Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 106 Findings

Chapter 106 Findings
Chen Bing took out two pieces of paper and a pen from his bag, and handed them to Yang Guang: "Write!"

"What to write?" Yang Guang stared at Chen Bing in fear.



"Yes, don't you have no money for the bride price? I have it here, let alone two thousand, I have twenty thousand. Write, write a note for two thousand, and I will give you two thousand!"

Farmers in that era were most afraid of borrowing money.

"Mom, didn't you say it was a loan? How can I borrow it? If I borrow it, I won't borrow it. How can I repay it if I borrow it!"

When Yang Guang saw that it was a loan, he could cry in fright.

"Bingzi, what are you doing, you have so much money, why can't you give your second brother 2000."

"No! I have the obligation to raise my wife, I have the obligation to raise my children, I have the obligation to raise my parents, but I don't have the obligation to raise my uncle, and besides, he is not my uncle."

"you you you"

"If you don't write, if you don't write, please leave my house!"

"Mom, what should I do?" Yang Guang was crying.

Compared to his useless son, He Feng is a bit better: "Write, but it's three thousand."

In order to send these plague gods away as soon as possible, Chen Bing nodded and said, "Okay, three thousand is three thousand."

Under He Feng's supervision, Yang Guang wrote the IOU.

Chen Bing stared at Yang Hai: "You write too, two thousand."

"Mom, I won't build a house anymore!" Yang Hai was also afraid.

"Write, look at your cowardice!"

Yang Hai wrote two thousand.

Chen Bing took the IOU, looked it over carefully, put it in his bag, took out a wad of money from the bag, took out five thousand, and threw it to them respectively.

"I've given you the money, take it. I'll take the money for two years. After two years, I'll come to ask for the money!"

He Feng stared at Chen Bing and nodded slightly: "Chen Bing, you are rich now, so ruthless!"

"Hehehe, if you want to be ruthless, I am not as ruthless as you. The money is now given to you, please leave my house!"

"What about the job?"

"No way. Let's go!"

Xiaoxue stood beside her with tears in her eyes.

"Go, hurry up, do you want me to drive you away with a stick? I hope you don't come to my house in the future. If you don't come, I might not want the 5000 yuan. I want it!" Chen Bing said again.

When Yang Hai and Yang Guang heard that if they didn't come to their house, they would not want the 5000 yuan that their brothers took away, they smiled immediately: 'Really? '

"of course it's true!"

Yang Guang quickly grabbed He Feng, and Sa Yazi ran away without a trace.

Chen Bing looked at this Niangsan, a bit dumbfounded.

After He Feng and the others ran away, Guoguo blinked her big eyes: "Father, that's amazing. I scared them away. Before you came back, Mom was scared and cried several times!"

Yang Xue did not know when she was standing behind Chen Bing, and when she heard Guoguo's words, she said angrily, "Guoguo, don't talk nonsense!"

Chen Bing walked over and grabbed Yang Xue's hand: "Xiaoxue, do you blame me for my attitude towards your natal family?"

Yang Xue didn't nod or shake her head.

"Whether you blame it or not, when I think of them calling me a waste for so many years, and thinking of them asking me to divorce you, my heart is bleeding. To be honest, if it wasn't for your sake Now, I will drive them out with sticks, and I will not give them 5000 yuan at all."

Yang Xue nodded again with tears in her eyes.

"Let's go, don't cry. I'm not talking about your natal family. When you are in danger, not only will they not help you, but they will make the situation worse. So, it's better to stay away from them, so as to avoid harm."

"Bingzi, life is really difficult for my two elder brothers, can you arrange a job for them?"

"No, if I arrange a job for them, to be honest, my factory will go bankrupt within two years based on your two elder brothers' ways. , There is a strict system, and it is not something that ordinary people can enter if they want to, some things, although I say it can be counted, but it will destroy the system I set at the beginning, so, no!"

"Hey, let's go, don't do it, go out to eat!" Chen Bing knew that Yang Xue was not in the mood to do it, and he himself was not in the mood to do it.

Downstairs there is a knife-sliced ​​noodle restaurant, go to eat a bowl of knife-sliced ​​noodles.

Holding Guoguo in his arms, Chen Bing led Yang Xue to Daosha noodle shop.

This knife-shaved noodles is authentic Shanxi knife-shaved noodles.

"Boss, here are two bowls of noodles, more peppers, and two bowls of aged vinegar. I will pay extra for the aged vinegar!"

If there is no extra money for vinegar, the boss will generally not give it.

"Okay, wait a minute!"

While waiting for the noodles, Chen Bing picked out several garlic cloves, and he just took a bite.

After a while, when the noodles came, Chen Bing saw that there were not enough peppers, so he put some more peppers, put the garlic cloves in the bowl, and ate them deliciously.

Yang Xue asked for a small bowl and picked some for Guoguo.

After eating the bowl of noodles, they went back.

At night, due to He Feng's influence, Yang Xue felt very uncomfortable, so she went to bed early and had nothing to say all night.

The next day, Chen Bing got up early as usual.

After getting up, I found Yang Xue cooking in the kitchen.

"Xiaoxue, I don't want to eat, you and Guoguo are right!"

"It's almost ripe, eat a little before going!"

"No, something has happened!"

There was a mutton restaurant by the roadside. Chen Bing ordered a bowl of mutton, and after eating he came to the factory.

The gate of the factory is really crowded with people.

Chen Bing walked quickly towards the office.

"Mr. Chen." Zhou Dahai came to Chen Bing.

"Have you settled?"

Zhou Dahai nodded: "It's settled. I asked a neighbor of Zhang Boqing to inquire. At first, he was reluctant to tell. In the end, I bought a pair of Peony cigarettes, and he told me."

"Hehehe, I have made progress, and I have learned how to give gifts."

"Tell me!"

"Zhang Boqing's daughter is studying abroad. After Zhang Boqing's accident, she came back."

"anything else?"

"His daughter's name is Zhang Qian, and now she lives with his wife Wen Juan. I heard that after the factory closed down, they owed a lot of foreign debts. Now their house has been taken by the creditors. They rent a house not far from their home. In a small alley, I went there last night."

"Any more?"

"Zhang Boqing has a father and a mother in his hometown."

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Okay, you go and buy two cigarettes, buy some better ones, and we'll go to the prison to see Zhang Boqing later."

"Ah? Are you looking at Zhang Boqing?"

"Don't make a fuss, we need Zhang Boqing's consent to acquire Shuangwang Cannery!"

After Zhou Dahai heard this, he hurriedly said: "Bingge, you closed down the factory, put him in prison, and now you want to buy the factory. You are not afraid that they will bite you to death!"

Seeing Zhou Dahai gnashing his teeth, Chen Bing said angrily, "Don't worry, before he kills me, I'll kill you first! Hurry up and get ready, the smoke must be good, don't save money!"


After being scolded, Zhou Dahai hurried out of the office.

 Everyone, if you have a vote, vote for it!

(End of this chapter)

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