The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 961 The Heavenly Thunder Comparable to the Rank 3 Immortal Job

Chapter 961 Tianlei Comparable to Third Grade Immortal (Part [-])

Even if it has not started yet, Ji Yang can guess how powerful the fourth-grade Tianlei assessment will be.

The last fifth-rank Tianlei assessment was so fierce, so there is no need to talk about fourth-rank.

"The merits are 50 million merits, and parents are specially required to complete them."

Ji Yang took a look at his WeChat, checked the number of merits and special requirements, all of which had been completed.

Now Tianlei's assessment is not as sudden as before. Before the assessment, Ji Yang needs to confirm before it can start.

If it wasn't so, just as Ji Yang returned to the present, the sky thunder would have descended.

Looking around the room, Ji Yang decided it would be better not to stay here anymore.

Waiting for the Tianlei assessment to be quite noisy, and the headquarters of the Xuan Group is not like other places, so it would be bad to cause misunderstandings.

What's more, the three women still live here, if they are affected, the consequences will be very serious, so Ji Yang decided that it is better to find a spacious place for the fourth-grade Tianlei assessment.

"The forest where I ate the heaven and earth panacea last time is not bad, let's go there."

With a decision in mind, Ji Yang left the room.

This time he didn't fly away, but walked through the gate.

The guard at the door saw that Ji Yang was about to leave, so he also asked, but Ji Yang just told him that he had to go out to do something.

"Boss, what are you going to do, do you want me to go with you?"

Peng Caixuan suddenly appeared at this time, but it was not sudden.

Ji Yang suddenly disappeared two days ago, causing panic, and he looked a little strange when he came back.

Peng Caixuan couldn't sleep peacefully, he had been staring at Ji Yang's residence, so as soon as Ji Yang left, he followed him.

"You really can't help with this."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine, it's just that the immortal post has reached the level where it should break through again."

Ji Yang patted Peng Caixuan on the shoulder and said with a smile.

This little brother of his is really good to him, seeing his relatives die with his own eyes, Ji Yang also cherishes the people around him very much.

Peng Caixuan only heard Ji Yang occasionally mention a few words about immortality.

Knowing that it was because of this matter, Ji Yang was about to leave, and Peng Caixuan knew that he really couldn't help.

"Boss, be careful yourself."

"Don't worry, I'll go to the woods over there, and when something strange happens there, you can also tell everyone not to come."

It would be good to let Peng Caixuan know, otherwise there would be too much noise later, which would cause the Xuan group to misunderstand.

At that time, there will be another full-scale dispatch, and it will not be good to see yourself being struck by lightning there.

"Well, I understand, I won't let anyone disturb you."

Although Peng Caixuan couldn't help with the assessment, he could do it so that no one would bother Ji Yang.

After briefly chatting with Peng Caixuan and giving him some instructions, Ji Yang flew into the air and headed towards the forest.

When he came to the forest, the damage he caused after eating the heaven and earth panacea last time was still there.

"The last time there was quite a commotion, I don't know which one is more terrifying than the last time I ate the heaven and earth elixir."

Ji Yang laughed at himself, he was ready to accept the assessment from the fourth-rank Tianlei.

"Are you sure you will accept the fourth-rank immortal job Tianlei assessment?"

Click on WeChat, the system prompts.

"Confirm the assessment."

"Confirmation is complete, the fourth-rank immortal job Tianlei assessment begins!"

After confirmation, Ji Yang looked up at the night sky, the immortal energy in his body circulated rapidly, and his whole body reached the best state.

Tonight's night is not too dark, the moon is very round, and the halo is quite bright.

But with the start of the fourth-rank immortal job Tianlei assessment, the sky darkened instantly, and a large black cloud shrouded Ji Yang's head, completely blocking the moonlight.

Although the sky has changed, the thunder and lightning have not yet appeared.

Ji Yang didn't think that the thunder and lightning would not land, but his face became more dignified.

This is like the calm before the storm. When the thunder strikes, it will be quite powerful.

Ji Yang's guess was right, the Tianlei assessment this time is indeed quite powerful.

The fourth-rank Tianlei assessment, this is already a middle-level top-level immortal job Tianlei assessment.

Among the Thunder City of the Heavenly Court's Thunder Division, Jiutian Yinglei Puhua Tianzun Wen Zhong received Ji Yang's confirmation of the Heavenly Thunder assessment, and he also paid special attention to it.

"Lei Zhenzi, Fire Bell Immortal, Thunderbolt Immortal, Mother of Lightning, Lord Lei..."

Wen Zhong ordered more than a dozen people from the gods of Leibu to come out at once.

Hearing the person Wen Zhong pointed out, the other gods of Leibu whispered.

"Why did Tianzun make such a big commotion and send so many people at once?"

"That's right, Xiaobai is the fourth-rank Heavenly Thunder Examination. If so many people go, the power of the Heavenly Thunder Exam can reach the third-rank."

"Even if there is no third-rank, it is still quasi-third-rank."

"Can Xiaobai do it? Boss is too ruthless. If Xiaobai is really killed, won't the law of the Three Realms be broken?"

In the eyes of the other gods in the Ministry of Thunder, Ji Yang should choose the lowest level of Tianlei assessment.

As long as it has just reached the standard, it is easy to carry it.

Ji Yang shouldered the important task of unlocking the laws of the Three Realms. If he died, it would be very bad for Heaven and Earth.

"What are you arguing about? What do you know?"

"The more powerful the Tianlei assessment is, the more benefits will be gained after the assessment."

"Xiaobai has encountered a lot of things recently, and there are many enemies. I am helping him."

"Whoever talks too much, I'll throw him into the Thunder Pond and let him take a good bath in the Thunder Pond."

Wen Zhong expressed dissatisfaction with the whispering of the Leibu gods, and everyone dared not speak.

What a joke, throwing it into Lei Chi, isn't that looking for abuse.

When thrown into the thunder pool, the immortal energy will be sealed, even if one's body adapts to the thunder and lightning, it will be miserable if it goes down.

The thunder and lightning in Leichi are very complicated, and it is very painful to be struck.

"The Dragon King of Linhai will assist you. The assessment of sky mines this time will focus on sea mines."

"Go quickly, don't make Xiaobai wait too long."

"Follow the law!"

With a wave of Wen Zhong's arm, the gods of Leibu whose names were named left quickly.

Seeing all the gods leave, Wen Zhong sighed in his heart, hoping that his choice this time was right, and Ji Yang should not let himself down.

When the gods of Leibu arrived at the appointed location, Linhai Dragon King was already waiting there.

All the immortals gathered, and the fourth-rank immortal professional thunder that had almost passed the assessment of the third-rank immortal professional thunder began immediately.


The dark clouds had gathered for a while, and it was only at this time that the thunder and lightning flickered in the dark clouds.

Immortal Qi circulated in Ji Yang's body, with Heimang sword and Tai'a sword in his hands, he was ready.

"Wow wow wow..."

Before the thunder and lightning appeared, the rain fell first.

The one who cast the spell first was Linhai Dragon King, who was cooperating with the gods of the Thunder Department to release the mine for assessment.

This rainwater is not ordinary rainwater, but a special rainwater that can be highly integrated with lightning.

The heavy rain poured down, and Ji Yang's clothes were soon soaked by the rain.

"Ji Yang, you have to be careful, this rain is not right."

After all, Xiaolongnv is a dragon, so she is relatively familiar with rainwater. She felt that the rainwater was not right, so she reminded Ji Yang.

"Don't worry, I will be careful."

Isn't that right, Ji Yang can't dodge it, he has to accept the Tianlei assessment this day.

While Ji Yang and Xiao Longnv were talking, Lei Zhenzi had already released Thunderbolt...

(End of this chapter)

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