Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 113 Regret can make up

Chapter 113 Regret can make up
Chen Tao was stunned, and everyone was stunned.

Where did such a young man come from to beat Chen Tao?

What is his relationship with Chen Shuanlao's family?
This young man is dressed luxuriously, so he looks like he is from the city?

They remembered that Chen Shuanlao had no relatives in the city. Who was he?

Everyone stared at Chen Bing suspiciously.

Chen Bing was still smoking non-stop!

At this time, Chen Tao's fat face was covered with blood.

Zhao Caimei came over and grabbed Chen Bing's shoulder: "Who are you, why did you hit my man?"

Chen Bing stood up, stared at Zhao Caimei viciously, remembered how her mother was kneeling in front of her just now, and slapped her across the face.

Zhao Caimei made a 360-degree turn, and the angry Chen Bing jumped up and kicked Zhao Caimei. Zhao Caimei flew away like a kite.

Chen Bing was about to make a move when Yang Xue came in. She didn't know what happened, so she quickly put down Guoguo and ran over to hug Chen Bing: "Bingzi, what are you doing?"

Yang Xue cried.

Chen Bing ignored Yang Xue, walked quickly to Chen Shuanlao, and knelt on the ground with a snap: "Dad, I'm late, I made you suffer!"

Chen Shuanlao was dumbfounded, everyone was dumbfounded, just now Chen Bing beat Chen Tao, which made people dumbfounded, and now Chen Bing called Chen Shuanlao's father, which made people even more confused.

"Son, who are you?"

It was only then that Chen Bing remembered that his body was not the body of his previous life, but the body of the waste Chen Bing. He couldn't tell the old man that he was reborn, so he couldn't scare the old man to death.

"Dad, I am Chen Bing's sworn brother. Before he died, he entrusted you to me to take good care of you. I was late and made you suffer, godfather!"

If it's not appropriate to call him dad, then call him godfather.

As soon as Chen Bing mentioned the word "Chen Bing", Chen Shuanlao couldn't bear it anymore, sat down on the ground, and cried loudly: "My son!"

Chen Tao stood up unsteadily and walked towards Chen Bing.

Chen Bing also stood up when he heard a noise behind him: "Stop!"

Chen Tao stopped: "Boy, do you know where this is? You don't want to live anymore, dare to hit me, hit me, you can get out of this village!"

Chen Bing smiled slightly: "Hehehe, I am very familiar with this village. I know all these people in the yard today, and I know what their eight generations of ancestors did."

Chen Bing glanced at the people in the yard. These bastards, the third father bullied their parents so much, they just watched and didn't even mean to fight.

"Chen Ergou's family has three children who live there."

"Wang San, don't care about daddy, daddy was starved to death."

"Chen Tao, there are three children in your family, all of whom are good at stealing people. You have been able to live these few years mainly because of your three sons stealing. You sell the stolen goods!"

After Chen Bing spoke, everyone around laughed.

Chen Tao was exposed, and became angry from embarrassment, but he knew that he was not Chen Bing's opponent, so he said fiercely: "You boy, wait until my three sons come back to deal with you!"

"Okay, I'll wait!"

Chen Tao quickly came to Chen Shuanlao: "If you don't give me a cow today, then give me the money. Tonight, I will withdraw the money. Otherwise, I have to take the cow away. Remember, don't look at this kid helping you, wait for three of us." When the son comes back, there will be good fruit for him to eat!"

"Go!" Chen Tao pushed Zhao Caimei vigorously, and walked outside.

"Stop!" Chen Bing shouted.

"What else?"

"How much do you owe you?"

Chen Tao stared at Chen Bing: "You want to pay it for him?"

"Say, how much do I owe you?"

When Chen Shuanlao heard that Chen Bing wanted to pay it back for him, he hurried over and said, "Son, we are strangers, so how can we use your money!"

"Godfather, I promised Bingzi that I will treat you two elders as my biological parents."

"How much?" Chen Bing asked again.


After Chen Tao spoke, Chen Shuanlao's face changed: "Taozi, why is it 750, I took 500!"

Chen Tao wiped the blood from his nose with the back of his hand, hehehe smiled: "500, you have held it for several months, no interest!"

These are real brothers, one to the death of the other.

Chen Bing waved his hand and said, "Godfather, leave this to me." He quickly took out his wallet and took out a stack from it.

Roughly counted: "Seven hundred and five!"

No one expected that Chen Bing would really pay for Chen Shuanlao, but it was 750 yuan?

In 1988, workers' wages were only 75 yuan a month, which was an astronomical figure for farmers.

And such a young man he didn't know actually gave old man Chen 750 yuan.

Yang Xue was also a little dazed, but she couldn't control Chen Bing's affairs.

"How about it, don't leave after taking it!" Chen Bing stared at Chen Tao.

With 750 yuan in his hand, Chen Tao laughed like a flower.

Damn, five hundred yuan, it took more than four months to earn 250 yuan, my god, if I still use it, I will borrow it!
After Chen Tao left, the spectators in the yard left one after another.

Only Chen Bing and Chen Shuanlao were left in the huge courtyard.

"Son, who are you?" Chen Shuanlao walked up to Chen Bing.

"Godfather, didn't I tell you, I am Bingzi's sworn brother, Bingzi asked me to raise you as his biological parents, I'm sorry, I came late to make money, I'm sorry!"

Chen Bing knelt on the ground with both legs, and the two old men who were frightened hurriedly helped him up.

Familiar people in the familiar courtyard, Chen Bing wept with joy, although the appearance is not the original appearance, but the parents are the original parents.

Chen Bing was satisfied, and he thanked God for giving him the opportunity to be filial.

"Son, hurry up and sit inside!"

Chen Bing quickly shouted to Yang Xue and Guoguo: "Come here, Guoguo, call Grandpa and Grandma!"


"Xiaoxue, godfather, godmother!"

Yang Xue is also a kind girl. After hearing this, she hurriedly called out: "Godfather, godmother!"

Chen Shuanlao and Gao Rongqiao were about to cry again.

Chen Bing laughed and said: "Godfather, godmother, can you see if this is okay, I will call you dad and mom directly from now on!"

"This is impossible, you are so noble!" Chen Shuanlao hurriedly refused.

"That's it. From now on, I will be your son, she will be your daughter-in-law, and she will be your granddaughter, parents!"

Chen Bing's cry made the old man cry again.

They quickly let Chen Bing into the room.

When Chen Bing went in, he saw a memorial tablet in the middle of the house, on which was written 'The Spirit Tablet of Aizi Chen Bing'.

He walked up to the spiritual seat and bowed deeply.

"Son, I don't know your name yet?"

"Dad, my name is Chen Bing. I have the same name and surname as Chen Bing. You will call me Bingzi from now on."

After hearing this, Chen Shuanlao knelt on the ground again: "God, thank you, you gave me another son!"

(End of this chapter)

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