The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 925 Shopping Coincidence

Chapter 925 Shopping Coincidence (Part [-])
The urging of the immortals made Ji Yang happy.

It's not easy to obtain millions of merits, and you have to play tricks.

"Don't blame me, everyone, I can't help it."

"If you want to blame it, you can blame the promotion of the immortal rank. The growth rate of merit is too bad."

Ji Yang shook his head at the phone screen and said, with the appearance of admitting his mistake, it was just a smile on his face, but no matter how you looked at it, he was just a cunning old fox.

The remaining dozens of clothes were taken out, forty women's clothes and twenty men's clothes.

This is the last of his clothes.

Under the constant urging of the immortals, Ji Yang put these clothes on the shelves.

But this time, the price of each piece of clothing is not two thousand merits, but three thousand merits.

Originally, Ji Yang was happy to put new clothes on the shelves, but seeing the sudden increase in prices, Yixian couldn't help complaining.

King of Growth: "Xiaobai, you are so ruthless that you actually raised the price on the ground, but who makes me like it, I will buy it."

Meng Po: "Is it easy for me to earn some merit, old lady? The price has actually increased. I wanted to buy two, but now I can buy one."

Jishui River God: "Black merchant, absolute black merchant, Xiaobai, you are too black-hearted."

Although Jishui Heshen said that Ji Yang was black, he bought two pieces of clothing himself.

There are many people like Jishui Heshen who buy clothes while talking about Ji Yanghei.

Soon, Ji Yang's clothes with three thousand merits were sold out in an instant.

Sixty pieces of clothing, one piece of three thousand merits.

A total of 18 merits, just like this.

Adding in the 40 merits earned from selling the 58 pieces just now, he has earned [-] just from selling clothes.

Huge profits, this is definitely huge profits.

Moreover, there are still many people who haven't bought clothes urging Ji Yang to continue to put clothes on the shelves, and some people even actively encourage Ji Yang to increase the price.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are indispensable to human life.

And these are the biggest temptations to Heaven and Earth.

From all kinds of food at the beginning, to little sheep, cars, and now clothes.

Except for this point, Ji Yang can't get involved for the time being, everything else is involved.

And these are very popular in Tiantingdifu.

"The clothes are really gone. If I want them, I need to buy them again."

"Now it's dawn, I will go out to buy a batch of new goods, not only clothes, but also all kinds of food, books will also be replenished, everyone will wait and see."

Ji Yang posted such a post in Moments, and many gods liked it at the same time.

Some of them sent a series of expectant expressions, and some sent a series of pitiful expressions.

Whether it is anticipation or pity, Ji Yang really has nothing to do at the moment.

It is true that he didn't have any clothes in his hands, so he couldn't take out what he was wearing and sell it.

"Ji Yang, are you going shopping?"

"Yeah, the items in the WeChat store are sold out, and I'm going to buy a batch."

"Let's go too, we're going to buy something too."

"Then let's go together."

Knowing that Ji Yang was going to purchase goods, Mu Hong and the three daughters volunteered to follow.

Ji Yang didn't object, and he felt that he should take the three girls there, and they could give him some advice as they followed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity when most of the products are sold out, Ji Yang is going to replace some new products.

The products that are not empty on the shelves are what he wants to replace.

In order to facilitate the trip of Mu Hong's three daughters, Peng Caixuan had arranged a car for them.

Although this car is not as domineering as Ji Yang's Dongfeng warrior, it looks ordinary, but it has been carefully modified.

Driving away from Xuanzu headquarters, the three daughters of Mu Hong seemed very excited.

It's been a while since they went shopping with Ji Yang. The last time they went shopping was to buy underwear for Chang'e and Yutu.

"Ji Yang, what are you going to buy?"

Sitting in the car, Li Zixuan looked at Ji Yang who was driving and asked.

"Yesterday I sold a batch of clothes and they sold well. I want to buy some more."

"Do you guys think that women's clothing is better? For men's clothing, go to Versace. The clothes there are not bad for me."

Although there are many luxurious clothing stores in Kyoto, it is not New York after all.

Moreover, Ji Yang didn't know much about women's clothing.

He came out with the three girls, and also planned to choose women's clothes for him.

"For women's clothing, I personally like Dior."

"Dior women's clothing design pays attention to lines, emphasizing women's concave and convex, soft curves."

"I'm the same as Sister Mu Hong. I also like Dior. I remember Xiaoxin likes Chanel more, right?"

After Mu Hong finished speaking, Li Zixuan agreed.

It seems that the two of them have similar styles, but Huang Xiaoxin has a different opinion from them.

After all, not everyone likes the same things, Huang Xiaoxin nodded upon hearing Li Zixuan's words.

"Yes, I like Chanel."

"Chanel's clothing is fashionable and simple, simple and comfortable, graceful and generous, youthful and beautiful. Chanel represents a style. Popularity is fleeting, but style is eternal."

Although Huang Xiaoxin is the representative of silly, white and sweet, she also has her own unique side.

Whether it is Dior or Chanel, Ji Yang has heard of these two brands.

These are all well-known international brands, and now the prices of the clothes I sell are not low, so I can't buy some street stalls to put them on.

Although even if he put the goods on the street, the gods and ghosts in the heaven and the underworld would not know.

But how could Ji Yang be so dishonest? In the end, he decided to choose Dior and Chanel for women's clothing.

Anyway, he is not afraid that he buys too many clothes, he is only afraid that he buys less.

With a goal in mind, Ji Yang drove the car to a place in Kyoto where there are many luxury stores. Dior and Chanel both have specialty stores here.

These two stores not only have women's clothing, but also men's clothing.

Although there are not many men's clothes, they all look quite fashionable.

So while buying women's clothing, Ji Yang also bought some men's clothing.

Under the astonished eyes of the sales staff of the two clothing stores, Ji Yang and the others bought a lot of clothes.

These clothes cost Ji Yang millions of Huaxia coins, but they didn't even frown.

Even in Kyoto, this is the first time these salespeople have seen such a wealthy person.

They felt that what Ji Yang and the others bought were not luxury clothes, but Chinese cabbage at all.

Only hard work will pay off. Millions of Huaxia coins are easy to earn, but hundreds of thousands of merits are very difficult to earn.

First went to Dior, then went to Chanel. After walking out of the two clothing stores, Ji Yang came to Versace.

This is Ji Yang's first choice for men's clothing. He bought hundreds of clothes, and Ji Yang spent millions of dollars.

After purchasing the clothes, when Ji Yang and the others were about to drive away, a voice with a bit of surprise suddenly sounded.

"Ji Yang, what a coincidence, I can meet you here."

It was Dongfang Mei who was talking to Ji Yang and the others, and Aunt Mei was following her.

Ji Yang didn't expect to meet Dongfang Mei here, and he was also very surprised.

"Yeah, what a coincidence."

"I didn't expect that our prince, Mei, who is considered very mysterious in the party, would also come out to shop."

(End of this chapter)

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