk in detail in the box, Mr. Don't say a few words, Ji Shao is here for the first time, some misunderstandings are understandable."

Ji Yang really misunderstood this time. After coming to the box, Wang Ji also told Ji Yang about the Derun Tea House in detail. It turns out that this is a place where some people who specialize in the antique business talk about things, but what we talk about here It's a shady business, the so-called black market.

"You said that you have the opportunity to attack the Tian family, is it true or false?"

Ji Yang, who is not in the black market, doesn't care. He just wants to know whether Wang Ji said that he has a chance to deal with the Tian family.

"Of course it's true. How could I lie to you with such a thing?"

Wang Ji nodded affirmatively and continued.

"The Tian family actually started their business by robbing tombs, but tomb robbing also has the rules of tomb robbing. If you rob the tomb of a treacherous and evil person, nothing will happen if you rob it, but the tomb they are going to rob this time completely violates the rules of tomb robbery. "

"Even if someone steals this tomb by mistake, they will restore the tomb after being instructed by others, but the Tian family knows the situation of the tomb but still steals it. They are seeking their own death."

It turned out that the Tian family turned out to be tomb robbers. After making a fortune from the tomb robbers, they began to whitewash the ancient players, right? The news was explosive enough, and Ji Yang only found out today.

But Ji Yang was even more curious about whose tomb the Tian family was going to rob this time, and Wang Ji had such a big reaction.

(End of this chapter)

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