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Chapter 949 Can't Watch Genocide Extermination

Chapter 949 Can't Watch Genocide Extermination (Part [-])
There were more than a dozen explosions in a row, the port was full of dust, and the remaining power was overflowing.

The ground was blasted into deep pits, the big ones were five or six meters long, and the small ones were one to two meters long.

There were rags, blood and broken limbs all over the ground. This scene was very miserable.

The methods chosen by the Li and Fang families are extreme, and the effect is obvious and tragic.

After this self-explosion, there are less than ten people in the Li Fang family who can still stand, and there are only a dozen people left in the Xuanyuan family.

The others didn't die in the fight just now.

He just died in the self-destruct just now.

"I'm going down, I'm going to kill these guys, I'm going to kill them!"

Watching his grandma and grandma blew themselves up with his own eyes, and seeing Li Fang's family blew themselves up, Ji Yang couldn't bear it anymore.

He wanted to rush down, and he wanted to kill everyone in the Xuanyuan family.

He doesn't want to care about the consequences of doing so, he doesn't care whether he will affect the future development, the people and things in the time he should have existed.


Just communicating with thoughts is not enough to stop Ji Yang.

The little dragon girl floated out of the world in the pot, and slapped Ji Yang on the face.

"Calm down, I know you're sad, you're angry, and so am I."

"But you have to know that fate is predestined by heaven, even if you rush down, can you really save them?"

"Do you know the consequences of what you do? If you do this, time and space will be confused."

Xiao Longnv grabbed Ji Yang's shoulder, her eyes were red, and said sharply.

Simply the sound on the ground is very chaotic now, and their voices will not be heard by the people on the ground.

Otherwise, people on the ground will find the two of them.

"What time and space disorder, I don't care, I just want to kill them, kill them!"

Ji Yang's expression was very ferocious, and a strong and tyrannical aura emanated out.

It was the first time that such a powerful tyrannical aura appeared on Ji Yang's body, because of his anger, he had already lost his mind.

The Xuanyuan family caused him to become an orphan, and the process was so bloody and cruel.

How could Ji Yang hold back, how could he remain calm.

While Ji Yang and Xiao Longnu were anxious in the air, the situation on the ground was also changing.

In order to destroy the Li Fang family, the people Xuanyuan Zheng brought in were all the elites of the Xuanyuan family.

He thought that with these people, it would be enough to easily destroy the Li Fang family, but he never expected that the Li Fang family would be so fierce.

Even knowing that he was invincible, he would choose to blew himself up.

Xuanyuanzheng's heart was bleeding, and his face was very ugly.

"Xuanyuanzheng, hahaha, did you see that, this is the Jiuli clan, this is the Fang family."

"If you want to kill us, you have to pay a painful price."

Li Potian's heart was also bleeding, and his heart was both sad and angry.

But he is proud of the choice of the two families in Lebanon.

"Li Potian, I will make your life worse than death!"

"Give me the two of them, and the woman holding the baby. They are your son and daughter, right? The baby is your grandson?"

"In front of you, Li Potian and Fang Shang, I will cut all three of them to death."

Xuanyuan Zheng had noticed Li Shang, Fang Fang Yu, and the baby in Fang Yu's arms long ago.

It's just that he didn't think of treating them cruelly before.

During the continuous self-explosion just now, Li Shang protected Fang Yu's mother and son and retreated to a farther position. At this time, there was no one from the Xuanyuan family around the two of them.

But when Xuanyuan was staring at them, all eyes were on them.

Li Potian and Fang Shang's expressions changed, and the rest of Li Fang's family was also shocked.

"Xuanyuanzheng, if you want to touch my grandson, pass me first!"

"Shang'er, take Fang Yu's mother and son and leave quickly. Everyone in Li Fang's family will protect Shang'er's family and leave!"

"Swear to the death to protect the young master's family of three!"

Li Potian really opened his mouth, a scarlet breath gushed out from his body, and a bloody sword appeared in his hand.

The same is true for Fang Shang at this time, the blue and yellow energy in his body surged wildly, and his bookish face, which was originally a bit bookish, became ferocious and terrifying, and he was ready to fight.

The remaining members of Li Fang's family screamed and charged towards the surrounding Xuanyuan family members.

"Li Potian, are you finally willing to take out the bloodthirsty knife? But even if you have a bloodthirsty knife, so what!"

"The more you care about them, the more I want to torture them. Catch that little beast. Whoever can catch the little beast will be the elder of the Xuanyuan family!"

"Kill me!"

Xuanyuanzheng sneered at the corner of his mouth, and reached out to grab the slender package behind him.

The cloth on the package was torn off, revealing an ancient golden sword.

On this ancient sword, one side is engraved with the sun, moon and stars, and the other side is engraved with mountains, rivers, grasses and trees. On one side of the hilt is written the skills of agriculture, industry and animal husbandry, and on the other side is written the strategy of universal access.

As soon as the sword came out, a golden light shot straight into the sky, and a stream of sacred air spread around.

"Xuanyuan Sword!"

Seeing this sword, Li Potian and Fang Shang looked startled and exclaimed.

At the same time, in Ji Yang's mind, the voice of Immortal in the Pot sounded.

Hearing the words Xuanyuanjian, Ji Yang calmed down instantly, to be precise, he was shocked.

Among the top ten artifacts in ancient times, the Xuanyuan Sword was enough to rank in the top three. He had never expected that the Xuanyuan Sword would appear at this time.

But when you think about it, it makes sense.

The Xuanyuan Sword was originally given to the Yellow Emperor by the ancient gods to kill Chiyou.

It is very reasonable for the Xuanyuan family to have the Xuanyuan sword.

"Li Potian, although your bloodthirsty knife is also an ancient treasure, it is comparable to this Xuanyuan Sword."

"The ancestor of the Yellow Emperor could use the Xuanyuan sword to kill Chi You, the demon god of the Jiuli clan. Today I will use this Xuanyuan sword to destroy your Jiuli clan, hahaha..."

With Xuanyuan Sword in hand, Xuanyuan was becoming more rampant.

Xuanyuan sword was what Xuanyuan was using to deal with Li Potian.

"Shang'er, let's go, Xuanyuan is dying!"

"Bloodthirsty Slash!"

Li Potian was very afraid of the Xuanyuan Sword, and when he saw Xuanyuan was taking out the Xuanyuan Sword, when he was frightened, he immediately struck.

As the contemporary patriarch of Jiuli, he must preserve the blood of Jiuli.

Even if he died, he would still keep Li Shang's family of three.

"Hmph, I don't know how to live or die, broken!"

"Two elders, you are no longer needed here, grab them!"

Li Potian slashed out with a bloodthirsty slash, and a scarlet saber slashed towards Xuanyuanzheng.

Xuanyuan Zheng snorted coldly, swung the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, and a golden light shot out, colliding with the scarlet saber light, and the golden light and the scarlet saber glow shattered.

"Where to go!"

The two elders took orders and rushed towards Li Shang's family of three who had started to flee.

Although Li Shang is not weak in strength, he cannot compare with the two elders of the Xuanyuan family.

Just as he was about to swear to the death to keep Fang Yu's mother and daughter, a figure fell from the sky.

"Ji Yang, you..."

"You go, they leave it to me!"

Ji Yang still made a move, but Xiao Longnv still didn't stop him.

What time disorder, time and space disorder, Ji Yang can't control so much, he only knows that he can't just watch the Li Fang family wipe out the family.

(End of this chapter)

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