The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 931 I'm afraid of bad teeth if you eat

Chapter 931 I'm Afraid You'll Have Bad Teeth If You Eat It (Part [-])
Who is Huang Yi, the tyrant among the crazy tyrants of the prince-son-party in Kyoto, the little overlord of Kyoto.

In Kyoto, even the rich and powerful young masters and young ladies have to take a detour when they see Huang Yi.

The two little security guards actually talked to him like this, isn't it just a joke.

Huang Yi narrowed his eyes, and his body was in front of the two security guards in an instant.

Seeing Huang Yi suddenly approaching directly in front of him, the two security guards trembled instinctively and took two steps back.

"Fuck, what do you want to do, you, oh, ah..."

"Crack, bang, bang!"

"What are you doing, I'm fucking sister!"

Huang Yi slapped the two security guards in the face with two palms, and the two security guards were directly beaten and forced, and then they kicked over, and the two security guards were kicked to the ground.

Even Yu Chan was very polite when facing Huang Yi.

The two security guards were still yelling at him. If they didn't kick the two of them to death directly, it would be considered a face for Yu Chan.

"Brothers, someone is causing trouble, copy the guy!"

The security guard lying on the ground had a painful expression and shouted into the Wind and Rain Building.

As soon as they shouted, a burst of commotion and shouting came from the Fengyu Building.

Hearing these voices, Ji Yang and the others dismissively smiled.

Coming here, Ji Yang and the others did not intend to cause trouble directly.

But if the people in Fengyulou take the initiative to find trouble, then don't blame them for not being sympathetic and not giving some people face.

"Who is so courageous to come to Fengfenglou to make trouble, don't you know who is the boss of Fengyulou?"

"Come to the Fengyu Building to make trouble, because I think my life is too long."

"Whoever he is, if he dares to come to Fengfenglou to find trouble, if he is not killed, he must be beaten badly."

Following a burst of yelling and cursing, more than a dozen burly men with iron machetes in their hands rushed out.

The sturdy aura of these dozen or so people is all Lianjiazi.

"Boss, they are causing trouble, they... oh..."

When the security guard saw that his people had arrived, he spoke to the person in front with snot and tears.

It's just that before he finished speaking, he was kicked by the other party.

The security guard was stunned for a moment. What's going on? Could it be that his boss has bad eyesight and hit the wrong person?

"Young Master Huang, Young Master Ning, Miss Qi, I'm really sorry, the two of them who just came here don't know you."

"Don't be angry, I'll tell Boss Yu right now, everyone please follow me."

The new security guards didn't know Huang Yi and the others, but the dozen or so people who just rushed out did.

The security guard lying on the ground looked at his boss's polite look, and he realized that he had caused trouble.

He knew that not only was he beaten in vain today, but he would also suffer later.

Huang Yi and the others didn't talk nonsense, and walked directly into the Fengyu Building.

Ji Yang, Huang Yi and the others were taken to an antique, elegantly decorated private room.

In the box, there is a girl in classical clothes playing the guzheng.

The decoration of the room is accompanied by Guzheng music, which is different from the modern city with steel buildings.

Not long after Ji Yang and the others sat down, they walked into the room.

Walking in the front was a very beautiful woman wearing an ancient gauze dress. This woman's appearance was not bad at all compared to the three daughters of Mu Hong.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Ji Yang still felt that this woman was not only not bad, but even stronger.

This woman is Yu Chan.

A few women followed behind Yu Chan. These women were all wearing pink cheongsams, and their looks were not bad, especially their temperament was very special.

Not the softness that girls should have, but some fortitude.

"These women are all Lianjiazi, and their skills are not bad."

Sitting beside Huang Yi, Ji Yang said softly.

"This is Yu Chan's personal bodyguard. I heard that Bai Haoxuan spent a lot of money to train him to protect Yu Chan's safety."

"Two years ago, an earl from country Y actually molested Yu Chan, and the bodyguards beside her were unequivocal and directly cut off the earl's tendons."

"It's cruel enough, didn't the earl bring bodyguards?"

"Bring it, but none of his so-called retired special forces babies from country Y can withstand a single move in front of these female bodyguards."

When Ji Yang and Huang Yi were talking softly, Yu Chan had already spoken.

"Young Master Huang, Young Master Ning, Miss Qi, I'm really sorry, the people below are ignorant and made everyone angry."

"In order to apologize to everyone, the consumption of everyone here today is considered my little girl."

"Young Master Huang, these friends, why don't you introduce them to the little girl."

Being able to become the boss of Fengyu Building, how could Yu Chan have no eyesight.

The people in front of them are obviously centered on Ji Yang.

Yu Chan is clear about the identities of Ning Feng, Huang Yi, and Qi Wei, and the background behind them.

It is not easy for them to be the center.

"This is Ji Yang, and this is Peng Caixuan, the grandson of Group Leader Peng of the Xuan Group, and his girlfriend."

"This is Secretary Xu's granddaughter Xu Tiantian, and the rest are Ji Yang's wives, hehehe."

Huang Yi didn't hide it, and told the identities of several people in detail.

Upon hearing the identities of several people, Yu Chan's face changed slightly.

She was surprised by the identities of Peng Caixuan and Xu Tiantian, but what surprised him even more was Ji Yang.

She will surprise Ji Yang, not because Ji Yang has three women, but because of Bai Haoxuan.

Bai Haoxuan lost in the gamble, and the one who won him was Ji Yang.

"So it's Ji Shao, Peng Shao, Miss Xu. It's an honor to meet you all. I treat you whatever you want to eat or drink today."

No matter how good Yu Chan's personal attitude is, she couldn't help but look at Ji Yang a few more times.

After all, among the men she had met before, Bai Haoxuan was the most playful, but Bai Haoxuan lost to Ji Yang.

And what you lose is what you are good at.

"Boss Yu, I want to have a good meal and drink today, but I came today at the invitation of someone, I think you know it well."

"Where is Wen Tao, take me to see him."

On weekdays, no matter who it is, whether it's because of the person behind Yu Chan or because of Yu Chan's appearance.

When talking to Yu Chan, they are very polite.

But Ji Yang's words at this time sounded like there was no politeness at all, isn't it too unmannered?

It's not that Ji Yang doesn't understand demeanor, but that there are several pairs of eyes staring at him, and the owners of these pairs of eyes are the third daughter Mu Hong.

If he warms up to Yu Chan, he will not be the one who will be unlucky in the future.

"Don't bother Boss Yu, I'll come by myself."

"Ji Yang, I didn't expect you to come so early and bring so many people with you. Are you afraid that I will eat you?"

Before Yu Chan could speak, Wen Tao's voice suddenly sounded.

Then, several of Yu Chan's female bodyguards made way for Wen Tao to lead them into the room.

Fortunately, this room is not small, otherwise it really wouldn't be able to accommodate so many people.

"I want you to eat me, but I'm afraid your teeth are not good enough, and your teeth will collapse."

"Stop talking about it, tell me, how and what do you plan to bet on?"

Ji Yang didn't even talk nonsense with Yu Chan, let alone Wen Tao.

(End of this chapter)

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