The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 991 Peng Demon King

Chapter 991: Peng Demon King (Part [-])
Hearing what the Bull Demon King said, Ji Yang's eyes lit up.

Relying on ancient warriors and family guardians, it is not easy to find escaped shikigami and onmyoji, Ji Yang has already thought of this.

Because although they are not ordinary mortals, they are not many in number.

Kyoto has a large area, even if the traffic channels are blocked, it is inevitable that Onmyoji and Shikigami will not run out.

But if you use monsters to find it, this problem will be much easier.

Multiple monsters are also considered multiple strengths.

And it's the brother of the Bull Demon King, that kind of big monster that has been around for thousands of years, so it's even easier to find.

"Who is your brother?"

"You'll know when you go. I haven't seen you for thousands of years. Does he still remember me as a big brother?"

When the Bull Demon King said the word "big brother", he had a feeling of melancholy.

After going to the Heavenly Court, I am not as free as before, and there are fewer familiar people.

Except for Princess Iron Fan and some demons, that is Huaguo Mountain, he went to it occasionally a few times.

But these are not enough, the Bull Demon King still misses Mortal World very much, especially some brothers and friends from the past.

Just now the Bull Demon King felt a familiar atmosphere, so he wanted to take a look.

It's just that he hasn't had a chance to speak, and he feels very appropriate to speak at this time.

"Time is running out, so let's go now."

"Okay, let's go now, I also want to see how he is doing in the mortal world."

"Chi You, take this guy back to the world in the pot first, I will ask him something later."

Hearing that the Bull Demon King promised to go there immediately, Ji Yang asked Chi You to go back to the world in the pot first.

After Chi You returned to the world in the pot with Xu Zuo's male clone, Ji Yang followed the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan, and flew over according to the position of the breath that the Bull Demon King felt.

Flying all the way, Ji Yang saw many people searching for Onmyoji and Shikigami in the air or on the ground.

When these people saw Ji Yang, Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan, they did not stop them.

After all, they had met Ji Yang and the others before, and thought that Ji Yang and the others were also searching for Shikigami and Onmyoji.

On the outskirts of Kyoto, in a luxurious manor.

It was already late at night, but the manor was still brightly lit, wild music resounded throughout the manor, and figures twisted their bodies along with the music.

These figures are not people, but monsters.

These monsters have different appearances, including birds and beasts.

This manor is also a place in Kyoto that people dare not approach at will, because it is the headquarters of Feipeng Gang, the largest gang in Kyoto.

The boss of the Feipeng gang, known as the Pengmo, has many brothers, and all of them are very skilled and fierce.

It's just that no one knows that they are not people at all, but monsters.

"My lord, it seems that the Xuan group was attacked by someone today, why don't we go and have a look?"

A dog-headed monster looked at a middle-aged man with a hooked nose who was wearing a golden robe and hugged a fox girl and asked softly.

This middle-aged man is the king Pengmo of this group of monsters.

Hearing what the dog-headed monster said, Peng Mo rolled his eyes and snorted coldly.

"Whatever they do, remember that we are demons, and the matter of their Xuanzu has nothing to do with us."

"However, this matter is interesting. Xuanzu is a special department of Huaxia, and there are many masters among them. Who is so courageous to go there to make trouble."

Although Peng Mo didn't want to meddle in Xuanzu's affairs, he was still a little curious about the people who attacked Xuanzu.

"How about I send a few little demons to have a look?"

The dog-headed monster is the military advisor of Pengmo, commonly known as the dog-headed military advisor.

Peng Mo was obviously moved by the words of the dog-headed military master. He planned to send a few little monsters to see what the dog-headed military master said.

Even if you don't intervene in this matter, it is a good thing for you to find out who is the other party in advance.

I brought so many monsters to hide in Kyoto, although no one has discovered it yet.

But those who dare to attack the Xuan Group are definitely not ordinary people, and they might discover the secrets of the Feipeng Gang.

Although Peng Mo may not be afraid of the other party, but there are some problems, it is better to avoid them if they can be avoided.

However, just when Peng Mo was about to ask the dog-headed military master to send the little demon, his eyes suddenly became sharper, and the aura on his body suddenly became heavier.

A powerful aura emanated from Peng Mo's body, and the bodies of the fox girl and the dog-headed military division beside him trembled.

"My lord, what's wrong with you, you are so scary now?"

The fox girl leaned on Peng Mo and asked softly.

"Don't be afraid, baby, I'm not targeting you, I just feel a few powerful auras approaching here."

"Strange, why does this breath feel so familiar, but the owner of this breath should be in the heavenly court, how could it come to the mortal world?"

Peng Mo comforted the fox girl beside him, and said with strange eyes.

And his words also made the fox girl and the dog-headed military division a little confused.

They have never seen Pengmo attach so much importance to a monster, this is definitely the first time.

"My lord, should we make some preparations? If the other party is hostile, we..."

"No, they're here."

There are still monsters grabbing territory.

This Feipeng gang was snatched from a monster by the Pengmo led his men.

The other party is also a thousand-year-old monster, but his cultivation is not as good as that of Peng Mo, so he can only become his little brother in the end.

And this big monster is the dog-headed army division in front of him.

Although the dog-headed army division can already transform into a human form, when there are no outsiders, the dog-headed army division and the surrounding monsters still like to appear in the form of monsters.

The dog-headed army master was afraid that the monsters who came were here to grab the territory, so he wanted to organize other monsters to resist, but before he could say anything, Peng Mo spoke first.

While Peng Mo was speaking, a pair of wings appeared and flew into the air.

The dog-headed military master, the fox girl, and other monsters all looked up into the air, and they saw three figures flying towards Pengmo.

Seeing these three figures, all the monsters trembled.

Because they feel that the aura of these three figures is very strong, especially the first minotaur.

The breath of the minotaur monster is stronger than that of the roc demon.

"Your Majesty has been a great monster for thousands of years. This bull-headed monster is even stronger than him. What's the origin?"

The dog-headed military master's heart trembled violently, and he murmured softly.

At this moment in the air, Peng Mo looked at the three figures in front of him with complicated eyes.

The three figures flying towards the Pengmo were the Bull Demon King, Princess Iron Fan and Ji Yang.

Peng Mo looked at the Bull Demon King, and had a golden spear in his hand, and the spear directly stabbed at the Bull Demon King.

Didn't you say brother?How do you do it when you meet?

Peng Mo shot directly, stunned Ji Yang and Princess Iron Fan.

On the contrary, the Bull Demon King was very calm, and picked up the mixed iron rod in his hand, and sent the Peng Demon's long spear flying.

"Third Brother, I haven't seen you for thousands of years. Your temper is still so hot. Seeing so many little monsters on the ground, you, the Peng Demon King, are still acting majestic."

It turned out that the Peng Demon in front of him was the brother of the Bull Demon King, the Peng Demon King.

(End of this chapter)

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