The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 970 Impatient With Waiting

Chapter 970 I'm Impatient With Waiting (Part [-])

Great adults?
Bai Haoxuan frowned slightly when he heard Takeuchi Miki's words.

When he went to Country R, ​​Takeuchi Miki didn't say that the Congress would send any adults.

Now Takeuchi Miki suddenly said that he brought a very powerful adult, which made Bai Haoxuan's heart sink.

Someone who can be called a master by Takeuchi Miki must be someone who is more powerful than him.

Bai Haoxuan originally planned to kill Takeuchi Miki and others after taking out Ji Yang.

Now that a more powerful character has come, Bai Haoxuan doesn't know if his previous plan can be carried out normally.

"I just hope that the members of the Dongfang family are not in name only!"

It was originally planned that Aunt Mei and the others would be the last ones to deal with Takeuchi Miki. Now that they have brought more powerful people, Bai Haoxuan can only hope that Aunt Mei and the others are stronger than the other party.

"Where is the adult you mentioned, why didn't I see it?"

Bai Haoxuan glanced at Takeuchi Miki and the others, although he only knew these people.

But looking at the postures of other people, they don't look like adults at all, and it's obvious that Takeuchi Miki is the center.

"Mr. Takeuchi, the adult you mentioned doesn't seem to be here?"

"You are guests from afar, you should let me show my kindness as a landlord, at least let me meet the powerful lord you say?"

Only by finding out the details of the other party can we better implement the plan.

Bai Haoxuan also wanted to see how sacred and awesome the adult Takeuchi Miki was talking about.

When the time comes, he might as well greet Aunt Mei in advance so that she will be on guard.

"Prince, I'm really sorry."

"Our lord has a special status. He has told us that as long as the prince sets a time, we can carry out the task."

"My lord will not show up before the mission starts. After killing the mission target, my lord will meet the prince."

Takeuchi Miki shook his head apologetically, and said loudly.

He came to his own place, still in the name of cooperation, but he didn't even see himself.

Bai Haoxuan's eyes froze when he heard Takeuchi Miki's words, and his expression was a little unhappy.

"Fuck, this is Huaxia, not your shitty country R."

"Why are you an adult and not an adult, and you are still playing with the prince in mystery, let him come to see our prince quickly, otherwise... um..."

Bai Haoxuan didn't come to see Takeuchi Miki and the others alone, a bodyguard behind him saw Bai Haoxuan's displeasure and spoke directly.

These bodyguards are also disgusted with Takeuchi Miki and the others in front of them.

If Bai Haoxuan didn't want to use each other, these bodyguards would not cooperate with them.

It's just that the bodyguard hadn't finished his insulting words when someone grabbed his neck.

"Bageyalu, Country R is not something you can insult."

The person who grabbed the bodyguard's neck was one of Takeuchi Miki's subordinates.

Judging by his appearance, he should be a ninja.

Takeuchi Miki brought a total of six people, seven including him.

Not all of them were dressed as ninjas, there were three dressed as ninjas, the other three were dressed as onmyojis in hunting clothes, and Takeuchi Miki was dressed in casual clothes.

The specific identities of Takeuchi Miki and others are actually not very clear to Bai Haoxuan.

The reason why Bai Haoxuan knew them was when he went to country Y to attend a banquet hosted by a friend of the duke of country Y.

At that time, the friend told him that Takeuchi Yamaki and others belonged to a killer organization.

I thought it was impossible to have more contact with each other, but this time because of Ji Yang, the two sides cooperated together.

It was Takeuchi Miki who took the initiative to find Bai Haoxuan, and when he learned that the other party was going to deal with Ji Yang, Bai Haoxuan agreed to cooperate.

The ninja pinched Bai Haoxuan's bodyguard's neck, and the other bodyguards instinctively wanted to do it.

As soon as they moved, Takeuchi Miki's people also moved.


Seeing that the two were about to fight, Takeuchi Miki and Bai Haoxuan stopped at the same time.

As soon as the two spoke, the people on both sides backed away.

The ninja who was pinching Bai Haoxuan's bodyguard's neck also let go, and the bodyguard, who was breathing smoothly, coughed.

"Mr. Takeuchi, you have just arrived in Huaxia, so you should take a day off first."

"The time to do it is the night after tomorrow, and I will let someone inform you of the specific location."

"Okay, then I'll go to rest first, and hope to have a good cooperation with the prince this time."

"You two, take Mr. Takeuchi and the others to rest."

As soon as the two sides retreated, Bai Haoxuan ordered someone to take Takeuchi Miki and others to rest.

Watching Takeuchi Miki and others leave, Bai Haoxuan glared at the bodyguard who was still coughing, and cursed as a waste.

"Keep an eye on these guys, if they want to go out, let me follow them."

"Awesome lord, hum!"

Bai Haoxuan was very interested in the adult Takeuchi Miki was talking about.

The more the other party didn't tell him, the more curious he became, so he simply asked people to follow Takeuchi Miki and others.

It's just that Bai Haoxuan's stalking was useless, because since Takeuchi Miki and others returned to the room, no one has been seen leaving.

In fact, it's not that Takeuchi Miki and others didn't leave, it's just that Bai Haoxuan's people didn't see them when they left.

Whether it's an onmyoji or a ninja, they all have ways of hiding their bodies.

Although they are all very low-level ones, it is definitely enough to hide the truth from these ordinary bodyguards like Bai Haoxuan.

It has been two days since Aunt Mei saw Bai Haoxuan, but she still hasn't done anything. Ji Yang is getting annoyed with waiting.

He really doesn't know what these people are planning, isn't it just to deal with himself, why bother.

"It's almost time, I should go back."

Looking at the time, Ji Yang bid farewell to Dongfang Mei and prepared to leave.

"It's this time every day. Do you have access control? After this time, your wife won't let you into the house?"

Unknowingly, Dongfang Mei began to feel a little bit reluctant to Ji Yang.

Although this feeling makes people shy, Dongfang Mei really has this feeling.

As soon as she heard that Ji Yang was leaving, she joked, she hoped that Ji Yang could stay for a while.

"If you let me stay in your room overnight, how about I not leave?"

Ji Yang's face moved forward a few minutes, at this distance, Ji Yang could feel Dongfang Mei's breath hitting his face.

"Hmph, dreaming, get out of here."

Dongfang Mei shouted angrily on purpose, but she was actually covering up her embarrassment.

Although my affection for Ji Yang is getting deeper and deeper, but it has not reached the level of keeping him overnight.

Ji Yang laughed, turned and left, but when he was leaving, his eyes deliberately looked at Aunt Mei.

"Damn boy, tonight is your death day."

Aunt Mei's expression changed when Ji Yang saw it, and she secretly thought about it.

Tonight is the day when Aunt Mei and Bai Haoxuan join forces to deal with Ji Yang. Bai Haoxuan called her half an hour ago.

"Go, follow."

Ji Yang walked out of the Tianren Entertainment Club, and Aunt Mei followed the people she had already chosen.

Aunt Mei followed Ji Yang by car, and Ji Yang who was being followed sneered.

"Is it finally time to do it? I'm getting impatient."

With Ji Yang's perception, he has already discovered Aunt Mei and others who are following him...

(End of this chapter)

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