The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 941 Looking for Laojun

Chapter 941 Looking for Laojun (Third Watch)
Although they are both immortals, they also have different levels.

Even if the King of the Wheel is the head of the Ten Temples of Hades, he is still a little worse than the Taishang Laojun, one of the Sanqing.

No matter in terms of cultivation, or the magic weapons and spells in his hands, the Wheel-Running King is not as good as the Supreme Lord.

The Taishang Laojun is well-informed and has many magic weapons in his hands. At this time, King Zhuanlun suggested that Ji Yang go to the Taishang Laojun.

Now that the wheel-turning king has already said so, what else can Ji Yang say.

Although Zhuan Lun Wang couldn't help him find out the specific situation of his parents, he was helpful after all. Ji Yang didn't forget to say thank you at the end, and then gave him two bottles of wine.

After finishing chatting with the King of the Wheel, Ji Yang leaned weakly on the sofa.

How long has it been since this situation happened to him, Ji Yang himself doesn't know.

At this time, he really seemed to be hollowed out. The reason why he became an orphan was that his parents died.

The point is, they died strangely.

Thinking of this, Ji Yang's heart was in turmoil.

"Ji Yang, what's the matter with you, do you have any information about your aunt and uncle?"

When the three daughters of Mu Hong and Xiao Longnv were chatting with Ji Yang and King Zhuanlun, they didn't come to disturb him.

But they could tell that something was wrong with Ji Yang.

The three daughters of Mu Hong asked Xiao Longnv, but Xiao Longnv didn't say anything, she just sighed and shook her head, saying that she would let Ji Yang speak later.

Looking at the three daughters of Mu Hong who came to him with worried faces, Ji Yang wanted to give the three daughters a reassuring smile, but he couldn't.

"My parents are gone, on the third day I was born, they were gone..."

Ji Yang finally told the truth, and he also told about the fact that the souls of his parents did not go to the underworld.

But he didn't say anything about time travel, and he didn't want to tell Mu Hong and the three daughters about it for the time being.

Listening to Ji Yang's narration, the eyes of the three daughters of Mu Hong turned red, and the tears fell down uncontrollably.

Ji Yang being an orphan is pitiful enough, now he wants to find his parents, but he finds out the fact that his parents died abnormally, so he becomes an orphan.

"Leave me alone for a while, don't worry, I'm fine."

"Well, then we won't bother you, but don't be too sad."

"You still have us, we are also your relatives, you can tell us anything."

Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan saw Ji Yang's current state, and they felt that he should not be left alone at this time.

But before Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan could speak, Mu Hong shook her head at them.

While signaling the two not to speak, she pulled Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan away, and said to Ji Yang.

While walking, Mu Hong nodded to Xiao Longnv.

Xiao Longnv nodded knowingly, she understood what Mu Hong meant, the other party asked her to take care of Ji Yang.

Mu Hong is the most rational among the three girls. Although she also wants to accompany Ji Yang, she still agrees with Ji Yang's words.

"Sister Mu Hong, why don't you let me stay with Ji Yang?"

"He needs company most at this time, not being alone."

Huang Xiaoxin looked at Mu Hong with some displeasure. She was dragged away by Mu Hong, but she still didn't understand.

Li Zixuan didn't speak, but her expression showed that she and Huang Xiaoxin had the same idea at this moment.

"I also want to accompany Ji Yang, but after being with him for so long, don't you understand his temper?"

"Ji Yang obviously has something to do, and he doesn't want us to know."

"He's feeling very uncomfortable now, should we force him to say something he doesn't want to say?"

Mu Hong bit her lip and said in a choked voice.

When she was leaving, why did she let Xiaolongnv take care of Ji Yang, because she knew that there were some things she couldn't help herself, but Xiaolongnv definitely could.

Hearing what Mu Hong said, Huang Xiaoxin and Li Zixuan looked at Mu Hong apologetically.

I was too emotional, and I really ignored this point just now.

Ji Yang did not continue to stay in the living room, he walked into a guest room, where it is quieter.

"Ji Yang, why don't you tell them about the Kunlun Mirror?"

Xiao Longnv and Ji Yang are connected, but Ji Yang has some ideas, but she doesn't know.

Ji Yang just said everything about the death of his parents, even what he thought was strange, but he didn't say anything about the Kunlun Mirror.

"Talking to them will only make them more worried."

"I don't know exactly how the Kunlun mirror travels through time, and I don't know if there is any danger in it."

"So before I solve the problem, I hope you don't tell them about the time travel of the Kunlun Mirror."

Ji Yang looked at Xiao Longnu seriously, and Xiao Longnu nodded her head in agreement.

Taking out his mobile phone again, Ji Yang clicked on WeChat, and found Taishang Laojun in the address book.

"If you're not ready, just wait."

Finding the Taishang Laojun is not simply asking about his life experience, but to find out the reasons for the death of his parents.

Xiao Longnv looked at Ji Yang and turned on the phone, but she didn't send a message to Taishang Laojun for a long time. It seemed that Ji Yang was also struggling.

"Some things must be faced, and escape cannot be escaped."

Ji Yang said in a deep voice, pressed a few times on the phone screen, and sent a message to Taishang Laojun.

"Old gentleman, I got the Kunlun mirror. I want to travel through time, and I need a lot of spiritual energy from heaven and earth. You can do it."

Ji Yang's words to Taishang Laojun were very direct, without any hint of politeness.

He felt that he didn't need any politeness at this time, and he could do whatever he wanted.

"What, you got the Kunlun mirror, where did you get it?"

"I said that there is something wrong with the law of the Three Realms these days, it seems to be a little weaker, so it's because of you kid."

Knowing that Ji Yang had obtained the Kunlun mirror, Taishang Laojun was very excited.

He only has the Kunlun mirror in his eyes now, and Ji Yang needs the aura of heaven and earth to use the Kunlun mirror to travel through time, which is directly ignored by him.

In normal times, Ji Yang would have ridiculed Taishang Laojun a few words.

But today Ji Yang is not in that mood.

"I got it abroad. Because of the Kunlun mirror, I also killed a few foreign gods."

"What, you actually killed foreign gods. The Kunlun Mirror is a treasure of the Three Realms of China. They should have killed it for their own possession."

"I came to you today not to discuss whether it is right or wrong to kill foreign gods with you. I just want to know if you can let me use the Kunlun mirror to travel through time!"

Ji Yang asked again, Taishang Laojun can no longer ignore it.

But he still asked Ji Yang why he used the Kunlun mirror to travel through time and space.

Ji Yang talked about the special requirements for promotion to the fourth-rank immortal rank, and the death of his parents.

Knowing the reason, Taishang Laojun must not just sit idly by.

"Wait for me for a moment, I have a way for you to use the Kunlun Mirror!"

"Really, great, then I'll wait for you!"

Taishang Laojun did not disappoint Ji Yang, he really had a way.

Taishang Laojun did not keep Ji Yang waiting for a long time, he contacted Ji Yang after a few minutes...

(End of this chapter)

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