The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 987 The battle is coming to an end

Chapter 987 The battle is coming to an end (four more)
As Chi You's strength increased, the pressure on Susanoo's male clone increased greatly. He gritted his teeth and swung the long sword in his hand to resist Chi You's attack.

It's just that the power of resistance is getting more and more unbearable.

Under Chi You's fierce attack, it will be a matter of time before Susanoo's clone is defeated.

And when he heard that the one fighting Chi You was Susanoo's clone, Ji Yang's eyeballs almost fell out.

What on earth is Country R trying to do? Even if it wants to destroy the Xuanzu, it doesn't have to be like this.

A large number of onmyojis were sent to summon thousands of shikigami, including many high-level shikigami.

Even Toyotomi Seimei and the three big monsters are here, so forget it.

But now why even Susanoo's male life avatar is here? Ji Yang heard from Heaven that he is in charge of the monsters and some gods in the mortal world of Country R.

Even breaking the law of the Three Realms was done by Susanoo.

In order to destroy the mysterious group, he worked too hard.

It's just a mysterious group. As for making such a big fight, if country R wipes out the mysterious group like this, the senior management of Huaxia will definitely be furious. What will happen then, Ji Yang dare not think about it.

Even if the Xuan Group was eliminated, Huaxia directly went to war against Country R, ​​Ji Yang felt it was possible.

After all, country R and Huaxia are at odds with each other, and the other party has done something to destroy the Xuanzu. If Huaxia does something, it would be too cowardly.

At that time, there will be no need to worry about many things.

Because country R is obviously declaring war indirectly, Huaxia must kill him.

This is a reckless action, and I don't know what Susanoo is thinking.

Ji Yang felt that he was definitely not just trying to kill the Xuanzu.

"Chi You, don't beat him to death, I want to live."

Thinking of this, Ji Yang yelled directly at Chi You.

Even if Susanoo had no other plans, Ji Yang had to ask this guy if he was crazy, otherwise how could he do such a thing.

"I can't bear to kill him, I want to swallow him alive, hahaha..."

Chi You looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, attacking non-stop.

If the clone of Susanoo's male life is beaten to death, how can Chi You devour the opponent's energy.

Hearing Chi You's words, Ji Yang felt relieved.

Xu Zuozhi's male life avatar said that he is very depressed now, he has a feeling that he is a plaything in Chi You's hands.

The other party seems to be able to pinch himself to death at any time, this feeling is really uncomfortable.

Even if he is a doppelgänger, in Country R, ​​no matter whether it is a monster or a god, most of them will bow to him and respect him.

After all, even if he is a clone, he still represents Susanoo, not to mention his own cultivation is not weak.

But today, he was so angry that Chi You and Ji Yang looked down upon him so much.

When he saw the half-dead Toyotomi Seimei in Ji Yang's hands, his expression became even more angry.

"Trash, it's all trash."

"What is the strongest onmyoji, what are the three major monsters, you can't catch everyone together."

"Stop talking nonsense, you are also in danger at this time!"

When Chi You saw that Susanoo still had the heart to care about Toyotomi Seimei and the failure of the three monsters to capture Ji Yang, a sneer appeared on his face.

The aura on his body strengthened again, and he slashed fiercely at the clone of Susanoo's life with an axe.

Xu Zuoyu's clone raised his sword to block, but felt his arm numb, the breath in his body was unstable, and his body took a few steps back again and again.

"A lot of power."

The strength of Chi You's ax was much stronger than before, and Susanoo had never encountered such a situation when he blocked the opponent's attack before.

"Now is the real start, I'm tired of playing with you!"

Chi You has become serious, of course it won't be the same as before, he doesn't intend to continue wasting time with Susanoo's clone, he is ready to catch him.

"Boss, don't watch the show, there are too many shikigami today, please help."

"There are a few difficult guys inside, I'll leave it to you."

When Ji Yang was still observing the battle between Chi You and Susanoo's clone, Peng Caixuan flew to Ji Yang's side.

Peng Caixuan's body was covered with all kinds of blood, and his breath was also a little unstable at this moment.

In the battle just now, Peng Caixuan was the main force. He had killed more than a dozen high-level shikigami in a row, and he didn't know how many ordinary shikigami had been killed.

"Eat this, don't kill all these shikigami, you will lose your strength first."

"Where are Mu Hong and the others?"

He took out a pill and gave it to Peng Caixuan, who ate it with a smile.

When Peng Caixuan took the elixir and his breath recovered, Ji Yang asked about the situation of the three daughters of Mu Hong.

Tonight's battle was completely melee, with so many shikigami attacks, Ji Yang was very worried about the situation of Mu Hong and others.

"Don't worry, boss, sisters-in-law are fine."

"The sisters-in-law are very powerful tonight. They used Guang Hanyin to cooperate with Yanjiao and Qi Wei, but they killed many shikigami."

Peng Caixuan pointed to somewhere in the headquarters of Xuanzu, and Ji Yang looked along Peng Caixuan's hand.

He saw the three daughters of Mu Hong with Yan Jiao and Qi Wei, beside them, there were several female members of the Xuan Group.

These female members of the mysterious group protected the three daughters of Mu Hong like bodyguards. Ji Yang knew without thinking that this must have been specially arranged by Peng Tianlong.

Peng Tianlong is very clear about the importance of Mu Hong's three daughters to Ji Yang.

Ji Yang remembered his affection, and it was not in vain that he captured Toyotomi Seimei alive for the Xuanzu.

If something really happened to the three daughters of Mu Hong, Ji Yang would go crazy tonight.

At that time, not only the shikigami of country R will be unlucky, but the people of the Xuan group may also be implicated.

"Little Dragon Girl, go protect Mu Hong and the others, and leave this guy to you."

"Caixuan, let's go!"

"The shikigami next to your grandpa seem to be quite difficult to deal with, we solved them."

Handing over the half-dead Toyotomi Qingming to Xiao Longnv, Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan rushed towards Peng Tianlong's position.

At this time, it was the Eight Great Tengus who besieged Peng Tianlong.

"Ji Yang!"

"Dongfang Mei, I won't say much about thanking you now. We'll talk about it later when these guys are resolved."

When Ji Yang rushed towards Peng Tianlong, he met Dongfang Mei halfway.

At this time, Dongfang Mei was holding a scimitar in her hand, dripping with blood, and her body was also stained with a lot of blood.

Dongfang Mei smiled charmingly when she heard Ji Yang's words.

"Afterwards, I'll let you thank me well."

After Dongfang Mei said this, she killed a shikigami.

There are several other deputy team leaders beside Peng Tianlong, and the strength of the Eight Great Tengus is equivalent to that of ancient warriors of the sky rank, so even with the addition of the deputy team leader, it is still not easy for Peng Tianlong and others to deal with the Eight Great Tengus.

Ji Yang and Peng Caixuan rushed over, and the pressure on Peng Tianlong and the others was greatly relieved.

To Ji Yang, the ancient warriors of the Heaven Rank are trivial matters, and they are all done in minutes.

In the blink of an eye, the Eight Great Tengus died under his sword.

When Ji Yang beheaded the Eight Great Tengus, there was a scream of unwillingness, and Ji Yang followed the prestige.

He saw the clone of Xu Zuozhi's male life, which had already been trampled by Chi You who performed Jiuli Pojun.

Susanoo's clone was defeated, and tonight's battle has also come to an end...

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(End of this chapter)

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