The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 956 Is Immortal At This Time

Chapter 956
This is Li Shang's dying care.

Li Shang saw that Ji Yang's cultivation was high, his cultivation surpassed that of Li Potian and Xuanyuanzheng.

But Li Shang is not sure that Ji Yang can save his life from Xuanyuan Chi's self-explosion.

So when he saw that Xuanyuan Chi was going to explode himself, he chose to block Ji Yang with his body.

Li Shang looked at Li Yang who was still in a coma, his eyes were full of reluctance.

Li Yang didn't see the fierce battle just now, he didn't see his parents and grandpa sacrificed their lives to protect him.

From Li Shang's point of view, this may be a good thing, at least it will not cast a shadow on Li Yang's heart.

Looking at Li Shang who was only breathing in his arms, and listening to his dying words, Ji Yang made a decision in his heart.

He planned to save Li Shang first, and then tell him the truth.

"You'll be fine, I can save you."

"Shen Nong Ding!"

Ji Yang took out the Shennong Ding, and he wanted to use the Shennong Ding to save Li Shang.

The Shennong Cauldron appeared, and a circle of green light surrounded Li Shang. Li Shang felt very comfortable, and his injuries were recovering at an incredible speed.

But Li Shang was injured too badly, all his limbs were blown apart except the arm protecting Li Yang.

His body was as dilapidated as a sieve, his internal organs were severely injured, and his heart beat became weaker and weaker.

Even if the injury recovered, he felt that it was meaningless.

"I didn't expect that you have the Shennong Cauldron, but even if I don't die, I'm still a useless person."

"Let me accompany Fang Yu, otherwise she will be very lonely when she arrives in the underworld."

"I hope you can help me take care of Li Yang. I want to know your identity. If you don't want to tell me, then forget it. There is really no need for treatment."

The limbs are destroyed, even the Shennong Ding can't make the limbs grow again.

Li Shang didn't want to live in this state, he would rather die in this state.

Hearing Li Shang's words, Ji Yang closed his eyes, two lines of tears flowed down, and nodded.

Sometimes, life is more painful than death, and Li Shang in front of him is obviously in this situation.

When I came here, I had already tried to change the result, but in the end I couldn't change it. The matter still developed to the point that Ji Yang didn't want to see.

With his head close to Li Shang's ear, Ji Yang said softly.

"Father, I am Li Yang 22 years later."

"Go with peace of mind, I will use the lives of everyone in the Xuanyuan family to pay homage to the members of the Li Fang family."

Ji Yang's words sounded like a bomb in Li Shang's head.

He looked at Ji Yang in disbelief, he had thought of Ji Yang's thousands of identities, but he would never think of them.

Ji Yang turned out to be his own son, Li Yang 22 years later.

"Okay, okay, okay, hahaha..."

Shocked, Li Shang looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, his vital signs faded away in the laughter.

Li Shang died, he died in Ji Yang's arms.

But he died with a smile, because he knew that he had not failed Fang Yu, Li Potian, and all the dead Li Fang families.

Because Li Yang was saved, the Jiuli Clan was not destroyed.

Xuanyuanwei didn't know what Li Shang's big laugh represented.

At this time, he supported Xuanyuanzheng and stood more than ten meters away from Ji Yang.

When he explained his identity just now, Ji Yang controlled his voice, so they didn't hear Ji Yang's words.

Ji Yang put down Li Shang's body and put the baby Li Yang beside Li Shang.

Ji Yang was angry in his heart, and his whole body was full of killing intent.

"Wei'er, be careful, this kid's cultivation base is very terrifying, you take Xuanyuan Sword well, and run when you find the opportunity!"

Xuanyuanzheng was already injured, and he had truly seen Ji Yang's horror just now.

He knew that Xuanyuanwei couldn't beat Ji Yang, and he even regretted that he shouldn't have come to destroy the Jiuli tribe so recklessly.

Today, the Jiuli tribe is almost wiped out, only Li Yang is left, and Ji Yang, who claims to be a member of the Jiuli tribe.

But the Xuanyuan family also suffered heavy losses, several elders died, and even himself and Xuanyuanwei were in a very critical situation.

"Father, how can someone from my Xuanyuan family do such a thing as running away, I..."

"Shut up, the Xuanyuan family needs you, you are better than me, the Xuanyuan family cannot be without a master, you have to lead the Xuanyuan family to regain its prestige!"

Xuanyuan was blocking Xuanyuanwei's next words, he handed the Xuanyuan sword in his hand to Xuanyuanwei, straightened his body, and stood in front of him.

Xuanyuan Wei held the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, his facial muscles twitched, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

He was struggling in his heart, but he had a heavy responsibility on him, and he had to do what Xuanyuan Zheng said.

"Flying Dragon Snake, take Wei'er away!"

"Promise your reward, and Wei'er will give it to you."

At this time, Ji Yang was less than five meters away from Xuanyuanzheng, Xuanyuanzheng let out a loud cry, and rushed towards Ji Yang.

Xuanyuan Zheng has the Xuanyuan Sword, yet he is no match for Ji Yang.

At this moment without Xuanyuan Sword, he rushed to Ji Yang, that would be death.

A pair of fleshy palms slapped towards Ji Yang, and Ji Yang's two swords pierced Xuanyuanzheng's palms, and then pierced his body.

The body was pierced through, and Xuanyuan was stretching out his hands to grasp Ji Yang's two swords tightly, not wanting him to withdraw the swords.

"Flying Dragon Snake, if something happens to Wei'er, you will get nothing, take him away quickly."

Above the sky, the Flying Dragon Snake in close combat didn't get any advantage from Xiao Longnu, its physical strength was still not as good as Xiao Longnu's.

A lot of scales fell off the Flying Dragon Snake's body, and a big hole was torn off the wings on the back.

At this time, the flying dragon snake looked miserable, and it already had the intention of retreating in its heart.

Hearing Xuanyuanzheng's words, the Flying Dragon Snake didn't hesitate even more. It ignored Xiao Longnu's attack and flew towards the ground.

A little dragon girl, just let it look like this, if Ji Yang is added, I would not die here today.

The Flying Dragon Snake and the Xuanyuan Family were just making a deal, and it didn't want to risk its life.

The body flew to the ground, the tail entangled Xuanyuanwei, and then flew to the distance.

"Someone will help you block a self-explosion. This time, let me see who can save you."

A decisive sneer appeared on Xuanyuanzheng's face, he was also planning to blew himself up.

It's just that before Xuanyuanzheng had time to explode himself, a circle of cold air had already enveloped him, and Xuanyuanzheng instantly turned into an ice sculpture, which was made by Xiaolongnv.

"Crack, boom!"

Looking at the ice sculpture in front of him, Ji Yang kicked out, smashing the ice sculpture to pieces.

Xuanyuanzheng, the head of the Xuanyuan family, just died like this.

"Little Dragon Girl, let's chase them, we must not let them escape."

Ji Yang took back the Heimang sword and Tai'a sword, and said to Xiao Longnv in a cold voice.

It's just that he was about to chase after Xiaolongnv, but the Kunlun mirror flew out by itself, and the Kunlun mirror shot out two rays of light, which landed on Ji Yang and Xiaolongnv respectively.

Using the Kunlun mirror to travel through time, people can only stay for 48 hours during this time.

Now Ji Yang's time is almost up, and it's time for him to get back the time that should belong to him.

"Paralyzed, the Xuanyuan family can't kill you right now, I will kill you when I go back."

Looking at the direction where the Flying Dragon Snake led Xuanyuanwei disappeared, Ji Yang said unwillingly.

(End of this chapter)

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