Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 141 Pack 1 Pack

Chapter 141

Chen Bing's style today, in that era, was considered a wrist.

The place for the banquet was arranged in the most luxurious hotel in Qinjiang City, 'Wangjiang Tower', and the building where Wangjiang Tower was located was called Wangjiang Building.

Chen Bing was a little surprised, Qinjiang City is bare, and it is very difficult to find a piece of green grass, let alone water, so it took such a strange name 'Wangjiang Tower' or 'Wangjiang Building'. '

In the end, I realized that it might be because of the lack of water that I took such a name.

Chen Bing stepped forward.

Standing on the steps was Peng Haifeng, vice president of Tiannan Food Company.

"Mr. Chen, you are here!" Peng Haifeng saw Chen Bing, and quickly went up to meet him, while looking at Hao Yong and Jia Hu who were behind Chen Bing.

“This place is nice!”

Peng Haifeng lowered his head: "Mr. Chen, this is the most luxurious hotel in this city. Mr. Chen is such a big man. Mr. Wang said that he can't be wronged. Mr. Wang is inside, Mr. Chen please."

Chen Bing nodded, straightened his collar, and strode inside.

This is a Hongmen banquet, Chen Bing knew it before he came.

Damn, now that you're here, it depends on what trick the other party wants to use?

Soldiers come to block the water and cover it with earth. I have been in the mall for so many years, so I am not afraid of this?
Peng Haifeng quickly came forward: "Mr. Chen, the Fugui Hall is here!"

Peng Haifeng took a step forward and pushed open the door of the hall. There were five or six people sitting at a big round table. They were all staring at Chen Bing with smiles on their faces, but their smiles were creepy.

Chen Bing didn't look left and right, but stared straight at an old man in the first seat. If he guessed right, this person must be the president of Qinjiang Food Business Association and the chairman of Tiannan Food Company Wang Tiannan.

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Everyone, I, Chen Bing!"

Wang Tiannan said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, it's really worth seeing once. Mr. Chen is so young, sit down!"

Chen Bing took a look. Damn it, there was only the lowest seat left on the huge round table.

Damn it, it seems that today's banquet is really not going to be a good one.

He doesn't sit in such a position.

"If my guess is correct, you should be Mr. Wang Tiannan?"

"Hehehe, I am Wang Tiannan."

"I received your invitation today, and I declined everything to attend the banquet of Mr. Wang. Hehehe, I didn't expect that there was no seat at all."

Chen Bing likes to speak out.

The faces of all the people present changed drastically, and so did Wang Tiannan's face: "Mr. Chen, isn't this position a position?"

Chen Bing stared at the seat in front of him, and smiled: "I don't eat what you get, and I don't sit on the seat of charity."

"Captain Hao, Jia Hu, let's go!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he quickly walked outside.

No one expected that Chen Bing would come here, Wang Tiannan's old face turned red with embarrassment: "Mr. Chen, wait a minute!"

Chen Bing stood still.

He knew that if he wanted to talk to the other party today, he had to overwhelm the other party in terms of momentum first, otherwise, he had to let others ride on his neck and shit.

"Please tell me, Mr. Wang."

"Mr. Chen, that's very rude!" Wang Tiannan said.

Chen Bing shook his head slightly: "Mr. Wang, it's not that I, Bing Chen, are not polite, but Mr. Wang doesn't understand etiquette!"

"Oh? Tell me, I, Wang Tiannan, as the president of Qinjiang City Food Association and the boss of Tiannan Food Company, have lived for a long time. No one dares to say that I don't understand etiquette. You are the first."

Chen Bing quickly walked up to Wang Tiannan: "Really, Mr. Wang, it seems that your life is not easy. At this age, no one dares to say that you don't understand etiquette!"

After Chen Bing spoke, everyone present turned pale.

Wang Tiannan's old face turned from red to livid.

Chen Bing pressed his hands on the back of Wang Tiannan's chair, facing Wang Tiannan: "Old man, do you think you invited me here today?"

"What's wrong?"

"Okay, your invitation card treats me as a guest!"

Wang Tiannan didn't speak.

"Since you invited me as a guest, then this position is not suitable?" Chen Bing pointed to the lowest position.

In fact, Wang Tiannan knew a long time ago that he wanted to kill Chen Bing's spirit from his position.

Before Wang Tiannan invited Chen Bing, he had sent someone to find out the details of Chen Bing. He knew that Chen Bing ran a canning factory in Yangqing City and had no foundation. The second time I came to Qinjiang, it was obvious that I came here for Qinjiang's food additives.

Damn, how could he let Chen Bing get it so easily.

"Then what position does Mr. Chen want?"

Chen Bing pointed to the seat next to Wang Tiannan: "Mr. Wang, you are the master and I am the guest. Hehe, no matter how powerful you are in Qinjiang City, today, I am your guest, so I should sit here. All the process is the host accompanying the guest!"

Before Chen Bing finished speaking, a man sitting next to Wang Tiannan stood up and cursed: "Chen Bing, what are you? grid!"

Chen Bing smiled slightly: "Mr. Wang, you still have dogs here!"

Everyone's face changed drastically after hearing this.

The other party is not a fool, Chen Bing called him a dog.

"Mr. Wang, the dog should be kept on a leash, otherwise, it's not good to come out and bite people, especially now that there are a lot of rabies, and the state has notified that if you get that kind of disease, there is no cure!" Chen Bing continued in a soft voice.

"Fuck your mother!" The other party's self-cultivation was very low, and he rushed towards Chen Bing quickly.

At this moment, Jia Hu rushed forward and grabbed the opponent's raised fist.

"Don't do it!"

Jia Hu secretly exerted his strength, and the sweat dripped down from the other party's forehead. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and howled.

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Jia Hu, what is this for? If you crush a bone, you can't get it back."

"Yes, Mr. Chen!"

Jia Hu calmed down everyone with one move.

Wang Tiannan's expression turned ugly, he stared at Hao Yong and Jia Hu, and knew that Chen Bing had come prepared this time.

"Mr. Wei, go down and sit down. This seat is reserved for Mr. Chen, lest he say we don't understand etiquette!"

The person whose hand was almost crushed by Jia Hu was Yang Qiong, the vice president of the Qinjiang Business Association.

"Mr. Wang, this kid is playing dirty tricks!"

Wang Tiannan said gloomyly: "I tell you to go and you go!"

Yang Qiong had no choice but to leave, and when she left her seat, she gave Chen Bing a hard look.

"Mr. Chen, this seat is reserved for you, you can sit now!"

Chen Bing sat down with a smile.

Wang Tiannan still wanted to speak, but Chen Bing shouted outside: "Waiter!"

A service worker came in and stared at Chen Bing.

"Take down the dishes on this table, and build a new table for me according to the dishes. I am a guest, and if the guests don't come, how can the host use the dishes? Besides, I, Chen Bing, don't like to eat other people's saliva dishes!"

(End of this chapter)

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