The most awesome WeChat Moments

Chapter 996 I'm Only Looking For Xiaobai

Chapter 996 I'm Only Looking for Xiaobai (Third Watch)

In the Heavenly Court Lingxiao, only the Jade Emperor and the Taishang Laojun are in the Lingxiao Palace at this time, as well as the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan who have just returned to the Heavenly Court.

The other immortals had already been asked to retire by the Jade Emperor.

Although it is easier than before to activate the Heaven-Defying Formation, it still consumes a lot of immortal energy.

Before opening the Heaven-Defying Formation, the immortals consumed a lot of immortal energy.

Even if the Jade Emperor doesn't let them retreat, they will find an excuse to go back and rest.

"These two monsters are big monsters from country R, ​​and it seems that their cultivation level is not low."

Tamamo-mae was already dead, and Shuten-douji was still in a coma.

But whether they were dead or unconscious, through the aura of their bodies, the Taishang Laojun and the Jade Emperor both sensed a very powerful evil spirit.

"Old gentleman, what should we do with these two big monsters?"

Bring back two monsters, one is dead and the other is seriously injured and unconscious.

Putting the two of them in the heavenly court, the Jade Emperor didn't know what to do for the time being, they couldn't keep them as pets, could they?
"Leave this worrying thing to me again, Jade Emperor, you are ruthless."

Hearing the Jade Emperor's words, Taishang Laojun felt a little depressed.

But his face remained very calm, and his mind turned, as if he had thought of something.

"Jade Emperor, I'm currently researching a new elixir, and these two monsters may be useful."

"Oh, yes, then I will hand them over to you."

Taishang Laojun nodded with a smile, he felt that this could be regarded as waste utilization.

It not only solves the problem of dealing with Tamamo-mae and Shuten-douji, but also can be used as your own alchemy.

Yu Zaoqian and Jiu Tun Tongzi's deal was finalized, and the Jade Emperor and Taishang Laojun originally wanted to ask the Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan some things.

But at this time, Taishang Laojun's mobile phone WeChat notification sounded.

"Old gentleman, didn't we say that the hall of Lingxiao must be muted, muted."

"You are one of the Sanqing, how can you break the rules, just fine you with a pot of elixir."

The Jade Emperor said with a smirk when he heard the prompt.

Ever since Tianting was able to use WeChat, all immortals like to chat with their mobile phones no matter where they are.

Even when discussing matters in Lingxiao Palace, the immortals like to distract themselves and chat on WeChat.

Later, the Jade Emperor simply ordered that the WeChat experience must be maintained in Lingxiao Temple, Ding Dong, Ding Dong's too emotionally affected.

Offenders will be punished regardless of status.

"Jade Emperor, don't those who see it have a share?"

Now that the Bull Demon King has merit in his body, he has become more rigid in his speech.

Princess Iron Fan on the side didn't speak, but she was also nodding. It seemed that she also felt that the person who should meet had a share.

"Have a share, have a share."

"I share it equally with your husband and wife, and it will be your reward for going to the mortal world this time."

The Jade Emperor was generous and agreed directly.

In fact, the Jade Emperor was not short of elixir, because the Taishang Laojun would send him some elixir regularly.

He cheated on the old gentleman today, just for fun.

The Taishang Laojun is not short of elixir, but he feels uncomfortable after being tricked like this.

"Isn't it just a pot of elixir, I'll give it to you now."

With a dark face, Taishang Laojun took out a pot of elixir from his storage magic weapon and threw it to the Jade Emperor.

Then Taishang Laojun looked at his mobile phone, he wanted to see who was looking for him at this time.

Whoever finds himself will be out of luck.

He doesn't care about a pot of elixir, but he cares about face, Taishang Laojun clicked on his WeChat with a dark face.


Taishang Laojun clicked on WeChat and saw that the person looking for him turned out to be Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai, what did Xiaobai ask you for? Could it be that the mortal matter has not been resolved?"

"Impossible, Lao Niu and I have dealt with all the big monsters that should be dealt with in the mortal world."

"That's right, my wife and I have dealt with it, Laojun, you should watch carefully, don't talk nonsense."

Hearing Taishang Laojun say Xiaobai, Jade Emperor, Bull Demon King and Princess Iron Fan were all a little excited.

Seeing the reaction of the three, Taishang Laojun curled his lips.

I didn't say anything, why were they so excited.

"I haven't read the content yet, what are you in a hurry for?"

When Taishang Laojun said this, the Jade Emperor and the three were a little embarrassed, and they seemed to be excited too early.

When Taishang Laojun saw the content of Ji Yang's WeChat, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his reaction made the three of Jade Emperor feel tense.

They thought they were right just now, and there were still things unresolved in the mortal world.

"Old gentleman, don't be foolish, tell me what Xiaobai is going to do."

Princess Iron Fan stared at a pair of almond eyes, and asked loudly.

The Taishang Laojun was also surprised. He was famous in the Three Realms, but when Princess Iron Fan spoke, he felt a little guilty.

I really have nothing to do with the other party, what is my strength.

"Xiaobai asked me for the Nine-Turn Purple Golden Pill."

"What, Nine-turn Purple Gold Pill?"

When the Nine Turns Zijin Pill exited, the Jade Emperor, the Bull Demon King, and Princess Iron Fan all exclaimed.

The Nine Turns Zijin Pill can repair all the pains and injuries of the human body. Ordinary people who eat it can maintain their appearance forever and live forever, and those who practice Taoism can ascend in the daytime.

There are many elixirs that the Taishang Laojun can refine, and these elixirs are of different grades.

The materials for the refining of Nine Turns Zijin Pill are hard to find, and it takes a long time. Among the elixirs refined by Taishang Laojun, it is also the absolute best elixir.

Now Ji Yang actually asked Taishang Laojun for the Nine-Turn Zijin Pill, his appetite is not small.

"Although the effect of the Nine Turns Zijin Pill is good, it should not be of much use to the current Xiaobai."

"Could he have been injured in the battle just now?"

Taishang Laojun looked at Bull Demon King and Iron Fan Princess suspiciously, and they both shook their heads.

Although Ji Yang didn't fight easily before, he didn't find any injuries.

"That's weird. I'll have to ask him."

"I don't have many refining nine-turn purple golden pills in my hand, so I can't just give them to him."

Taishang Laojun asked Ji Yang, and Ji Yang didn't lie, but told the truth directly.

Knowing that Ji Yang didn't ask for the Nine-Turn Purple Golden Pill for himself, but for the Demon King Peng, Taishang Laojun hesitated a little.

After all, Demon King Peng is a demon. Although he hasn't done anything bad in the past few thousand years, Taishang Laojun still doesn't want to give him the Nine-Turn Zijin Pill.

However, the Bull Demon King and Iron Fan Princess learned that they wanted to help the Peng Demon King with his soul injury, so they urged the Taishang Laojun to give Ji Yang Jiuzhuan Zijin Pill.

The Peng Demon King is the sworn brother of the Bull Demon King, so can he not be considerate of the other party?

Seeing the attitudes of the Bull Demon King and Iron Fan Princess, the Taishang Laojun thought that in addition to the two acquaintances of the Bull Demon King and Iron Fan Princess, the Peng Demon King also had a more troublesome sworn brother Sun Wukong in the heavenly court.

Thinking of this, Taishang Laojun felt that the Nine Rank Purple Golden Pill still had to be given.

If you don't give it, Sun Wukong will make trouble in his own Tushita Palace again, and he will be the one who suffers.

"I can give Xiaobai the Nine Rank Purple Golden Pill, but I can't give it to him for nothing."

"Not for nothing, not for nothing, I will give you what you want, Lao Niu."

The Bull Demon King was fastidious enough, so he stood up and said.

"Since Xiaobai wants it, how can I ask you to give it to me?"

"I only ask Xiaobai for this thing..."

Taishang Laojun smirked badly, and sent Ji Yang a WeChat directly.

(End of this chapter)

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