The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 928 Meet the day after tomorrow

Chapter 928 Meet the Day After Tomorrow (Part [-])
Dongfang Mei is a dangerous woman, and Ji Yang agrees with this more and more.

Ji Yang feels that Dongfang Mei is not only a dangerous woman, but also a vengeful woman.

Knowing that he and Wen Tao had a problem, the other party kept looking for him.

Dongfang Mei will also tell Wen Tao about seeing her, isn't this causing trouble for him?

She would do this, mostly because of his attitude towards her just now.

What does this mean? Could it be that I don't like the other person and don't want to have too close contact with her, is there something wrong?

"Women are unreasonable."

Ji Yang muttered softly, but he must not forget that the three daughters of Mu Hong are by his side.

And the ears of the three girls are very good.

Ji Yang muttered, but it included all women.

"Ji Yang, are we unable to reason?"

"You're messing with flowers and grass outside, and you're still relying on us?"

Li Zixuan looked at Ji Yang and asked with some displeasure.

Although Mu Hong and Huang Xiaoxin didn't speak, their expressions didn't look like good intentions.

"It's too unfair, I only have you in my heart, how can I mess with flowers and grass?"

Ji Yang felt that there was no need to say extra words to prove that it was impossible to reason.

Li Zixuan's three daughters are now showing jealousy, which is unreasonable.

"The family ugliness must not be publicized. We will deal with him after we go back."

Mu Hong, who has always been the most prudent and reasonable, actually said such words at this time.

Women are unreasonable, and Ji Yang felt that there was absolutely nothing wrong with what he said.

With Ji Yang and the others looking like this, Wen Tao and his people looked unhappy.

"Boy, didn't you see Young Master Wen talking to you? What are you talking about, kid?"

"I want to flirt and go home. When I get home, no one cares about you making a small movie, but now, ah..."

The people next to Wen Tao stood up to help Wen Tao stand out.

As a follower, there is nothing wrong with looking for opportunities to express yourself.

But he chose the wrong time and the wrong person to perform.

The most important thing is that Ji Yang was very upset when he heard his words.

Ji Yang was not the only one who was unhappy, but Mu Hong and the three daughters were also unhappy.

Mu Hong's physical fitness was good before, and after eating flat peaches, her body was not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Before the man finished speaking, Mu Hong rushed up and slapped him on the face, causing the other's face to swell immediately.

Then he pushed his knee against the man's legs, and the corner of Ji Yang's mouth twitched, as if he heard the sound of an egg breaking.

Wen Tao was not accompanied by the young masters of those families in Kyoto, but several of his bodyguards.

These bodyguards are all retired special forces.

Mu Hong shot just now, but these people didn't even react. The one she hit was squatting on the ground and screaming again and again.

His egg was really broken by Mu Hong.

The few remaining bodyguards, when they saw Mu Hong making a move, and their companions were still in such a miserable state, they all felt a certain part of themselves tense up.

The two blocked Wen Tao from behind, and the others surrounded Mu Hong.

When Mu Hong saw these people surrounding her, she smiled disdainfully.

After all, I grew up in the army, and my fighting skills were not weak before.

Coupled with her current physical fitness, she really doesn't take these people seriously.

"Mu Hong, a woman should stand behind a man at this time!"

Mu Hong may not be afraid of them, but Ji Yang will not let Mu Hong fight with them.

I am here, if I don't come out to protect my woman at this time, is he still a man?

Blocking Mu Hong behind him, he turned his head and gave her a gentle smile.

Seeing this smile, Mu Hong also smiled faintly, and returned to Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan.

Turning his head and looking at the bodyguards in front of him, Ji Yang's eyes turned cold.

"I'm in a good mood today, and I don't want to hurt anyone, but if any of you take a step forward, I'll break whose leg!"

"Fuck, let's see who breaks whose legs, ah..."

These bodyguards didn't take Ji Yang's harsh words seriously.

If one word could scare them, Wen Tao would have made them assholes long ago.

One of the bodyguards rushed up to Ji Yang first, but he didn't see any movement from Ji Yang, he was still standing there.

But the bodyguard who rushed up was lying on the ground screaming in pain, his two legs had been deformed.

It's not that Ji Yang didn't move, but that he was too fast.

Wen Tao's people didn't see Ji Yang's movements at all. He had already broken his opponent's leg, and then returned to the original place.

"Paralyzed, this kid is weird."

"As you say, we can all see it, everyone be careful."

"Well, everyone be careful."

The rest of the bodyguards looked at Ji Yang with a little more fear.

Wen Tao didn't even take a look at his two bodyguards being abolished.

In his view, only useless people fail.

And he doesn't need people who fail.

But he knew that Ji Yang in front of him was not easy to deal with, and the bodyguards around him rushed up, and they were also sent to death.

Wen Tao would not do this kind of thing that they knew they would die, but still asked them to do it.

So when these bodyguards were about to deal with Ji Yang, Wen Tao spoke up.

"Stop it all!"

"Ji Yang, I didn't come to see you today to fight with you."

"I just want to remind you that there is still a bet between you and me that hasn't been played yet, have you not forgotten it?"

"Of course, I remember that."

The gamble between himself and Wen Tao was agreed by Ji Yang before he went to the United States.

Ji Yang has not forgotten this matter.

"Okay, I'll give you a day to prepare, and I'll wait for you in Fengfenglou the night after tomorrow."

After Wen Tao finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards a luxury car, ignoring the bodyguards around him.

The other bodyguards didn't need to speak to Wen Tao. When they saw the other party leaving, they set up the two tragic bodyguards on the ground and followed quickly.

"Sir, all the things you bought have been put in the car."

"Well, let's go back."

After Wen Tao and others left, two security guards came over, and all the goods Ji Yang bought had been placed in the car.

Although there was a little accident during today's shopping, it didn't affect Ji Yang's mood.

Whether it's Dongfang Mei or Wen Tao.

If they are friends, then live in harmony.

If they were enemies, Ji Yang would definitely not be relentless, as long as his bottom line was not touched, Ji Yang could still save their lives.

If they go too far, Ji Yang doesn't care what kind of prince-son-party crazy flattery they are.

If you annoy him, whoever you love, kill him if you have to.

Not only Ji Yang, but even Huang Xiaoxin and the three daughters were not affected by what happened to Wen Tao and Dongfang Mei.

Originally, what Mu Hong said about cleaning up Ji Yang after returning to the residence was just a joke.

After returning, they did not clean up Ji Yang, but were bullied by Ji Yang.

After some madness, Ji Yang left the bedroom and came to the living room.

At this time, in the living room, there are piles of things.

These things are all bought by shopping today, and now it's time to put them on the shelves.

It is estimated that many people are anxiously waiting, and Ji Yang himself is also anxiously waiting.

After these things are sold out, I should be able to get 6000 million merits.

(End of this chapter)

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