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Chapter 934 It's Time for You to Fear

Chapter 934 It's Time for You to Fear (Part [-])
Ji Yang's car continued to drive forward, whatever Wen Tao did, he just took it one by one.

The car continued to move forward, Ji Yang's perception was released, and he was feeling the changes in the surrounding atmosphere.

"The cloudiness is getting heavier and heavier."

Ji Yang felt a slight sneer on his face when he felt the yin energy around him grow.

Sensing the growing yin energy around him, Ji Yang directly stopped the car.

After he stopped the car, several erratic figures approached his car.

Looking at the approaching figure through the car window, the smile on Ji Yang's face became weird.

"I'm so lucky that I actually encountered a ghost."

Muttering softly, Ji Yang simply opened the car door and got out of the car.

At this moment, on a hilltop not far away, several people were standing there, and one of them looked at Ji Yang through the night vision binoculars in his hand.

When he saw Ji Yang get out of the car, he shook his head in wonder.

"Young Master Wen, he got out of the car."

These people were arranged here by Wen Tao, and he told Wen Tao what he saw.

"Get out of the car, it's interesting."

"He is an ancient warrior, and his strength is not weak. I think he thinks he is stronger than these ghosts."

"Continue to observe, pay attention to Master Liu's situation, and report to me at any time."

"Alright Young Master Wen!"

Listening to the report of his subordinates, Wen Tao narrowed his eyes slightly.

It is true that this road to hell is haunted, but everything is not 100%.

Ghosts don't appear every night to claim their lives.

The ghosts that Ji Yang encountered at this time were indeed ghosts on Huangquan Road, but their appearance was not a coincidence, but Wen Tao asked someone to do it.

And the person he was looking for was a strange person he met by chance, a master Liu who could catch ghosts and summon ghosts.

He just planned to take advantage of the uniqueness of Huangquan Road and use these ghosts to get rid of Ji Yang.

At that time, even Huang Yi and Xu Tian will have nothing to do with him.

If they want to find the murderer, they have to find these ghosts.

In Wen Tao's mind, even if Ji Yang was an ancient warrior, he would not be able to fight these ghosts.

What's more, he also asked Master Liu to play tricks on these ghosts.

According to Master Liu, the ghosts he summoned are all evil spirits.

"Ji Yang, this is what will happen if you offend the prince and me."

The cigarette in Wen Tao's hand burned out, and he lit another cigarette, talking to himself indifferently.

When Wen Tao thought that Ji Yang would definitely die in the hands of these evil spirits, Ji Yang was already surrounded by several evil spirits.

"One, two, three...a total of eight, which is quite a number."

"The yin energy on my body is very heavy, but this yin energy is a bit weird. It doesn't seem to be owned by me, but rather comes from an external force."

Ji Yang is already very familiar with ghosts.

He didn't need to deliberately search through the immortal energy to discover the clues.

And when the eight ghosts surrounded him, they didn't stand in random positions, but rather like some kind of formation.

"Ji Yang, someone is doing it on the hill 500 meters away."

Ji Yang felt that there was something wrong with these ghosts, and Xiaolongnv's voice rang in his head.

Ji Yangguang was observing the ghost in front of him, but didn't pay attention to other things. This was Ji Yang's mistake.

Hearing Xiao Longnu's words, Ji Yang was sure that there was indeed something wrong with these ghosts.

"Wen Tao is so calculating. He actually wants to use this method to get rid of me. At that time, he just needs to say that I am unlucky."

These ghosts have problems, and it was Wen Tao who brought up the car racing here.

It's normal to associate the ghost in front of you with Wen Tao.

The ghost in front of him is an evil ghost, so Ji Yang can naturally see it.

Now if it is an ordinary person, or an ordinary ancient warrior, it will really be planted today.

Ancient warriors are not good at catching ghosts, although some little ghosts can be dealt with.

But for the eight evil spirits in front of him, Ji Yang felt that even the ancient warriors at the early stage of the earth rank would find it very difficult to get out of their bodies today.

It's a pity that Ji Yang is not an ancient warrior, he is a god.

If the eight evil spirits in front of him meet him, it will be these eight evil spirits who will be unlucky.

"Little Dragon Girl, keep an eye on those guys for me, I'll play with these ghosts first."

"Wen Tao, I will give you a big gift later."

Xiaolongnv felt that the person who did it was Master Liu.

Master Liu will repair it later, Ji Yang must first get rid of the eight evil spirits in front of him.

Lifting his footsteps, Ji Yang calmly walked towards an evil spirit in front of him. This evil spirit was staring at Ji Yang with red eyes.


The evil ghost let out a cry like a beast, and a wave of Yin Qi spread towards Ji Yang, and his body rushed towards Ji Yang.

At the same time, three evil spirits also rushed towards Ji Yang.

Four evil ghosts, four directions, it's not that the evil ghosts have a tacit understanding, it's all controlled by Master Liu.

On the top of the mountain, there was an altar in front of Master Liu, holding a few pieces of talisman paper in his hand, and chanting incantations.

While he was reciting the spell, a whirlwind of red blew up around him.

When Wen Tao's subordinates saw the strange scene beside Master Liu, they all took a few steps back in fright.

"Sure enough, Young Master Wen has not misjudged the person. This Master Liu is indeed very powerful."

The person with the binoculars in his hand looked at Master Liu and thought secretly.

The four evil spirits rushed towards Ji Yang, but Ji Yang stood still.

He let the Yin Qi hit him, let the evil spirits pounce on him.

"Wen Shao also said how powerful this person is. I didn't expect it to be so unbearable. Fortunately, I wasted so much energy turning them into evil spirits and using formations!"

Seeing Ji Yang's appearance, Master Liu said in a disdainful voice.

But as soon as Master Liu finished speaking, his expression changed.

He found that the four evil spirits who were attacking Ji Yang kept attacking Ji Yang, but he lost contact with them.

In other words, the four evil spirits are out of control.

"What's going on?"

Not only that, Master Liu actually saw Ji Yang walk out from the attack of the four evil spirits intact.

"kill him!"

Surprised in my heart, Master Liu's reaction was not slow.

He immediately controlled the other four evil spirits to rush towards Ji Yang.

This time Ji Yang didn't stand stupidly anymore, this time he moved, and his body rushed out like a gust of wind.

Every time he rushed to the side of an evil spirit, his hand would click on the evil spirit's body.

Every evil spirit he pointed out has lost contact with Master Liu and is no longer controlled by Master Liu.


When the eighth evil spirit lost contact with Master Liu, Master Liu spat out a mouthful of blood.

The way he did it was broken, and Master Liu suffered backlash.

"Master Liu!"

Master Liu suddenly vomited blood, and several people around were startled.

Master Liu stared at Ji Yang, and kept repeating impossible, impossible, how could this be possible...

At this moment, Ji Yang turned his head to look at Master Liu's position for the first time, and his lips parted slightly.

"It's time for you to fear!"

(End of this chapter)

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