Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 123 Really Powerful

Chapter 123 Really Powerful

Chen Bing knew that Liu Weidong's arrival would free him up more time to explore the market.

"Mr. Chen, your idea is very good and your decision is correct, but we are one step too late after all!"

"One step late? What do you mean?" Chen Bing asked.

"You should have heard of Erlele Food Co., Ltd."

Chen Bing nodded and said, "Yes, I've heard of it!"

"Erlele Food Co., Ltd. established a factory in 1986. After more than a year of internal transformation after the establishment of the factory, it has been out of control in the past two years. It has carried out predatory expansion of the national food market. The ham we are now operating , instant noodles, beverages, and Erlele food, and a large market in the south has been invaded by it, and I have received news that the advance team of Erlele has entered the north."

About Erlele Food Company, Chen Bing knows that this food company, in the 90s, was a god-like existence in China. His chairman Qin Dong, a foreign student, was very courageous. After returning to China, he founded Erle Le Food Company, within five years, Erlele has become the leader in China's food industry. However, Qin Dong didn't live long. In 2003, he passed away unexpectedly. Otherwise, there would be no food giant Liu Weidong in his previous life. Certainly not.

It's not that Chen Bing has never paid attention to Erlele. After inquiring, he knew that this company was operating in the south. Now when he heard Liu Weidong's words, he was a little frightened.

"Who did you listen to?"

Liu Weidong said: "President Chen, have you forgotten what I used to do?"

"Did Er Lele come to Yangqing City?"

Liu Weidong nodded: "Yes, the vice president of the marketing department of Erlele is in charge of the development of our food market in Lingxi Province. For them, our Yangqing City is a populous city. Erlele Food Company will definitely not let it go. But, so, he handed over a plan to build a factory to the municipal committee."

"Is there such a thing?" Chen Bing was shocked again.

"At that time, I was the head of the first section of the secretarial department, and I received him, and I gave the materials to Gao Zhihua."

"When did this happen?" Chen Bing asked again.

"The Chinese New Year is over this year."

"So it's been a year?"

"Yes, it will be a year in one month, time flies so fast!"

When Chen Bing heard this, he stood up quickly. Damn it, he thought the food industry was a pure land. Unexpectedly, Er Lele had penetrated deep into the hinterland. It seemed that the competition was far more fierce than he thought.

Chen Bing frowned slightly: "What did Gao Zhihua say?"

"Of course Gao Zhihua is happy. How could he not be happy about increasing political achievements out of thin air?"

"What happened later?" Chen Bing asked, feeling a little impatient. If there is any later, there must be no later. Otherwise, he must know that such a big food company entered Yangqing City. .

"Erlele is currently a well-known company in the country, and the requirements are very high."

"any request?"

"The city government provides [-] acres of land for free?"


Chen Bing was really shocked. The [-] mu of land was offered at a low price, but it was offered free of charge.

"anything else?"

"Tax exemption for five years?"

"Damn it, damn it, Gao Zhihua definitely disagrees."

"What's more, the market needs to coordinate a 2000 million loan, and the loan has to be interest-free."

"Damn it, this is the lion's big mouth!"

"And later?"

"There will be no more later. At that time, Gao Zhihua agreed to the first two conditions. Four hundred acres of land would be provided free of charge and tax-free for five years. He said, we don't make money, but we can't lose money, the 2000 million is 2000 million a year based on the interest of one penny."

"It's really a lion with a big mouth."

"This matter is over!" Chen Bing asked.

"Not yet. Our Yangqing city has not agreed, but it does not mean that other places have not agreed."

"What do you mean somewhere else?"

"In other cities, such a large factory is a great political achievement for those who are officials. Especially at a time when all places are attracting investment, someone will definitely agree."

After Chen Bing heard this, he burst out laughing suddenly: "Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu, you are really timely. When you say that, my confidence doubles in an instant!"

"Ah? Our market has been seized by others, and you are more confident!"

"He gave me the method?"

"What method?" After Liu Weidong asked, he suddenly understood: "Mr. Chen, don't you want to imitate them!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly and said: "Yes, I said how the Erlele Food Company has developed so fast. It turns out that they are expanding the company with subsidies from local governments."

"Mr. Liu, you are now the company's general manager, the company's real second-in-command, and the second largest shareholder. The future of Jiahe depends entirely on our operation. At present, it is still relatively blank, how to quickly make Jiahe Foods bigger and stronger."

Liu Weidong was also an ambitious person. After hearing this, he nodded slightly and said, "Mr. Chen, I understand."

"In this way, we will have a meeting in a while, you will meet with the company's employees first, then we will have dinner, after the meal, we will sign the contract in the afternoon, give you a day off, go back and settle things at home, and then we will start working .”

Liu Weidong nodded again.

He really had to go back and settle the family affairs, otherwise, his wife Qin Qiurong would really have to divorce him.

Although Liu Weidong has great ambitions, he is not yet big enough to divorce his wife.

The meeting was very simple. Chen Bing just introduced Liu Weidong to other people in the company, and then introduced others to Liu Weidong.

The other is the division of labor.

The division of labor is also very simple. Except for personnel and finance, other departments are under the control of Liu Weidong.

Liu Weidong is very ambitious and capable. Chen Bing has such a person as the general manager of the company. There are advantages and disadvantages.

The beneficial side is of course beneficial to the company's development, and the negative side is that it is difficult to control.

People like this generally don't want to be inferior to others, so Chen Bing has to guard against it and give him a certain amount of power, but the power given must be within the scope of his control.

Chen Bing is so smart, as long as the two departments of personnel and finance are firmly in his hands, even if Liu Weidong wants to turn the world upside down, he won't be able to get out.

Human beings are like this, they are always in competition, and they are also always on defense.

In order to prevent Liu Weidong from getting too big, Chen Bing had to restrict him in terms of power.

Although Liu Weidong is very smart, he still can't see what Chen Bing is thinking. After all, he has been living in the system since he started working. Compared with Chen Bing, he doesn't have so many twists and turns in his heart.

One day, he understood, and accumulated a certain amount of resources, and wanted to return to Jiahe. At that time, he realized that it was too difficult, because all human rights and financial rights are in the hands of Chen Bing, and he can do nothing. No.

At that time, he will truly appreciate how powerful Chen Bing is.

 Everyone, if you have a vote, vote for it!Thanks.

(End of this chapter)

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