Chapter 135
Chen Bing understood Zhang Guanglong's meaning. Qinjiang City, which owns 60.00% of the national market for food additives and auxiliary materials, does not have a food processing enterprise. This is really unreasonable.

"Mr. Chen, your secretary Gao called and said that the Jiahe food company you founded is now the leading enterprise in Yangqing, so I want you to invest in Qinjiang and open Qinjiang. What do you think of the situation in Jiang's food processing industry?"

Zhang Guanglong stared at Chen Bing.

Chen Bing smiled naively.

Damn, there are too many opportunities in this society. I came this time, thinking about getting the supply of raw materials. I didn't expect that there would be a windfall?
In fact, Chen Bing had already thought about the company's development direction before solving the problem of raw material supply.

If you want to compete with Erlele Company in the market, you have to quickly find OEMs in various places and build factories in various places, otherwise, you will not be the opponent of Erlele at all.

It’s easy to find an OEM, it’s nothing more than reducing the profit and finding a partner to process it for you with the reduced profit. However, there is a prerequisite for this. The products produced by the other party’s own brand are seriously unsalable. In order to survive, they will use low prices. , OEM for you.

However, this is the 80s, and the supply of food, clothing, housing and transportation is in short supply, so how can it be seriously unsalable, so the best way is to build factories in various places.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Guanglong put it on the agenda before he even started.

"Hehehe, Secretary Zhang, Secretary Gao said that you are his best friend. I serve Secretary Gao and the people of Yangqing. Of course, I am also willing to serve Secretary Zhang. Don't you think so?"

Zhang Guangfeng slapped his hands on the sofa when he heard this, hehehe: "Mr. Chen, have a good time."

"Secretary Liu."

The young guy comes in.

"Make a good cup of tea, I want to have a good talk with Mr. Chen."

'Investment attraction' is the only way to develop a local economy!

The progress and promotion of an official is closely related to the local economic development. That's why Zhang Guanglong was so humble to Chen Bing. After all, in that era, unlike the 21st century, everyone wanted to do business.

At that time, except for those iron rice bowls with a little avant-garde thinking, they broke the iron rice bowls to invest in industry, and the farmers who had just solved the problem of eating, really didn't have the guts.

In this way, it will virtually increase the difficulty for local governments to attract investment!

Zhang Guanglong heard that Chen Bing's business was in full swing, how could he give up this opportunity to attract investment.

This is a win-win situation for Chen Bing and Zhang Guanglong.

"Secretary Zhang, I don't know if the policy can give support?" Chen Bing said tactfully.

"Easy to say, easy to say."

"Secretary Zhang, we are all acquaintances, so I will tell you that if there is enough support in the policy, after the new year, I will send a work team to plan to build a factory for three months. After the completion of the factory, it will start in May. Official production!"

"So fast?"

"That is required."

"I just don't know what kind of support Secretary Zhang can give in terms of policy?" Chen Bing asked again.

"Mr. Chen, tell me about your conditions?"

At this time, Secretary Liu had made tea and brought it over. It was the best Dahongpao.

"Secretary Zhang, 600 acres of land will be supported free of charge, [-] million yuan will be supported by the local government. Government support loans, tax exemption for five years."

Chen Bing said simply.

Damn, if the governments of various places can give this condition, he can say that he can use the discounts given by the local governments to build a factory without paying a penny.

After Chen Bing spoke, Zhang Guanglong showed embarrassment: "Mr. Chen, the land is easy to talk about, and tax exemption is easy to talk about, but the loan of 600 million yuan is really difficult to solve. You know, our Qinjiang City is the poorest city in Hebei Province. A few private companies, just a few state-owned companies, to be honest, they still need government subsidies, and for this, the government has put a lot of burden on the banks."

When Zhang Guanglong said this, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Mr. Chen, the bank is different from other departments directly managed by the municipal government and the municipal committee. It is a direct-linked enterprise and is directly under the provincial bank. So, As for the loan issue, I can try it, but I can't guarantee how much I can get!"

Chen Bing did not expect that there were such poor city officials.

Chen Bing rubbed his hands together, took a sip of tea, and smiled slightly: "I understand Secretary Zhang's difficulties, do you think this is okay?"

"you say."

"Our company plans to invest in Haoda Food Company. If our company succeeds in investing in Haoda Food Company, we will open four production lines in Haoda Food Company, one for canned food, one for ham, one for instant noodles, and one for beverages. We will build Haoda Food Company into a collection and sales of food It is a modern enterprise integrating raw material processing, so the investment will be much smaller.”

When Chen Bing said this, Zhang Guangfeng slapped his palm on the sofa: "Hehehe, Mr. Chen, what a great idea, this way not only solves the problem, but also saves the budget. It won't be too late to build a new factory when the funds are raised!"

"What about Haoda Foods?"

"Is the Yuan Ying you mentioned here?"

"Just outside!"

Zhang Guanglong said: "President Chen, please let Yuan Ying come in, I want to understand the situation face to face."

Zhang Guanglong continued: "Secretary Liu, let Director Xie of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Director Wei of the Municipal Enterprise Management Office, and Director Chen of the Municipal Industrial and Commercial Bureau come to my office, and let them immediately!"

Things have settled down.

Chen Bing walked out of Zhang Guanglong's office feeling refreshed.


"Mr. Chen!" Hao Yong saw Chen Bing coming out, and quickly came up to meet him.

Chen Bing walked towards the car.

"Bingge, how are you?" Yuan Ying asked as Chen Bing got into the car.

"Hehehe, it's done, Secretary Zhang wants to help!"


"of course it's true."

Yuan Ying heard this, stood up quickly, embraced Chen Bing's neck and kissed him.

Chen Bing didn't expect Yuan Ying to come here, and Zhou Dahai didn't expect Yuan Ying to come here either.

Zhou Dahai was originally interested in Yuan Ying, but Yuan Ying's series of actions frightened him directly, and he also knew that Yuan Ying was not his type.

"Don't be like this, it's not good for people to see!"

"I'm not afraid."

"I'm afraid!"

Yuan Ying pouted.

"Let's go, Secretary Zhang is still waiting. Go and tell us about your family's situation!"

"Then you go with me?"

"it is good."

Chen Bing and Yuan Ying walked towards Zhang Guanglong's office.

Chen Bing and Yuan Ying went in, and there were three more people in the office.

If Chen Bing's guess is correct, these three people must be the director of the municipal public security bureau, the director of the municipal enterprise management department, and the director of the municipal industrial and commercial bureau.

The three stared at Chen Bing and Yuan Ying.

"Hehehehe, let me introduce to you, this is the Chen Bing and Mr. Chen I mentioned just now, and he is also an entrepreneur who attracts investment from our city. Hehehe, although he is young, he is very capable."

Chen Bing was embarrassed by Zhang Guanglong's boasting.

(End of this chapter)

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