Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 110 The Right and the Wrong

Chapter 110 The Right and the Wrong
Only now did Chen Bing remember that he didn't have a TV at home.

"Don't cry, Dad will buy you a TV tomorrow, and you can sit at our house and watch it tomorrow night!"

After Chen Bing promised, Guoguo stopped crying.

"Just get used to her!" Yang Xue was a little unhappy.

"Yes, she is my daughter, of course I am used to her, right, Guoguo!" Chen Bing lovingly kissed Guoguo's tender face.

"Thank you dad, you are my real dad!"

"Little girl, your mouth is sweet!" Chen Bing gently pinched her tender face.

"Dad, it hurts!"

Along the way, Guoguo kept making noises, asking Chen Bing to buy her a TV at night, but now it is 1988, not 2021. In 2021, Chen Bing can buy a TV when he goes out and comes back wherever he wants. You can also buy it by placing an order online. In 88, there was only one TV sales store in the huge city of Yangqing.

"Baby, bear with me, Dad will buy it for you tomorrow!"

Chen Bing coaxed this little ancestor down by talking and talking.

"You are used to her!"

Yang Xue always said this.

When Chen Bing returned home, he saw Yang Xue sorting out the big and small bags.

"Xiaoxue, what are you doing here?"

Seeing Chen Bing asking, Yang Xue lowered her head: "Bingzi, I told you not to be angry."

Chen Bing guessed that it must be her natal family's business.

"Is your mother here again?"

Yang Xue nodded: "Bingzi, she didn't come here this time to ask for money. My second brother is getting married. She asked us to go back, especially you to go back, to save our family some face!" '

It seems that this is a dog skin plaster, if it sticks, it won't go away.

"You go back, these two days, put Guoguo by my side!" Chen Bing said simply and rudely.

Yang Xue heard that Chen Bing was not happy, so she pursed her mouth and wanted to cry.

"Bring extra money when you go."

Chen Bing really didn't want to see Yang Xue's mother, and when he thought of Yang Xue's mother calling him a waste for so many years, he felt uncomfortable.

Yang Xue saw that Chen Bing was unhappy and didn't complain too much, so she touched his arm lightly with her hand: "Then will you go home this year?"

Chen Bing shuddered Lingling.

"Home, where is home, should I go back to that trash's house or to my own?" Chen Bing murmured in his heart.

There are double memories in his mind now, both the memory of trash Chen Bing and his own memory.

Yang Xue tidied up the bed and said, "Will you go back? This time, when you go back and drive, no one will call you trash again!"

"Yeah, let's talk about it later, sleep!"

Speaking of home, Chen Bing was speechless.

He pulled back the quilt and fell asleep.

"Get up and wash your hands." Yang Xue tugged at Chen Bing's arm.

"No more washing!"

"It's so dirty, don't wash it, don't touch me at night!"

Chen Bing directly covered his head with the quilt.

He must go back to Shaanxi Province to see how his parents are doing?
Chen Bing knew that his current appearance was the appearance of trash Chen Bing. Will his parents recognize him when he goes back?I definitely can't admit it, so what do you say when you see your parents?
It's really a trick of creation, you let Lao Tzu be reborn, wouldn't it be good to be reborn on the body, but he was reborn on a waste body.

Thinking of his parents, Chen Bing tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

Yang Xue felt Chen Bing's strange movement, and stretched out a hand outside the quilt, holding Chen Bing's hand: "Bing, can't you sleep?"

The sweet words instantly softened Chen Bing's heart.

"I know you don't want to see my family. My family has hurt you too much. I don't blame you. Don't worry about it. I'll just go back."

"Well, bring more money when you go back, don't be looked down upon."


"Go to sleep!"

The next morning, before Chen Bing woke up, Guoguo pinched Chen Bing's nose with two chubby hands: "Lazy dad, lazy dad, wake up, lazy dad, wake up!"

"The little guy ruined Dad again! Give me a kiss!"

Chen Bing pulled Xiao Guoguo into his arms, and stabbed Guoguo's tender face with his unshaven face.

The frightened Guoguo yelled.

"Mom, mom, help!"

"Bingzi, don't scare the child, get up and eat quickly, and shave your beard by the way!"

Only then did Chen Bing let go of Guoguo: "Guoguo, get up and eat quickly, otherwise, mom will be nagging again!"

"Dad, you said today that you want to buy a TV, don't forget!"

As soon as Chen Bing scratched his head, if the little guy didn't say anything, he might have forgotten it.

"Okay, Dad remember it!"

After Chen Bing had breakfast, he rushed towards the factory like lightning.

I ran into Zhao Ming at the gate: "Director Zhao, what are you doing?"

"Mr. Chen, the canned trucks lined up for two miles today. I'll go and have a look."

"I'll tell you something!"

Zhao Ming didn't know what Chen Bing wanted to explain to him, so he rushed to Chen Bing quickly: "Mr. Chen, tell me."

"Buy me a color TV with a bigger screen."

"it is good."

In 1988, color TVs were relatively expensive. In 1989, our country broke through the difficulty of color TV picture tubes. Since then, the price of color TVs has only come down.

Therefore, 1989 was a watershed year for the price of color TV sets in my country.

Chen Bing walked to the door of the office, and Zhou Dahai stood sneakily at the door.

"What's the matter, the sea?"

Zhou Dahai turned his head to see Chen Bing, put his hand on his mouth, and hissed.

"What's wrong, sneaky!"

"She's here?" Zhou Dahai pulled Chen Bing aside and lowered his voice.


Zhou Dahai pointed to his face.

Chen Bing understood: "Zhang Boqing's wife?"

"No, his daughter."

"Look at your cowardice, a woman scares you like this!" Chen Bing walked towards the office with a stomp.

Zhang Qian was still dressed as yesterday, sitting on the sofa in the office.

She heard the noise, turned her head, saw Chen Bing, and stood up lightly.

"Mr. Chen!"

"Miss Zhang!"

Chen Bing walked over and held out his hand.

The other party did not shake Chen Bing's hand.

Chen Bing withdrew his hand in embarrassment: "Miss Zhang, please sit down!"

Zhang Qian sat down.

"Excuse me, is there something wrong with Miss Zhang?"

"Mr. Chen, I want to see you?"

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Zhang Qian shook her head.

Chen Bing poured Zhang Qian a glass of water himself.

Staying with such a beauty, even if I know that this beauty may have bad intentions for me, I feel comfortable in my heart.

Chen Bing sat opposite Zhang Qian: "Miss Zhang, is there any result with your father?"

"Thank you Mr. Chen. I asked the lawyer. My father is most likely indefinite."

Chen Bing nodded slightly, showing a sad look.

Zhang Qian continued: "This is all thanks to Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen is the real winner this time. Not only did he put my father in prison, but he also gave my factory the surname Chen."

Chen Bing felt that the taste in Zhang Qian's words was a bit wrong.

"Miss Zhang, what you said just now is wrong. Our Jiahe Cannery and your Shuangwang Cannery are in normal commercial competition. As for how your father was sentenced, the court has explained that it has nothing to do with me."

(End of this chapter)

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