Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 139 Poor

Chapter 139 Poor

"Hehehe, then I will thank Secretary Zhang in advance!" Chen Bing said.

"You're welcome, it's all for the development of Qinjiang City! Hehehe."

"Yes, last time we said that in order to save money, we bought four production lines under Haoda Food Company. Our company recently studied it. Since Haoda Food Company occupies a small area, four production lines cannot be opened. Have to find another place."],

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he stared at Zhang Guanglong.

"How much does it cost?"

"Secretary Zhang, two hundred acres."

At this time, with the help of Zhang Guanglong, Chen Bing successfully settled in Haoda Food Company and solved the supply problem of food additives and auxiliary materials. Therefore, he is not worried that Zhang Guanglong will not agree. If he agrees, he will build a factory in Qinjiang City at the beginning of the new year , if you don't agree, then in the beginning of the new year, go to another place to build a factory!

"Two hundred acres?"

"Secretary Zhang, in addition to the 500 mu of land, he also needs a loan of [-] million yuan."

Zhang Guanglong frowned tightly after hearing this.

"Mr. Chen, regarding the loan issue, as I said last time, the market is really in trouble!"

Chen Bing smiled: "Secretary Zhang, I know that actually, the company also has difficulties. Next year, we plan to establish Jiahe food factories in five provinces and ten cities. Our network will spread all over the country, so ah, the company It's really difficult, but don't worry, our factory in Qinjiang City is definitely the largest, and this factory will definitely contribute to Secretary Zhang's promotion, hehehehe."

Of course Zhang Guanglong knew what Chen Bing meant by this.

The reason why he built the factory was, on the one hand, for the economy of Qinjiang City, and on the other hand, for his own political achievements, to provide him with additional bargaining chips for further promotion.

"Mr. Chen, I can agree to the land issue right now, but I really need to negotiate with the bank about the money issue."

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Reassure the bank that I can use the rebuilt factory as collateral for the 500 million loan!"

After Zhang Guanglong heard this, he chuckled: "Mr. Chen, do you think this will work? How about using Haoda Food Company as a mortgage?"

"No, absolutely not. I only hold 40.00% of the shares in Haoda Food Company. This is absolutely not possible."

It's not that if you own 40.00% of the shares, you won't be able to get a loan. It's just that Chen Bing finally took a stake in such a company that processes food and adds accessories, and then mortgages him. Haoda will be mortgaged.

"Secretary Zhang, Jiahe has such a large industry and a national layout. What are the banks afraid of? Banks in other provinces and cities are not afraid. What are the banks in Qinjiang City afraid of? Although the bank has dual leadership, no matter how you say it, the bank has to stand up. Look at the problem at the height of local economic development, don't you think?"

After Zhang Guanglong heard this, he nodded slightly: "I will discuss with the bank about the loan again. What conditions do you have?"

"Tax exemption for five years. We have talked about this issue before."

"So, Mr. Chen, three years of tax exemption. To be honest, maybe I will leave next year. After I leave, I don't want the next leader to scold me and say that I have something wrong with you, but give you five years of tax exemption. Chen Boss, you don't want others to gossip, so, in three years, if Boss Chen agrees, we can sign an agreement of intent."

It seems that this is the only way to go, and both sides take a step back.

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "OK."

"Well, in the afternoon, regarding this matter, we will hold an enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee. Several Standing Committees and the Enterprise Management Office, the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, and the Investment Promotion Office will meet. Let us talk about your problem and pass it through as much as possible. .”

"Mr. Chen, you know, this issue needs to be passed collectively. I, Zhang Guanglong, can't make the decision alone!"

Chen Bing nodded again.

Meetings are nothing more than a way of avoiding responsibility.

As soon as Chen Bing bid farewell to Zhang Guanglong and returned to the hotel, Yuan Ying arrived.

"Are you crying?" Yuan Ying's eyes were red.

Yuan Ying shook her head slightly, took out a white handkerchief and wiped her eyes: "No!"

"I wiped my tears, and said no, tell me, what's the matter?"

"Fanfan is so pitiful!" Yuan Ying climbed onto Chen Bing's shoulder after saying this.

Chen Bing wants to push away.

"Bingge, can I borrow your shoulder?"

Chen Bing withdrew his raised hand.

"Okay, cry as much as you want, this afternoon, this shoulder belongs to you." Chen Bing said.

"Thank you."

"Where's Fanfan?"

"Taken by Lao Liu."


"Brother Bing, do you think I shouldn't come back? I went to see Xue Yang today, and she kowtowed to me on the ground, saying that she was wrong, that my brother had been paralyzed for so many years and had no husband and wife life. She couldn't bear it. , At this time, she met Jiao Tong, who dragged her into the abyss step by step. She was wrong. If there was no Fanfan, she would die immediately to atone for the sins she committed. However, Fanfan is so small, She can't bear it!"

Chen Bing patted Yuan Ying's back lightly: "There is no medicine for regret in this world. If you do something wrong, you will be punished. Besides, the wrong thing she did is unforgivable. Besides, she has a big reason." You can't cooperate with Jiao Tong to buy the murderer and kill your father-in-law and husband, she is the one who ruined the children and the family, she deserves it, the most pitiful one is Fanfan, and the most innocent one is also Fanfan!"

Although Chen Bing is young, he has experienced his previous life and has a mentality of 60 or [-] years old. Therefore, when people of this age think of a three-year-old child who lost his parents, how pitiful he is.

"You're right, Bingzi, what do you think I should do now?"

"You have no choice. The only way now is to take good care of Fanfan. He is the only blood of your Yuan family. Taking good care of Fanfan will comfort your father and brother's soul in heaven."

Chen Bing stood like this, Yuan Ying lay like this, for an hour, two hours, three hours.
Chen Bing didn't know how long he stood there, Yuan Ying didn't move, and neither did he.

At this moment, Chen Bing heard a knock on the door.

"Miss Yuan, there is someone."

Chen Bing gently pushed Yuan Ying away.

"Come in."

It's Zhou Dahai.

"Mr. Chen, someone is looking for you."

Chen Bing tidied up his clothes a little.

Yuan Ying went into the bathroom.

"Let him in."

A man in his thirties, wearing a suit and leather shoes, and a white trench coat.

After he came in, he stretched out his hand: "Mr. Chen, I have been waiting for a long time!"

Chen Bing gently held his opponent's hand: "May I ask who you are?"

"Vice President of Tiannan Food Company, Peng Haifeng."

"Peng Boss! Please sit down, Boss Peng, the sea, go and make a cup of tea."

Peng Haifeng hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Mr. Chen, don't be too polite. There is a banquet tonight. We, Mr. Wang, invite you. This is an invitation card!"

Chen Bing took the invitation: "Thank you."

"Mr. Chen, I'll take my leave if it's okay!" Peng Haifeng left.

(End of this chapter)

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