The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 963 9 Li Pojun Kills and Demon God Shakes

Chapter 963 Jiuli Breaks the Army Killing and Demon God Shaking (Part [-])
Ji Yang survived two-thirds of the Tianlei assessment, which was far superior to the ordinary fourth-rank immortal class Tianlei assessment, when he was in a coma.

For the remaining third, Chi You helped him carry it completely.

Ji Yang didn't know about this process, because he was already in a coma.

During the period of coma, the remaining power of Tianlei ran wildly in his body, strengthening his body and muscles and other tissues again and again.

Ji Yang didn't know how Chi You carried the sky thunder, and Chi You didn't know how long he had been in a coma.

When Ji Yang woke up, he was still in the woods.

Beside him, Chi You was drinking a bottle of Scotch vodka, and a few empty bottles and a few empty packaging bags of chicken feet with pickled peppers were thrown on the ground.

"Boy, you are awake, how does your body feel?"

"The wine and chicken feet taste good, and you have to provide me with some every day from now on."

Chi You drank half a bottle of Scotch vodka in one gulp, and said with a look of aftertaste.

Ji Yang didn't care about providing wine and food to Chi You, and Qian Ji didn't care about it at all.

He felt the changes in his body now. The immortal energy in his body is now several times stronger than when he was a fifth-rank immortal.

Ji Yang moved slightly, and a vigorous sense of power spread throughout his body.

"I feel really good right now."

Ji Yang nodded with a smile and said, Chi You listened with a smile and said loudly at the same time.

"Boy, as a reward for your promotion to immortality, I will teach you the exercises that belong to our Jiuli tribe."

"Do you want to learn?"

Although Chi You is known as a demon god, has a violent personality and very cruel methods, but he is really kind to Ji Yang.

Especially after knowing that the Jiuli clan was nearly wiped out by the Xuanyuan family 22 years ago, and the only one left was Ji Yang, Chi You took even more care of Ji Yang.

After all, Chi You is the ancestor of the Jiuli tribe, and Ji Yang is his descendant.

"Really, of course learn, teach me quickly, quickly."

What a joke, Chi You taught the kung fu, Ji Yang would be a fool if he didn't learn it.

It is certain that Chi You was able to be so arrogant in ancient times, his own cultivation was high, and he had a lot of means.

Hearing that Chi You took the initiative to teach him the exercises, Ji Yang instantly stood up from the ground with a look of anticipation.

"Then you listen."

Chi You threw the empty wine bottle on the ground, and the bottle was smashed by him.

Ji Yang fixed his eyes on Chi You, waiting for Chi You to continue speaking.

"The exercise I teach you is called "Jiuli Breaking the Army Killing"."

""Jiuli Breaking Army Kill" is a kung fu technique that only our Jiuli tribe can practice. After performing "Jiuli Breaking Army Kill", it can arouse the ferocity of our people and greatly increase the combat effectiveness in a short period of time."

"Each cast lasts about half an hour. Try not to cast it more than three times a day, or you may become an irrational, bloodthirsty devil."

Chi You was dubbed the name of the demon god, which has a lot to do with "Jiuli Breaking the Army".

Chi You has a vicious and brutal character, and when the ferocious nature is aroused in his body, it becomes even more difficult to control once he makes a move.

Hearing Chi You's warning, Ji Yang nodded.

"I see."

"Then I will teach you "Jiuli Breaking the Army" now."

Chi You taught Ji Yang the cultivation and performance methods of "Jiuli Breaking the Army Killing" by dictation.

Ji Yang's memory is very good, especially after being promoted to the fourth rank of immortal.

Although Chi You only said it once, he memorized the method of performing and practicing "Jiuli Breaking the Army".

"I've already told you the cultivation and casting methods of "Jiuli Breaking the Army Killing". You can watch me perform it first."

While Chi You was speaking, a scarlet aura appeared around him who seemed calm at first.

A pair of eyes glowed red, and a strong murderous aura emanated from his body. The aura on his body was much more terrifying than before.


Chi You let out a roar like a beast, and stomped on the ground with his palm, the ground was cracked by the crack he stomped out, and the crack spread for more than ten meters.

His whole body trembled, and he punched forward.

With this punch, a ball of scarlet air flew forward like a cannonball. The scarlet air hit a stone ten meters square, and the stone was blown to pieces.

The aftermath of the scarlet aura blasted the ground into a two-meter-square deep pit, and the surrounding trees within ten meters were broken in the middle.

An attack has such a strong destructive power, Ji Yang couldn't help swallowing when he saw it.

If he was hit by this blow, even the body of a fourth-rank immortal would be miserable.

"Hey, although a soul has been fused, it still hasn't fully recovered. "Jiuli Breaking the Army Killing" and "Devil God Shaking" should have a range of 30 meters, but now it is only less than [-] meters."

"It's cheap for you kid, I will teach you "Devil God Shake" together."

Nima, Ji Yang felt that the destructive power of Chi You's punch was already great enough.

But Chi You said that he was too bad, and it was really annoying to compare people to others.

The current Chi You, Ji Yang already felt that he was awesome, but he didn't know how terrifying he was at his peak.

This night, Ji Yang learned two sets of exercises from Chi You, and his own cultivation level reached the rank of a fourth-rank immortal. He gained a lot.

Under the guidance of Chi You, Ji Yang began to practice "Jiuli Breaking the Army" and "Magic God Shaking" in the woods.

"Idiot, no, that's not the case."

"Well, it's right this time, but it can be more powerful."

"Are the current immortals so bad? Aren't you a fourth-rank immortal? Why are you so weak!"

Ji Yang almost practiced "Jiuli Breaking the Army Killing" and "Magic God Shaking" under Chi You's scolding.

In fact, Ji Yang's cultivation talent is already pretty good.

In a few hours, he had basically mastered two sets of exercises, but Chi You scolded him, it can only be said that Chi You was too demanding.

After the sky was completely bright, Ji Yang felt that it was time for him to return to the headquarters of the Xuan Group.

If he didn't go back, he was afraid that everyone would worry about him.

"Barely learned, you can go back now."

"This night, I was so thirsty and hungry, cough cough..."

Chi You looked at Ji Yang with a strange expression, Ji Yang shook his head and smiled, and directly took out twenty bottles of Scotch vodka and a bunch of food from the Qiankun storage ring.

"Hey, you're pretty sensible."

"I'm going back to the world in the pot first, you have to master these two sets of exercises as soon as possible."

After Chi You finished speaking, he brought the wine and food into the world in the pot.

Ji Yang looked around at the disfigured forests that had been destroyed because of his overnight practice, and Ji Yang smiled awkwardly.

"I'm simply a saboteur right now. Let Xiaoxin purchase a batch of vegetation and plant them here after I go back."

You have to be responsible for what you do, right?

Since this place was destroyed by himself, Ji Yang is obliged to repair it.

When Ji Yang returned to the Xuanzu headquarters, as he expected, the three daughters of Mu Hong, Peng Caixuan and others were anxiously waiting for him to come back.

If he doesn't come back, these people will go to him.

"Boss, my grandfather said you should come back and find him."

"looking for me?"

"It seems to be related to guarding the family."

(End of this chapter)

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